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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
So I was reading this article about seed oil (Warning, the article is normie cringe and very much in favor of seed oils:)

And I realize the anti-seed oil people do not have an absolute win yet. There needs to be an absolute and complete debate with a high-iq anti-seed oil rep vs a high iq mainstream normie rep. Sort of like this:

Basically, my take is that normie seed oils are bad because of the Industrial Chemical Processing. If there was some way to extract seed oils via pure Pressure only, then some seed oils might actually be healthy. The problem is the industrial chemical processing done to the seed oils.

I don't think beef oil is healthy either, it is not a viable substitute for seed oil imo. The reason is because whenever a burger is cooked, it seems to smoke immediately. This suggests that beef oil has a low smoke point and thus is carcinogenic, like any other oil that has a low smoke point. I think olive oil is also bad as a seed oil substitute for this reason also, it has a low smoke point as well. What I recommend is any non-seed oil with minimal industrial processing, that has a high smoke point temperature.

Mods: Move this to MUST READ if anyone decides to do a high quality debate.
animal fat >> seed oil
meat devourer >> grain muncher
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  • #3
animal fat >> seed oil
meat devourer >> grain muncher
i will not cook using beef oil (processed or natural) or processed seed oil.

what i plan to use in the frying pan is butter, coconut or avocado oil. but i am looking towards more options besides that
Seed oils are a waste, no one should use them because they are chemically unstable and oxidize easily. Not to mention their processing.

The point of why they are not healthy is because humans, as we evolved, never consumed such an amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which means that we are not adapted to it.

vegetable seed oils are the devil
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  • #6
I do not eat soybean oil because it is highly processed usually, but I do eat highly fried tofu on occasion. Its also most cost effective to eat tofu if you are interested in richmaxxing. Tofu is also easier to achieve sustainability goals to reduce climate change.
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  • #7
Seed oils are a waste, no one should use them because they are chemically unstable and oxidize easily. Not to mention their processing.

The point of why they are not healthy is because humans, as we evolved, never consumed such an amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which means that we are not adapted to it.

vegetable seed oils are the devil
seems like a solid argument. If you are 100% sure of that then perhaps every website that lists recommending to eat seed oil can be given a decreased reputation/increased scrutiny?

can harvard and morningbrew be trusted?
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  • #8
Seed oils are a waste, no one should use them because they are chemically unstable and oxidize easily. Not to mention their processing.

The point of why they are not healthy is because humans, as we evolved, never consumed such an amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which means that we are not adapted to it.

vegetable seed oils are the devil
I would like for you to provide a chart showing the oxidation values of generic seed oils and non-seed oils.
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  • #9
I am unable to find a straight up no BS chart of OSI of oils. OSI=Oxidative Stability Index. It almost feels as if the information is being censored and they don't want us to know. They want us to eat Canola oil.

The Canola Oil Conspiracy: Seems like almost every "healthy food" brand puts Canola oil in their foods. Its setup in such a way that you are forced to eat either Canola Oil, or High Carb Foods that do not have Canola in them, or Low Carb 0 Canola foods that taste like crap.
So far I found this. This suggests that Avocado oil and Rice Bran oils the best cooking oils.

Some believe Olive Oil is a good cooking oil but it isn't. 375F is a low smoke point, but websites list it as a medium smoke point. Also, different websites list inconsistent smoke points of olive oil. And the same "oil" has different smoke points, for instance there are Soy Oils with different oxidation grades that may have different smoke points. To make things even harder for consumers, a lot of manufacturers list "This product is made with Canola, SunFlower or Safflower" so you don't even know what oil it has.

I found this website which may have some legit OSI but they do not label their charts. I find it odd how in school you would get an F for submitting a chart like this, but professional companies upload these low effort charts into their websites.

And I think there is some use for seed oils, it would be OK in salad dressing but less healthy than olive oil, so it is still pretty much useless other than saving money. And maybe seed oils can be used in machines as grease or for fuel in motors.

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