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Rating advice

I no gay guys
I like the girls
Stop making fun of me
I thought we are all trucel and looksmaxxing so we can be chadd
You r****d.

Truecel means that there is no hope of Ascension.

You have to be at least a 4-5/10 (IRL) in order to looksmax.

Idk how you cope with that height lmao. Just LDAR, because there's now at you could reach the rope at your ceiling.
You r****d.

Truecel means that there is no hope of Ascension.

You have to be at least a 4-5/10 (IRL) in order to looksmax.

Idk how you cope with that height lmao. Just LDAR, because there's now at you could reach the rope at your ceiling.
So there no way to get a taller
Please tag some guy man please

Do you have any other friend on this place man?
So there no way to get a taller
Please tag some guy man please

Do you have any other friend on this place man?
I tag ur mother next time, stop asking for tags.

Yes, my other friend is the rope, you to will make a good couple.

You can grow taller I think till 18, but don't expect more than 2 inches. You'll still never go past 5ft 5, plus you're ethnic with fucked facial ratios and long midface, so... I'm sorry.
I tag ur mother next time, stop asking for tags.

Yes, my other friend is the rope, you to will make a good couple.

You can grow taller I think till 18, but don't expect more than 2 inches. You'll still never go past 5ft 5, plus you're ethnic with fucked facial ratios and long midface, so... I'm sorry.
Ok man just please tell me the other users here
I will tag please I begging for it
JFL at this garbage thread
@john you should have told me about this chaotic situation I would have ended it quick

Ok OP here is the answer you are looking for
Many told you it's over. I say it never began for you.

Obviously you want to cope and roping is not what you are looking that case this is your only option. Pay close attention

1) Limb lengthening surgery: height is your biggest failo by far. Get a job and start saving for LL so you can get it when you are 23/24 maybe....

2) get thicker longer eyebrows: your current eyebrows are cuck tier. Look into eyebrow Transplants

3) Start taking HGH and AI. Work out and be in a caloric surplus. Forget about facial aesthetics. You need all the food and PEDs to get taller legs/spine plus wider clavicles. Your frame is bad. Start roiding and work out hard.

Do this for the next 5 years. If it yields no result for you then rope.
JFL at this garbage thread
@john you should have told me about this chaotic situation I would have ended it quick

Ok OP here is the answer you are looking for
Many told you it's over. I say it never began for you.

Obviously you want to cope and roping is not what you are looking that case this is your only option. Pay close attention

1) Limb lengthening surgery: height is your biggest failo by far. Get a job and start saving for LL so you can get it when you are 23/24 maybe....

2) get thicker longer eyebrows: your current eyebrows are cuck tier. Look into eyebrow Transplants

3) Start taking HGH and AI. Work out and be in a caloric surplus. Forget about facial aesthetics. You need all the food and PEDs to get taller legs/spine plus wider clavicles. Your frame is bad. Start roiding and work out hard.

Do this for the next 5 years. If it yields no result for you then rope.
Omg thanks you man
But it too expensive for me. My frame not bad man.

Why everyone of you try to hate me?