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rate me? im concerned I have too much confidence and I don't look as good as I think I do

ok show me where you've seen them on TikTok LOL no way ur trying to say im using my pics to catfish give me the @ of the girl you've supposedly seen
Yeah buddy as if I remember the exact username of the video I seen 3 days ago.
I'm not sheldon mate
prove im catfishing shitty pics though help
Idgaf if you’re actually a female either. If you’re actually a female, then I don’t care abt you even more. That means you just want attention from incels.
You're gonna pull nothing besides horny fat pedos lol, also you r only 14 tf r you doing
"She" is a rotting 24 year old male with nothing better to do, on account of being horribly disfigured due to countless years of screen staring and laziness.