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Info Risks of raw meat

stop coping with muh they can be malnourished and still have good genes
They can and are they have good bones because of genetics if dad has good bones and mom has bones children will have bones
North Korea has been malnourished for 4 generations
They look like upper class people
Like in my pottengers study thread it takes a lot longer than he predicted for deformities to occur
they are also upper percentile and cherrypicked
guaranteed the average NK resident looks worse than south korea if equal facial leanness
if they have pictures taken of them they are likely not malnourished
North Korea is so malnourished it's the main cause of death besides killing or labor
They can and are they have good bones because of genetics if dad has good bones and mom has bones children will have bones
What do you think genetics are based off of? thats a wild assumption to think the kids will have good bones just because the parents do
North Korea is so malnourished it's the main cause of death besides killing or labor
Im saying these are cherrypicked
The soliders get fed well
the guy above likely does too
What do you think genetics are based off of? thats a wild assumption to think the kids will have good bones just because the parents do
That's how genetics work bones are purely genetic
They get fed shit with zero nutrients
Cope as fuck
people join the military so their family doesnt die
they are much wealthier than the average non military North Korean
It will generationally
No because genetics if you don't have good bones and your wife doesn't have good bones your children won't have good bones genetics 101
No because genetics if you don't have good bones and your wife doesn't have good bones your children won't have good bones genetics 101
Every human has a blueprint
This is generally with other traits
It's not a choice in north Korea it's mandatory
Ok well theres higher ranking and lower ranking
You likely showed higher ranking officers
Look at the incels parents that will tell you all you need
Ralph Maccio, insane SMV in his primes kids:
Anyways it takes generations so its pointless to look at parents purely
Exactly no diet will change that
Your natural diet and environment will assist your blueprint
Its useless now sure, but you can still see some benefits
its mainly for your future generations
Dad has no features that could make a kid chad bug eyes thin lips shit nose
Insane SMV and appeal in his prime so cope