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Info Risks of raw meat

Genes is all that matters for your looks and kids looks not f****t raw meat and looksmaxxing
The utter formation and development of your kids is determined by nutrients, the parents nutrients, and their ancestors nutrients coupled with environment. eatings grains and eating plants are going to lead to your bloodline deteriorating and eventually dying out and creating incels regardless of genetics
just say you dont understand building blocks of facial development, human hormones and how they effect development
Genetics play a role but they are all influenced by something
just deny darwins theory of evolution ig
Looksmaxxing determines the attractiveness of your partner that you can obtain
The utter formation and development of your kids is determined by nutrients, the parents nutrients, and their ancestors nutrients
You can't just replace the word genetics with nutrients

Genetics is literally what makes you nood fucking food from your ancestors
You can't just replace the word genetics with nutrients

Genetics is literally what makes you nood fucking food from your ancestors
the food from your ancestors matters a lot though
im not trying to replace it but it makes a big role
Ive read every single post
You 1. dont understand nutrition and the vitality of meeting all micro and macro nutrients, over generations and this current generation 2. think genetics are a magical factor that is just like the wheel of fortune and influenced by absolutely nothing as you deny Evolution 3. tried to justify diet being cope by showing 3 north korean soldiers with good bones
Ive read every single post
You 1. dont understand nutrition and the vitality of meeting all micro and macro nutrients, over generations and this current generation 2. think genetics are a magical factor that is just like the wheel of fortune and influenced by absolutely nothing as you deny Evolution 3. tried to justify diet being cope by showing 3 north korean soldiers with good bones
This whole post is cope

1 I understand nutrition I have studied because I'm into fitness also it's not that hard

2 genetics are random literally why genetic recombination exist

3 Darwin is cope he proved nothing and died retarded
This whole post is cope

1 I understand nutrition I have studied because I'm into fitness also it's not that hard
Gymbro tier nutrition info
2 genetics are random literally why genetic recombination exist
Not denying that but theres more at play than just that

3 Darwin is cope he proved nothing and died retarded
"proved nothing" He explained how traits are created and how adaptations form. r****d christcuck cope
Still nutrition info also cope I'm very knowledgeable about this no larp
nothing you have provided has signified any sort of intelligence on the topic
its also very complicated and not simple by any means
proved nothing" He explained how traits are created and how adaptations form. r****d christcuck cope
It'd called a theory for a reason that's what it is that tin foil hat wearing ltn can keep coping with ape dna
It'd called a theory for a reason that's what it is that tin foil hat wearing ltn can keep coping with ape dna
"overwhelming consensus within the scientific community" most brainlet user on this forum unironically recommends nofap in 2025
nothing you have provided has signified any sort of intelligence on the topic
its also very complicated and not simple by any means
Nutrition is very ez just balance everything and cut out soy
"overwhelming consensus within the scientific community" most brainlet user on this forum unironically recommends nofap in 2025
Darwin theory not Darwins fact also ofc the circle jerk nerds agree with him
Alright bro
Im not even joking
All of your threads on Goatis/ Raw meat have been:
  1. Diet is cope
  2. Goatis is a bad person
  3. We wuz evolvin to eat meat n shiet but I deny evolution
1st is right 2nd is OK but still valid here
Its all cope until 5 generations down the line your kids are autistic and deformed from lack of animal fat
Jerking = low testosterone,penial tearing,blindness,porn brain,brain fog etc
Jerking, doesnt require porn, doesnt lower testosterone in moderation, doesnt make you blind, doesnt give you anymore brain fog than nofap
none of this would improve your looks
stop coping with ts and take dihexa, add more choline to diet or take alpha gdc