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Info Risks of raw meat

They would have died if they were auschwitz tier starved which they werent stop making shit up
They would have died if they were auschwitz tier starved which they werent stop making shit up
They are dying also stop barking I'm not.maiing shit up they are jew level starved
They are dying also stop barking I'm not.maiing shit up they are jew level starved
They would have died off you have no concept of human health
How he has no good features that can make a good looking kid he has too many falios
Too many failos while he rails your oneitis
if that wasnt a good example look at alain delons son
Not how it works buddy
Yes, it is. you need food to be fertile and to have a sex drive. the massive famine happened in the 90s and people still survived
Delon has bug eyes and thin lips also average bones and height none of these can make a chad or cl
Hes high psl as fuck so his children should be too
Cope didn't even watch the video has nk escapees talk about it
Why would I watch that bullshit?
NK escapees are likely larp
Yes, it is. you need food to be fertile and to have a sex drive. the massive famine happened in the 90s and people still survived
They have food bro they are malnourished because its so little how so you think people in the gulag lived while being so skinny they give them enough just to survive
They have food bro they are malnourished because its so little how so you think people in the gulag lived while being so skinny they give them enough just to survive
Not even half lol
You showed 3 people to prove Muh diet is cope with 0 background of their familys looks, 0 knowledge of their diet, and are blabbering
Why would I watch that bullshit?
NK escapees are likely larp
Yeah bro "larp" from real escapees with real identification and asylum by the united states yeah bro alright
How he has good harmony that's it also psl is cope
PSL = appeal
Tiktokcel normie bullshit saying its cope
Delon was regarding as one of the most handsome men in the world
Not even half lol
Yeah bro trust north korean news
Yeah bro "larp" from real escapees with real identification and asylum by the united states yeah bro alright
Anyways look above its all a percentiles game
You showed 3 people to prove Muh diet is cope with 0 background of their familys looks, 0 knowledge of their diet, and are blabbering
Nk is all I need to know look at the nation
Definitely not cope and paid
Your examples are bullshit and lack evidence
Malnutrition over generations = skeletal deformities and shorter stature
Gymming during puberty = shorter potential stature
How that website is literally north korean ran
ignore that point
you still dont have the full picture and cite a bullshit secretive country for muh bones
David laid 6'4
Jon skywalker 6'4.5
Laid is 6'2
Regardless they may have been done growing
Its mainly during younger years it stunts or if still growing
Yes, malnourishment can significantly lower fertility in both men and women, as inadequate nutrition disrupts hormonal balance and affects the proper functioning of reproductive organs, making it harder to conceive; this is particularly prevalent in regions where undernutrition is common, impacting ovulation and sperm production