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Discussion Post your gym routine

  • Thread starter Thread starter Deleted member 344
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Deleted member 344

I'll start:

Pull day:
Lat pulldowns for 12x4(Reps x sets)
2 minute pause
In pauses hammer curls

Cable Row 12x4
Bicep curls between sets

And cable curls 12x4

Push day:

Chest press 12x4
Pec-Deck Machine 12x4
bodyweight push up for 3 sets
Dips for 4 sets

Pretty shitty right now
But it is what it is
Post yours
Lats :

  • Light Shoulder Width Cable Pullovers (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Behind-The-Neck Lat Pulldowns (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns with an Overhand Grip (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Shoulder-Width Grip Lat Pulldowns with an Overhand Grip (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Shoulder-Width Grip Lat Pulldowns with an Underhand Grip (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Cable Rows (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Light Wide Grip Cable Pullovers (4 x 10-15 reps)
I'll start:

Pull day:
Lat pulldowns for 12x4(Reps x sets)
2 minute pause
In pauses hammer curls

Cable Row 12x4
Bicep curls between sets

And cable curls 12x4

Push day:

Chest press 12x4
Pec-Deck Machine 12x4
bodyweight push up for 3 sets
Dips for 4 sets

Pretty shitty right now
But it is what it is
Post yours

It's not a bad routine it's decent if you are a beginner.
i recommend doing farmer's walk. it really fucks up your forearms, biceps, traps, shoulders, and even legs if they are untrained. really good exercise
I'll start:

Pull day:
Lat pulldowns for 12x4(Reps x sets)
2 minute pause
In pauses hammer curls

Cable Row 12x4
Bicep curls between sets

And cable curls 12x4

Push day:

Chest press 12x4
Pec-Deck Machine 12x4
bodyweight push up for 3 sets
Dips for 4 sets

Pretty shitty right now
But it is what it is
Post yours
Similar to yours
It’s basically a modified push pull legs, just sometimes I miss leg day
Make sure you do big compound movements otherwise you’re cucking yourself like bench press, deadlift/bent over rows, overhead press
I’d recommend adding side lateral raises, they helped my shoulders look more capped. Make sure you look up on google the correct form, it’s hard to isolate the side delt.
Also add in a neck routine to do everyday with one day rest plus also incorporating traps on pull day
Neck is THE most important + underrated muscle to train as it improves your face and frauds high testosterone to females. Just look up neck training before and after on google images or if you want I’ll pm you my neck transformation which ascended my face
1. Bench Press 4×4-6 2. Incline Cable Fly 3×12-15 3. Standing Db Press 4×10-12 4. Lateral Raise 4×12-15 5. Tricep Pressdown 4×12-15 6. Static Db Holds 2×60 secs
1-Arm Lat Pull-In: 2 x 15-20 Pull Up: 3 x 6-8 Meadows Row: 3 x 10-12 Omni Grip Pull Down (Wide, Medium, Reverse): 3 x 12-15 Face Pull: 2 x 15-20 Reverse Pec Deck: 2 x 15-20 Band Pull Aparts: 2 x 15-20 Ez-Bar Bicep Curl: 3 x 6-8 Incline Dumbbell Curl: 2 x 15-20 Rack Pull: 3 x 6-8
1. Bench Press 4×4-6 2. Incline Cable Fly 3×12-15 3. Standing Db Press 4×10-12 4. Lateral Raise 4×12-15 5. Tricep Pressdown 4×12-15 6. Static Db Holds 2×60 secs
1-Arm Lat Pull-In: 2 x 15-20 Pull Up: 3 x 6-8 Meadows Row: 3 x 10-12 Omni Grip Pull Down (Wide, Medium, Reverse): 3 x 12-15 Face Pull: 2 x 15-20 Reverse Pec Deck: 2 x 15-20 Band Pull Aparts: 2 x 15-20 Ez-Bar Bicep Curl: 3 x 6-8 Incline Dumbbell Curl: 2 x 15-20 Rack Pull: 3 x 6-8
twig legs
I currently paused gymcelling due to final exams. But here is what i used to do and will do later :

1st day : Back

Cardio first - 1/2k run.
a) seated row - 60kg and then slowly bring the weight down to 45kg during the last set. 12 reps, 4 sets.
b) lat pull down - I start of with 55kg and reduce it to 45 at the end. 12 reps, 4 sets.
c) morning raises - (lower back) holding a 15kg weight plate. 15-20 reps, 6 sets
d) dumbell row - 17.5 kg for one side, 12 reps, 4 sets
e) Barbell row - 30 kg . 12 reps, 3 sets.
f) Pull ups - I start of without assisted, but then use a assisting band. 10 reps, 3 sets.
g) Cool down cardio - 1k run and 500 skips (skipping rope).

