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Serious Satan wants you to doubt he never existed.

but why are people inherently evil? what about nurture?
and why did god make them born evil and then cast them to hell? being setup for suffering
this is a post on another thread btw
Because man's nature is based on self
This happened before Jesus died buddy boyo.
Explain-Away #1: It’s an Old Testament Problem, which the New Testament Puts Right

You’ll hear many people say that they don’t like the God of the Old Testament; he’s all wrathful and angry. The God of the New, revealed in Christ, is all peaceful and loving. Wright shows this is false because not only does the OT often speak of God as loving, compassionate, and willing to be merciful (e.g. Gen. 18; Ex. 34:6-7; Ps. 103:8-14; 145:9, 13, 17; Jer. 31:3, 20; Hos. 3:1), but the New Testament—Jesus especially—does not shy away from speaking of God’s judgment (e.g Matt. 10:15, 13:40-42, 18:34, 22:13, 25:41). Take this illustrative passage from Hebrews 10:26-31:

For if we deliberately go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire about to consume the adversaries. Anyone who disregarded the law of Moses died without mercy, based on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment do you think one will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God, who has regarded as profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know the one who has said, “Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

This argument of a change in God’s attitude from one testament to the next cannot hold water. Wright quotes bible scholar John Wenham who summarizes things well:

It is fallacious to regard this as essentially an Old Testament problem, and to set the “bloodthirsty” Old Testament over against the “gentle” New Testament. Possibly the phenomenon is more crude in the Old Testament than in the New, but of the two the New Testament is the more terrible, for the Old Testament seldom speaks of anything beyond temporal judgments . . . whereas the Son of man in the Gospels pronounces eternal punishment.

using the old testament vs new testament argument is very poor yet many use it
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  • #56
you are not answering me about why babies deserve death
i am NOT talking about adults
nor do i understand why a persons crimes pass on to a baby
im not sure why i have to keep iterating this

yes this makes significantly more sense
Only the Amalek babies deserved death. God knew what would become of them. Their bloodline was cursed because of their actions and they knew of God and rejected them. Because this happened before Jesus died on the cross, and they did not believe in him, they were not forgiven because they did not ask for it and God showed them mercy despite this. So then their bloodline was eliminated.
Only the Amalek babies deserved death. God knew what would become of them. Their bloodline was cursed because of their actions and they knew of God and rejected them. Because this happened before Jesus died on the cross, and they did not believe in him, they were not forgiven because they did not ask for it and God showed them mercy despite this. So then their bloodline was eliminated.
once again you did not answer why an adults crimes pass onto a baby's simply due to bloodline.
you did NOT explain yet you accuse me of being poor with my questions
It happened in the old-testament.
Explain-Away #1: It’s an Old Testament Problem, which the New Testament Puts Right

You’ll hear many people say that they don’t like the God of the Old Testament; he’s all wrathful and angry. The God of the New, revealed in Christ, is all peaceful and loving. Wright shows this is false because not only does the OT often speak of God as loving, compassionate, and willing to be merciful (e.g. Gen. 18; Ex. 34:6-7; Ps. 103:8-14; 145:9, 13, 17; Jer. 31:3, 20; Hos. 3:1), but the New Testament—Jesus especially—does not shy away from speaking of God’s judgment (e.g Matt. 10:15, 13:40-42, 18:34, 22:13, 25:41). Take this illustrative passage from Hebrews 10:26-31:

For if we deliberately go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire about to consume the adversaries. Anyone who disregarded the law of Moses died without mercy, based on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment do you think one will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God, who has regarded as profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know the one who has said, “Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

This argument of a change in God’s attitude from one testament to the next cannot hold water. Wright quotes bible scholar John Wenham who summarizes things well:

using the old testament vs new testament argument is very poor yet many use it
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  • #62
once again you did not answer why an adults crimes pass onto a baby's simply due to bloodline.
you did NOT explain yet you accuse me of being poor with my questions
The adults crimes were passed on to the babies only then in that case. You called your own questions repetitive not me.
This does not go for everybody in existence
not fair then
The adults crimes were passed on to the babies only then in that case. You called your own questions repetitive not me.
because you told me you already explained it in a previous post
and no i dont understand why it is okay or how it makes sense for adult crimes to pass on to a baby.
Yeah ofc now
The short answer is yes. If you ask for forgiveness God will forgive you and He will want to heal and deliver you of that sin. All you have to do is submit to His will and He will help you.
I don't think you understand the difference between the new testament and the old testament.
do you choose not to read what i posted? you did not reply to my post regarding new vs old
Because of sin god never said why so this is all we have
? elab
The short answer is yes. If you ask for forgiveness God will forgive you and He will want to heal and deliver you of that sin. All you have to do is submit to His will and He will help you.
ive heard of this b4
if someone is a charitable and overall good person but not a believer of christ he will go to hell, but if someone sins often but sumbits to god he will enter heaven
For example humans as a whole suffer from what Adam and eve did because once sin happened man was no longer pure and innocent

Or a better way to put it is a coyote cannot give birth to a cute little bunny
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  • #75
not fair then

because you told me you already explained it in a previous post
and no i dont understand why it is okay or how it makes sense for adult crimes to pass on to a baby.
It is fair. God gave them a choice just like everyone else. One day, everyone will die and they will go to heaven or hell depending on what they believed.

