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Serious Satan wants you to doubt he never existed.


Professional Thugmaxxer
Sep 12, 2024
the penitentiary
typo in the title is done on purpose. The world is misleading. Satan's goal is not to make you think he existed but to make you think that he never did.

Thread earlier made by @Pavel reminded me of this.

I am going to tell you the same thing I told him. I know that this may affect my reputation on this forum but it is most important that you all hear this message.

Even though Im from the streets I am a christian and I am a believer. The reason why hell was created is because people have the choice to follow him and be good or fall into evil and reject him. It is fair because they had the option to avoid such a thing. God created humans with their own free will. He wanted us to make our own decisions instead of him controlling us. Because he let us make our own decisions, we have the ability to do evil things or good things, He wanted us to make the choice to do evil and reject him or do good and love him. He wanted to know for sure that we loved him without controlling us to do so as that is what was important to him.

You say that it is not a good idea to believe in something we can't see. Let's take a look at George Washington for example. We know that he is the 1st president of the united states but we have never seen him. It is what was taught to us. We can see it through history books etc.

So how is the Bible any different. 1000's of manuscripts were created over 1000's of years with each one being found having few inconsistencies. Therefore, if we think that George Washington was the first president through history books, Jesus was proclaimed to be the savior through the Bible which has existed through thousands of years.

We take a look at how man created things such as cars, buildings, and everyday things that you use. We know that someone must have created them. In fact, you probably don't know who created many of the things that you use daily. So that means that the very materials that man uses must also have been created by someone else.

The main point of Satan is to make you believe in lies, doubt God and yourself and ultimately tear you away from Jesus if you already have connected with them. Satan goes through the worlds influencing our thoughts without us noticing. He does not force us to follow them but his lies have the ability to trick many, so it is important that you listen.

This video by prince ea is what he has been doing.


If you have any questions. Ask away.
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why did god create hell, a place for eternal damnation if he is benevolent
also, people are born with genes and environment that affects the way they are, most things are predetermined
if god was benevolent, why did he command samuel to tell saul to slaughter the amalekites including the babies and infants? and those babies would go to hell since god vowed to block all the amaleks out of heaven?
god does not show mercy
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  • #5
why did god create hell, a place for eternal damnation if he is benevolent
also, people are born with genes and environment that affects the way they are, most things are predetermined
if god was benevolent, why did he command samuel to tell saul to slaughter the amalekites including the babies and infants? and those babies would go to hell since god vowed to block all the amaleks out of heaven?
god does not show mercy
I explained why hell was created earlier in the post. Anyway, they had already committed various sins before they attacked the Israelites. Mercy was already shown for the penalty of one sin is death. And god had enough with them after that final attack in they were wiped out. Such mercy was already shown.
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  • #6
Why would I care? Some random tbh
why did god create hell, a place for eternal damnation if he is benevolent
also, people are born with genes and environment that affects the way they are, most things are predetermined
if god was benevolent, why did he command samuel to tell saul to slaughter the amalekites including the babies and infants? and those babies would go to hell since god vowed to block all the amaleks out of heaven?
god does not show mercy
One day, we will all know...
I explained why hell was created earlier in the post. Anyway, they had already committed various sins before they attacked the Israelites. Mercy was already shown for the penalty of one sin is death. And god had enough with them after that final attack in they were wiped out. Such mercy was already shown.
killing babies is NOT mercy my friend
im not talking about the adults
One day, we will all know...
i cant rely on a statement like that ...
i would not be upset at myself if this happened unless it was something like murder or r**e
if it was something like not being christian then i would accept it because ik i do not align with these views of slavery, mercilessness and eternal damnation
Being an atheist is the worst decision one could make. I rather believe in something than nothing.
Exactly an atheist has everything to loose if gods real a believer has nothing loose if gods not real
this is referred to pascals wager
this means you believe because you are afraid
you are afraid of punishment and other things, so that is the basis of your belief(?)
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  • #15
killing babies is NOT mercy my friend
im not talking about the adults

i cant rely on a statement like that ...
I have already explained why the babies were killed. God already knew what would become of them. Their bloodline was cursed for their actions as explained in the bible.

With that I leave with you with Romans 1:20 "20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
i would not be upset at myself if this happened unless it was something like murder or r**e
if it was something like not being christian then i would accept it because ik i do not align with these views of slavery, mercilessness and eternal damnation
Neither would god he gave us a choice
I have already explained why the babies were killed. God already knew what would become of them. Their bloodline was cursed for their actions as explained in the bible.

