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Info Risks of raw meat

No proof of that or of gym stunting growth
You need calories to grow
If you go to the gym you burn calories and use protein and amino acids for muscle growth
that your body could be utilizing for growth of body
puts strain on it, increases the chances of health issues by over calorie consumption
If they burned calories in the gym they are not overeating thier body will replace the calories burned and give the rest to other things in the body
If they burned calories in the gym they are not overeating thier body will replace the calories burned and give the rest to other things in the body
Its still overeating whether the body utilizes it all or not
Ik so how did jon skywalker stunt height with gym when he started at 15
I've already explained
Unless he was done growing at 15 theres likely chance he stunted it
Perhaps he barely stunted it, maybe a cm or two but you never know
Its still overeating whether the body utilizes it all or not
Overeating is eating when your body doesn't need more calories and eating above your maintenance
I've already explained
Unless he was done growing at 15 theres likely chance he stunted it
Perhaps he barely stunted it, maybe a cm or two but you never know
No chance has showed gym stunts growth when done correctly
Overeating is eating when your body doesn't need more calories and eating above your maintenance
overeating is when you consume too much food in general, doesnt matter if you exercise it off
No chance has showed gym stunts growth when done correctly
If muscle growth building uses nutrients and calories then yes it potentially stunts growth
overeating is when you consume too much food in general, doesnt matter if you exercise it off
Literally not how that works if you burn them you lost the calories
They rule before the other too but they all work together
They cant work together if theres hardly anything to go on from
most people have good genetics
Literally not how that works if you burn them you lost the calories
But you still consumed the calories. thats overeating , doesnt matter if you burn them, you still consumed them and technically over ate
Same on how raw meat potentially can give you parasites and viruses
The chances of being stunted in the gym are higher
It changes your hormones as well
They cant work together if theres hardly anything to go on from
most people have good genetics
They can that human body use them are the source for.both
But you still consumed the calories. thats overeating , doesnt matter if you burn them, you still consumed them and technically over ate
Yes you ate them but the calories are no longer in your system
They can that human body use them are the source for.both
if theres nothing to go off of, you are gonna have underdeveloped deformed human
No proof of this
Logical proof
If you dont have the resources to meet the blueprint and your gym needds
Then it will be stunted or delayed
Its still overeating lol
It *was* overeating your body will not store those calories because they have been burned nothing to store not fat will be gained
Brah how did this get 4 pages
When need scientifical proof 🤓 jfl but the evidence shows gym does not stunt growth
Sure, but from a logical perspective it would stunt it slightly. Mostly insignificant however
Sure, but from a logical perspective it would stunt it slightly. Mostly insignificant however
Height is almost all genetic the part that's not genetic is diet gym has no effect on either gym won't chnage genetics nor will it stop you from eating nutrients
Diet is 100% cope meeks had meth parents and ate shit
More retardation
Its generational
You also dont know the full stories of him
Height is almost all genetic the part that's not genetic is diet gym has no effect on either gym won't chnage genetics nor will it stop you from eating nutrients
You cant even define genetics and what they are effected by
More retardation
Its generational
You also dont know the full stories of him
Meeks lived In good and was poor it's all genetic that's literally the blackpill
Meeks lived In good and was poor it's all genetic that's literally the blackpill
Poor = means nothing
Genetic by your definition= influenced by nothing and its all luck
Blackpill = genetics are everything
I know Genetics can be effected but they matter more than diet is what I'm saying
Genetics = diet and environment over generations
Not saying raw meat is the only way btw but its ideal