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Rating advice

I gonna get you now
Omg thanks you man
But it too expensive for me. My frame not bad man.

Why everyone of you try to hate me?
What is your bideltoid width (in inches)?

You're saying that you've got a good frame don't you?
I have 15 inches across man that is very big.

It never even started for you.

Jfl at you for even thinking 15 inches is big. You're the biggest coper i've seen in a while.

I've got 19.25 inches and it looks so small, you'll have a hard time coping.

You miserable loser, the average is much more than 15 inches. You'll just have to tie your arms to two horses , make them run away and expect to get halved even in the pipe dream of getting 17 inch shoulders. Just lol.
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It never even started for you.

Jfl at you for even thinking 15 inches is big. You're the biggest coper i've seen in a while.

I've got 19.25 inches and it looks so small, you'll have a hard time coping.

You miserable loser, the average is much more than 15 inches. You'll just have to tie your arms to two horses , make them run away and expect to get halved even in the pipe dream of getting 17 inch shoulders. Just lol.
Stop you hating man I only 16
Stop you hating man I only 16
I had 18 inch bideltoid at 16, keep crying.

Not only did you lose the genetic lottery, didn't even come close to getting decent genes.