These people were given such chances which they rejected. They knew who God was and they rejected him and continued to do evil acts and then attacked his sacred people despite the warnings.
Back it you had to pay for the sins of your father
Larp bruh , also people wouldn’t even know God existed until he used a manmade language to communicate manmade concepts
For example humans as a whole suffer from what Adam and eve did because once sin happened man was no longer pure and innocent

Or a better way to put it is a coyote cannot give birth to a cute little bunny
understandable but why are humans inherently evil? babies can be shown to be both altruistic and selfish. there are genes that lead to certain behaviors but environment is crucial. i believe humans are neutral, what do you think? i dont want to assume that you believe humans are inherently evil but the bible suggests we are all born with inherent sin
It is fair. God gave them a choice just like everyone else. One day, everyone will die and they will go to heaven or hell depending on what they believed.

These people were given such chances which they rejected. They knew who God was and they rejected him and continued to do evil acts and then attacked his sacred people despite the warnings.
babies are not given a choice
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  • #80
Explain-Away #1: It’s an Old Testament Problem, which the New Testament Puts Right

You’ll hear many people say that they don’t like the God of the Old Testament; he’s all wrathful and angry. The God of the New, revealed in Christ, is all peaceful and loving. Wright shows this is false because not only does the OT often speak of God as loving, compassionate, and willing to be merciful (e.g. Gen. 18; Ex. 34:6-7; Ps. 103:8-14; 145:9, 13, 17; Jer. 31:3, 20; Hos. 3:1), but the New Testament—Jesus especially—does not shy away from speaking of God’s judgment (e.g Matt. 10:15, 13:40-42, 18:34, 22:13, 25:41). Take this illustrative passage from Hebrews 10:26-31:

For if we deliberately go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire about to consume the adversaries. Anyone who disregarded the law of Moses died without mercy, based on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment do you think one will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God, who has regarded as profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know the one who has said, “Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

This argument of a change in God’s attitude from one testament to the next cannot hold water. Wright quotes bible scholar John Wenham who summarizes things well:

using the old testament vs new testament argument is very poor yet many use it
God is the same God in both testaments. And the Amalek people met his wrath for their actions and so will we one day if we do not believe in him.
God is the same God in both testaments. And the Amalek people met his wrath for their actions and so will we one day if we do not believe in him.
ok, but then why arent today's babies of criminals not killed? why dont christians go out and slaughter babies of murderers and rapists and abusers, etc. they grow up indifferent of gods actions. meanwhile in the old testament they are commanded to be killed
Jesus likely spoke Aramaic, the common language of the people of Galilee in the first century AD, as his native language:
Manmade symbols
understandable but why are humans inherently evil? babies can be shown to be both altruistic and selfish. there are genes that lead to certain behaviors but environment is crucial. i believe humans are neutral, what do you think? i dont want to assume that you believe humans are inherently evil but the bible suggests we are all born with inherent sin
Well when jesus died man no longer had to pay for thier father's sins only thier own

I agree not everyone is born evil just mans nature is evil
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  • #84
understandable but why are humans inherently evil? babies can be shown to be both altruistic and selfish. there are genes that lead to certain behaviors but environment is crucial. i believe humans are neutral, what do you think? i dont want to assume that you believe humans are inherently evil but the bible suggests we are all born with inherent sin

babies are not given a choice
I am not talking about the babies. The babies were destroyed unfortunately because of their parents' actions and the curse that was displayed upon them. Because of this curse, the babies would become like their parents but they would also be destroyed which is what happened to them. The babies were not allowed into heaven because of their accursed bloodline and what they would which is unfortunate.
Well when jesus died man no longer had to pay for thier father's sins only thier own

I agree not everyone is born evil just mans nature is evil
Who’s right is it to decree it evil?
They would not have made the natural instincts if they knew it to be evil
I am not talking about the babies. The babies were destroyed unfortunately because of their parents' actions and the curse that was displayed upon them. Because of this curse, the babies would become like their parents but they would also be destroyed which is what happened to them. The babies were not allowed into heaven because of their accursed bloodline and what they would which is unfortunate.
yes but i REPEATEDLY said i am talking about babies. why were you dodging that previously then?
and once again you are saying the same thing again
and no, babies do not have to become like their parents. and they should not have been cursed by god in the first place. this implies he doomed them.
Well when jesus died man no longer had to pay for thier father's sins only thier own

I agree not everyone is born evil just mans nature is evil
so new testament (jesus) people get better treatment than old testament? but that is unfair then
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #91
ok, but then why arent today's babies of criminals not killed? why dont christians go out and slaughter babies of murderers and rapists and abusers, etc. they grow up indifferent of gods actions. meanwhile in the old testament they are commanded to be killed
Because it is not our right to do such things as we are sinners but it is God's and they have all been given the chance to know God. You do not need to be told about God to have evidence he exists.
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  • #94
yes but i REPEATEDLY said i am talking about babies. why were you dodging that previously then?
and once again you are saying the same thing again
and no, babies do not have to become like their parents. and they should not have been cursed by god in the first place. this implies he doomed them.

so new testament (jesus) people get better treatment than old testament? but that is unfair then
They were doomed and I don't know why. When I get to heaven that will be a good question to ask. We can't know everything that goes through His mind.
Because it is not our right to do such things as we are sinners but it is God's and they have all been given the chance to know God. You do not need to be told about God to have evidence he exists.
does not answer then why people are commanded to kill amalek babies
those babies did not even have the chance to know god
and what evidence, there are theories for both sides of the argument and i acknowledge that which is why i am agnostic
I did it sounds like yap to me
i think what he means is that people naturally have ingrained instincts like sex and food and whatnot, even if some of these things are against what the bible says
They were doomed and I don't know why. When I get to heaven that will be a good question to ask. We can't know everything that goes through His mind.
ok, it would be a good question
but see, i cannot reconcile with something like that, which is why i reject a biblical god

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