With that I leave with you with Romans 1:20 "20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
so why doesnt he kill all people and babies he knows will go to hell now? and let only the ones he knows will be christian live?
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  • #19
this is referred to pascals wager
this means you believe because you are afraid
you are afraid of punishment and other things, so that is the basis of your belief(?)
I do not believe because I am afraid. I am explaining something that you could do instead. I have already made my case on why I believe and it has been made clear that it is not because I am afraid.
I do not believe because I am afraid. I am explaining something that you could do instead. I have already made my case on why I believe and it has been made clear that it is not because I am afraid.
yes but you used pascals wager as an argument, assuming a religion is not the final and true answer due to fear of eternal suffering. and why is christianity superior selection
Ok? I wouldn't believe in something if I didn't think it was true
yes, ofc
i dont believe anybody woke up and on the whim chose to believe something, you are absolutely right
everything shapes what we are and how we think
still i want to challenge these beliefs as someone who thinks differently
I'm pretty sure he talking about children and adults not babies be david talked to God about this
can you give me the quote?
and it was about all amaleks
and y were the children sent
yes, ofc
i dont believe anybody woke up and on the whim chose to believe something, you are absolutely right
everything shapes what we are and how we think
still i want to challenge these beliefs as someone who thinks differently
No think about God is giving you a choice rn between heaven and hell
if he is giving a choice between pure bliss and eternal suffering i think all humans would choose the former option. yet we dont. why? not because we choose to not follow god, but because we question things about the nature of him and his existence
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  • #30
so why doesnt he kill all people and babies he knows will go to hell now? and let only the ones he knows will be christian live?
Because he left them with their decisions in life, and their parents' etc. Like I said, the Amalek bloodline was cursed for their unprevoked actions against the israelites and their actions beforehand. God would not interfere with creation and tell everyone that he is God so easily. He gave us the choice to know that he truly exists without coming down to Earth once again to tell us. He would also let us live our lives too and experience it. Killing us as babies would be the same as not giving us the choice. Their bloodline was cursed. We can not know everything that goes through God's mind but we have the ability to believe in everything he does. It is up to you to make the decision. He has provided enough evidence. There still may be questions, but there is enough shown to us so that we are without excuse.
if he is giving a choice between pure bliss and eternal suffering i think all humans would choose the former option. yet we dont. why? not because we choose to not follow god, but because we question things about the nature of him and his existence
And man is willing to go to hell with their tempter satan instead of ask and trust god
No it wasn't about the amaleks it was about David's child
2 Samuel 12:23
ok, this statement is based on the baby's inability to choose
Second Samuel 12:23 is often used to explain that at death aninfant goes into the presence of the Lord and thus, is saved becausehe or she was not given an opportunity to choose God. While onthe surface this thought may seem comforting, one must ask, “Is itScriptural?”
but then why are amalek babies killed if they were unable to choose between good and bad when they were older? they are slaughtered and deprived of life even before.
as well, you have said that the babies are evil, so that implies that they already chose to reject god and thus will go to hell
Because he left them with their decisions in life, and their parents' etc. Like I said, the Amalek bloodline was cursed for their unprevoked actions against the israelites and their actions beforehand. God would not interfere with creation and tell everyone that he is God so easily. He gave us the choice to know that he truly exists without coming down to Earth once again to tell us. He would also let us live our lives too and experience it. Killing us as babies would be the same as not giving us the choice. Their bloodline was cursed. We can not know everything that goes through God's mind but we have the ability to believe in everything he does. It is up to you to make the decision. He has provided enough evidence. There still may be questions, but there is enough shown to us so that we are without excuse.
why on earth is someones bloodline cursed. wtf? should i just start slaughtering criminals' children because of this? why did god make babies inherently evil. its not like they chose to be born and be evil and then die and suffer forever
And man is willing to go to hell with their tempter satan instead of ask and trust god
im not willing to do that
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  • #35
why on earth is someones bloodline cursed. wtf? should i just start slaughtering criminals' children because of this? why did god make babies inherently evil. its not like they chose to be born and be evil and then die and suffer forever