2nd day Chest and abs

Cardio first - 1/2k run.

a) Chest press - 12 reps, 3 sets
b) pec flys - 12 reps, 3 sets
c) Bench press - 40 kg - 45 kg, 12 reps, 4 sets
d) Stomach crunches - with weights 10 kg, 50 in one go. 2 sets
e) Cool down cardio.

3rd day - Arms and Legs (usually during weekends)

Cardio first 1/2k run

a) leg extension - 75kg 12 reps, 5 sets
b) prone leg curl - 25kg12 reps,3 sets
c) leg curl (seated) - 50kg 12 reps , 3 sets
d) leg press - 120 kg - 75kg, 15 reps, 4 sets
e) calf raises - 25 kgs, 12 reps, 4 sets.
f) bicep curls - 12.5 kg - 10kg, 12 reps 5 sets
g) Tricep cable pulldown - 30 kg, 15 reps, 4 sets
h) Shoulder raises - 20 kgs on each side 10 reps 3 sets.
i) dumbell curls (forearms) - 35 kg, 10 reps 4 sets.
j) Shoulder press (barbell) - 25 kgs, 15 reps, 4 sets.
h) Cool down cardio.

Sunday - Push
Monday - Pull
Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Push (Lighter)
Friday - Pull (Lighter
Saturday - Legs (Lighter)


Bench Press 3x8, OHP 3x8, Standing Arnold Press 3x10, Incline Bench Press 3x8

DL 5x5 SS, Barbell Curls 3x8, Pullups 3 x failure, (Light Day) Chin ups 3 x failure

ATG Barbell Squat 5x5

down for advice
Sunday - Push
Monday - Pull
Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Push (Lighter)
Friday - Pull (Lighter
Saturday - Legs (Lighter)

Bench Press 3x8, OHP 3x8, Standing Arnold Press 3x10, Incline Bench Press 3x8
DL 5x5 SS, Barbell Curls 3x8, Pullups 3 x failure, (Light Day) Chin ups 3 x failure
ATG Barbell Squat 5x5

down for advice
Can't believe you have time almost everyday, to go to the gym.
Full Body Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Week 1 A, B, A. Week 2 B, A, B. Repeat.

Workout A
Zercher Squat 3x4-6
Pause Bench 3x4-6
Pendlay Row 3x4-6
Overhead Dumbbell Extension 3x6-10
EZ Bar Preacher Curl 3x6-10
Romanian Deadlift 3x6-10
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10-15
Face Pulls 3x20

Workout B
Zercher Squat 3x4-6
Paused Overhead Press 3x4-6
Conventional Deadlift 1x5
Close Grip Bench 3x6-8
Weighted Chin up 3x3-5
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10-15
Face Pulls 3x20
Full Body Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Week 1 A, B, A. Week 2 B, A, B. Repeat.

Workout A
Zercher Squat 3x4-6
Pause Bench 3x4-6
Pendlay Row 3x4-6
Overhead Dumbbell Extension 3x6-10
EZ Bar Preacher Curl 3x6-10
Romanian Deadlift 3x6-10
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10-15
Face Pulls 3x20

Workout B
Zercher Squat 3x4-6
Paused Overhead Press 3x4-6
Conventional Deadlift 1x5
Close Grip Bench 3x6-8
Weighted Chin up 3x3-5
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10-15
Face Pulls 3x20
zercher? oh shit what does that feel like? doesnt it fuck up your skin and block your veins?
Lats :

