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rate me? im concerned I have too much confidence and I don't look as good as I think I do

Bud thinks I'm sending the supposed 14 year old whore my dick pics
Imagine actually sending it tho. It’s gonna end up in the hands of some 30yr old neck beard whose hard drive desperately needs to be checked.
Bit hard to prove isn't it? Regardless, you're not getting attention from me.
Why do people care tho? Even if it isn’t her the photos are aesthetically pleasing. Just move on gng, if it is her she’s baiting for attention. I don’t give a fuck tho, just came to rate
Why do people care tho? Even if it isn’t her the photos are aesthetically pleasing. Just move on gng, if it is her she’s baiting for attention. I don’t give a fuck tho, just came to rate
Just say you want that discord puss and call it quits bro 💯