im not willing to do that
I have already explained why their bloodlines is cursed. They had been shown mercy earlier, they did not care. They attacked the israelites, and that was their last chance. Then they were cursed.
ok, this statement is based on the baby's inability to choose
Second Samuel 12:23 is often used to explain that at death aninfant goes into the presence of the Lord and thus, is saved becausehe or she was not given an opportunity to choose God. While onthe surface this thought may seem comforting, one must ask, “Is itScriptural?”
but then why are amalek babies killed if they were unable to choose between good and bad when they were older? they are slaughtered and deprived of life even before.
as well, you have said that the babies are evil, so that implies that they already chose to reject god and thus will go to hell
Idk I have no answer for this
I have already explained why their bloodlines is cursed. They had been shown mercy earlier, they did not care. They attacked the israelites, and that was their last chance. Then they were cursed.
adults of a certain tribe attacking israelites does not mean babies get killed
it is violating the geneva convention of collective punishment such as those for innocents and especially babies
i dont understand what you mean by "cursed" and how it is even a choice. merciless.
adults of a certain tribe attacking israelites does not mean babies get killed
it is violating the geneva convention of collective punishment such as those for innocents and especially babies
i dont understand what you mean by "cursed" and how it is even a choice. merciless.
They attacked Israel when they where weak and battered and already gave up children and everything
Idk I have no answer for this
thats okay
we must never give up our search for answers , no matter what path it leads, to christianity or elsewhere !
never forget to seek the truth clone. even if there is no current answer from your side, it is fine. i am glad we had this discussion, you can tell me anything if you think of it
They attacked Israel when they where weak and battered and already gave up children and everything
still doesnt answer why babies are killed
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  • #41
adults of a certain tribe attacking israelites does not mean babies get killed
it is violating the geneva convention of collective punishment such as those for innocents and especially babies
i dont understand what you mean by "cursed" and how it is even a choice. merciless.
God cursed them (meaning their bloodline) to be destroyed. They had committed multiple evil acts and had been given their chances and when they had not asked for forgiveness and refused to turn away from sin, they were destroyed, including the rest of their bloodline as they would be the same and it wil end the same way as those who don't believe, will destroy themselves and be thrown into the lake of fire.
Because of the genetic evil but idk if they went to heaven the bible does not say so I can only speculate
but y are they genetically evil
why did god make them be born and give them cursed/evil genes
this is no choice/mercy
mercy only makes sense if humans are born neutral, which i believe we are
God cursed them (meaning their bloodline) to be destroyed. They had committed multiple evil acts and had been given their chances and when they had not asked for forgiveness and refused to turn away from sin, they were destroyed, including the rest of their bloodline as they would be the same and it wil end the same way as those who don't believe, will destroy themselves and be thrown into the lake of fire.
so you think that atheist criminals should have their babies killed as well?
because this happened to amaleks
and then those babies go to hell
no baby deserves that
but y are they genetically evil
why did god make them be born and give them cursed/evil genes
this is no choice/mercy
mercy only makes sense if humans are born neutral, which i believe we are
Curses god cursed other tribes also
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  • #45
so you think that atheist criminals should have their babies killed as well?
because this happened to amaleks
and then those babies go to hell
no baby deserves that
no. The Ameleks attacked God's chosen people and had committed acts before that despite being warned on what would happened if they would. They already knew about God and yet they did it anyway. Unfortunate. Now that Jesus has died on the cross, people have been given a chance to ask for forgiveness and those who believed before Jesus' death are waiting for his return and then they will be lead into heaven.
God cursed them (meaning their bloodline) to be destroyed. They had committed multiple evil acts and had been given their chances and when they had not asked for forgiveness and refused to turn away from sin, they were destroyed, including the rest of their bloodline as they would be the same and it wil end the same way as those who don't believe, will destroy themselves and be thrown into the lake of fire.
Utter cope, God gives forgiveness until a persons last breath
Curses god cursed other tribes also
because of genetics god told people to kill tribes because alot of them mixed with demons
but why are people inherently evil? what about nurture?
and why did god make them born evil and then cast them to hell? being setup for suffering
this is a post on another thread btw
no. The Ameleks attacked God's chosen people and had committed acts before that despite being warned on what would happened if they would. They already knew about God and yet they did it anyway. Unfortunate. Now that Jesus has died on the cross, people have been given a chance to ask for forgiveness and those who believed before Jesus' death are waiting for his return and then they will be lead into heaven.
you are not answering me about why babies deserve death
i am NOT talking about adults
nor do i understand why a persons crimes pass on to a baby
im not sure why i have to keep iterating this
Utter cope, God gives forgiveness until a persons last breath
yes this makes significantly more sense

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