  • Light Shoulder Width Cable Pullovers (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Behind-The-Neck Lat Pulldowns (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns with an Overhand Grip (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Shoulder-Width Grip Lat Pulldowns with an Overhand Grip (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Shoulder-Width Grip Lat Pulldowns with an Underhand Grip (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Cable Rows (4 x 10-15 reps)
  • Light Wide Grip Cable Pullovers (4 x 10-15 reps)
jfl doing 28 sets for the lats
Seeing all your guys post your routines is making me feel like a piece of shit because i haven't started to go to the gym yet, i should go but i am lazy... :(
ogre for you wanted to contribute to this thread but dont even know what a barbell curl is
good job youve been following althean x ever since jeff was a fetus, but do you ever visit the gym?
I really wanted to workout, but then i realized that i don't have a good frame and that made me lose motivation, there's no reason to try to gain muscle if i will lose it once i get clavicle lengthening surgery, another thing that annoys me is that i dont even know how should I train, everyone say something diferent, i dont even know which programs/exercises are the best and i dont want to spend my time following an unefective program and making barely gains...

Same with nutrition, i dont know what i should eat to gain muscle :(

Also i cant afford a gym membership right now so the only way i cant train is at home, i have a few gym machines and weights my brother bought but that's all, there's exercises that i cant perform beacuse i dont have the equipment so i cant just search some routine on Internet and follow it because there will be exercises i cant do, i once made a thread asking for advice on .me

And even if i get a routine and i follow it i would have to stop once school starts, because i wouldn't have enough time to study and workout everyday so i wouldn't be able to train with constancy.

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I really wanted to workout, but then i realized that i don't have a good frame and that made me lose motivation, there's no reason to try to gain muscle if i will lose it once i get clavicle lengthening surgery, another thing that annoys me is that i dont even know how should I train, everyone say something diferent, i dont even know which programs/exercises are the best and i dont want to spend my time following an unefective program and making barely gains...

Also i cant afford a gym membership right now so the only way i cant train is at home, i have a few gym machines and weights my brother bought but that's all, there's exercises that i cant perform beacuse i dont have the equipment so i cant just search some routine on Internet and follow it because there will be exercises i cant do, i once made a thread asking for advice on .me

And even if i get a routine and i follow it i would have to stop once school starts, because i wouldn't have enough time to study and workout everyday so i wouldn't be able to train with constancy.


you have wide shoulders/small waist, what's wrong with your frame?
you have wide shoulders/small waist, what's wrong with your frame?
Bad ribcage to hips ratio

My shoulders are not that wide, the may be decent but not wide enough, when i have a shirt on i look totally average,mediocre, nothing special
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I really wanted to workout, but then i realized that i don't have a good frame and that made me lose motivation, there's no reason to try to gain muscle if i will lose it once i get clavicle lengthening surgery, another thing that annoys me is that i dont even know how should I train, everyone say something diferent, i dont even know which programs/exercises are the best and i dont want to spend my time following an unefective program and making barely gains...

Same with nutrition, i dont know what i should eat to gain muscle

Also i cant afford a gym membership right now so the only way i cant train is at home, i have a few gym machines and weights my brother bought but that's all, there's exercises that i cant perform beacuse i dont have the equipment so i cant just search some routine on Internet and follow it because there will be exercises i cant do, i once made a thread asking for advice on .me

And even if i get a routine and i follow it i would have to stop once school starts, because i wouldn't have enough time to study and workout everyday so i wouldn't be able to train with constancy.
I also don't have a good frame or height, but it's my cope. Your frame might not be brian shaw tier but it's not ninja turtle tier so if you gain muscle, it will only look better, not worse. You can also just do upper body and very little legs as well as no ab/oblique and your frame will look bigger

As for nutrition, it also depends. If you are a truecel I strongly suggest OgreMaxxing where the goal is to be very strong and happy and not lean and aesthetic. If you believe you have a change, lean bulking is the way, which basically means you have to only eat 200-300 calories over your maintenance and have to track calories daily or make a diet plan for every day and stick to it. I recommend 80g+ of fats (not from plants, so no downing an entire bag of nuts), 150g+ of protein and the rest carbs

And the last part about working out during school time is your choice. I'm not gonna tell you there's no way in the world you can't find 1 hour in a day to lift if you really want to gain muscle, but if you really don't then maybe this isn't for you and you aren't that motivated to gain muscle yet