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Info Risks of raw meat

Because they all want to focus on one diet like vegan,carnivore,keto etc
Yeah bro mainstream nutrition science wants to focus on specific fad diets
Jerking, doesnt require porn, doesnt lower testosterone in moderation, doesnt make you blind, doesnt give you anymore brain fog than nofap
none of this would improve your looks
stop coping with ts and take dihexa, add more choline to diet or take alpha gdc
Dude.... nofap is literally a looksmax your smen has nutrients when you busy you loose them and guess what they don't get replaced over night it takes days
Dude.... nofap is literally a looksmax your smen has nutrients when you busy you loose them and guess what they don't get replaced over night it takes days
Its used solely for sperm production
It will be waste in your balls if you dont use it anyways
In conclusion: shit thread
ill make my points on transformations and realistic improvements from the diet and benefits
Cope this thread is poof of raw meat cope everyone can see
nothing coping about it
utilized with other things it will ascend you and your bloodline
its not meant to be the sole thing you do lol
you just think its a negative thing which it isnt
nothing coping about it
utilized with other things it will ascend you and your bloodline
its not meant to be the sole thing you do lol
you just think its a negative thing which it isnt
Whatever makes you happy man ❤️
2 genetics are random literally why genetic recombination exist
yes, thats called evolution
genetics are random
sometimes this randomness is good so it allows for survival
and that gene combo survives and goes onto the next gen, and that gene becomes more prominent in the population
if the randomness is bad then the organism dies
so that randomness is very low % to none in the population
this is natural selection

google says
Evolution is considered both a fact and a theory in science; the fact is that organisms change over time, while the theory of evolution explains the mechanisms behind how this change occurs, making it a well-supported explanation for the observed phenomenon of evolution.

  • Fact of evolution:
    This refers to the observable evidence that living organisms have changed and adapted throughout history, which is supported by a vast amount of scientific data from various fields like genetics, paleontology, and comparative anatomy.

  • Theory of evolution:
    This is the scientific explanation for how these changes occur, primarily through natural selection and genetic variation, providing a framework to understand the mechanisms driving evolution.
Key points to remember:
    • In science, a "fact" is an observation that has been repeatedly confirmed and is widely accepted as true.
    • A "theory" is a well-substantiated explanation that incorporates facts and can be tested and refined through further research.
yes, thats called evolution
genetics are random
sometimes this randomness is good so it allows for survival
and that gene combo survives and goes onto the next gen, and that gene becomes more prominent in the population
if the randomness is bad then the organism dies
so that randomness is very low % to none in the population
"Muh darwin is ugly tho so hes wrong" - CloneDrone 2025
1. Foodborne Illness

Raw meat harbors harmful bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria, and Campylobacter

Parasites like trichinella (found in pork) and Toxoplasma gondii (found in undercooked meats not cope)

These cause severe food poisoning, gastrointestinal distress + long term health issues

2. Nutrition

Cooking meat enhances digestibility and can make certain nutrients, like protein and some vitamins, more bioavailable

Raw meat contains antinutritional factors that inhibit nutrient absorption

3. Parasites (water)

Consuming raw meat increases the risk of parasitic infections, which will cause serious health complications long term

4. Cross Contamination

raw meat will spread bacteria to surfaces, utensils, and other foods if proper hygiene is not maintained

5. Immune System Vulnerability

People with weakened immune systems, children, pregnant women, the elderly, or those with chronic illnesses, are vulnerable to raw meat risks

No cope in this thread all facts

Tagging the raw meat avengers
@PrimalPlasty @Whitepill @RAJ GHRANDHICK @Axii
i personally stay away from pork at all mostly
Goatis would say that parasites are natural parts of the human body and gut flora? Which is it
At first they are bad (if you have never had before)
They are also bad if you consume toxins along with them
I suggest searing your meat and working your way up to raw
Eat healthy animals over unhealthy regardless of parasites because pathogens are harmful and healthy has more nutrients
Or just work your way up to getting used to them, i wouldnt consider them good though they can cause damage
Your my favourite mod now
thanks, appreciate it man

clavicular hates my ass, he is a day 1 hater shitting on me and trying to get me off the org mod team
any tips?
thanks, appreciate it man

clavicular hates my ass, he is a day 1 hater shitting on me and trying to get me off the org mod team
any tips?


thanks, appreciate it man

clavicular hates my ass, he is a day 1 hater shitting on me and trying to get me off the org mod team
any tips?
yeah just bully him for wearing lifts pretty much, that’ll shut him up
alright, next time i will be sure to point that out >: )
isn’t he sub mod now, pretty sure here got demoted after him banning me jfl

if your higher up than him just modmog him I guess, modding here and .com is brutal modmog imo already
isn’t he sub mod now, pretty sure here got demoted after him banning me jfl

if your higher up than him just modmog him I guess, modding here and .com is brutal modmog imo already
i heard of his demodding but i forgot

im a subsection ratings moderator 🥺 no modmog
Cope, if you know anything about fully cooking meat you cant tell that easily

Its about high balanced hormones
also jfl so this guy doesnt have high test :View attachment 60679
he is kasana from the samburu tribe of kenya and he doesn't eat raw meat but he drinks raw milk and blood
continually you fail to explain why, that really says something
Clone is unironically the lowest iq person on this site
But he has a good personality and makes ok threads once a blue moon
continually you fail to explain why, that really says something
Yeah bro just debunk evolution for the 100000000000000th time theory