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Rate me (brutaly honest)


New member
Dec 1, 2023
Many people tell me i look good but i dont view myself that good i see flaws but dont know where they are if you could tell me where are they thank you


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Many people tell me i look good but i dont view myself that good i see flaws but dont know where they are if you could tell me where are they thank you
you are the most ugliest person that I've ever seen. I cant even give you a rate because of how bad you look. honestly it would be better if you just went bald and sold drugs. Go lose some weight buddy.
looks average, maybe a 6. skin near beard looks bad, unsure if acne or a bad shave. could be a 7 with a glowup.

uee a non issue imo. to get hunter eyes they would need a change to their entire facial structure and that's not going to happen
hollow cheeks, good eyes, practicly perfect jawline, good eyebrows, something of acne, you have a good nose, cool lips, i recomend you make something with yopur hair, let it grow and put it some style
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
you are the most ugliest person that I've ever seen. I cant even give you a rate because of how bad you look. honestly it would be better if you just went bald and sold drugs. Go lose some weight buddy.
Ty bro will do😂
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  • #10
You now, God has favorites 🥰 and i can tell it's clearly not you. Your eyebrows are too circular and they lack structure, too thick and they're high set, your eyes look bulging, improper lower jaw development, bad hair cut , your nose has a bulbous tip it is crooked and it's too fat, your canthal tilt doesn't stand out, signs of underdeveloped upper maxilla and cheekbones, asymmetrical face, too much upper lid exposure, your philtrum is far too wide, neck is too thin, little to no brow ridge definition.
Thank you a lot bro for taking the time if you have any tips i will be really happy❤️
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #12
You now, God has favorites 🥰 and i can tell it's clearly not you. Your eyebrows are too circular and they lack structure, too thick and they're high set, your eyes look bulging, improper lower jaw development, bad hair cut , your nose has a bulbous tip it is crooked and it's too fat, your canthal tilt doesn't stand out, signs of underdeveloped upper maxilla and cheekbones, asymmetrical face, too much upper lid exposure, your philtrum is far too wide, neck is too thin, little to no brow ridge definition.
Btw my upper maxilla is actually overdeveloped and i hate it and want to push it back my lips are too small and i guess that could give it btw my nose is straight but ur right its fat its also too long

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