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Discussion Simps are the worst


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
I am in an online game we get in a good match, winning by a large margin and an easy victory... A guy and his gf are on the mic talking... His gf disconnects from the match for no apparent reason... maybe she lagged out or quit on purpose, idk. But then 1 minute later he quits out of the match... Presumably to simp for his gf, because he can't let her wait 10 minutes like a normal human being to finish the match. He could care less about me and my teammates, and probably doesn't even view us as sentient human beings.

JFL at these subhumans reproducing. Can't believe these garbage people will reproduce. Simps are the worst.

Saddest part is I was starting to grow fond of his gf, and felt simpy for her, until that happened. Almost a blessing that he blackpilled me with his behavoir.

Bluepills have literally destroyed society with bluepill delusion. Everything would have went a lot smoother if people were just blackpilled from the start. Being told "its your personality" and constantly encountering fickle women. And being shy around dating. When you could have just learned the blackpill from the start.

JFL a few weeks ago I get in a match with a psychopath with no manners. We end up winning (his psychopathy helped the team, OG caveman stone-age evolution ig.) But the point is his gf was on the mic simping hard for him. He was one of the lowest teamates on the scoreboard besides his gf yet he is talking shit the whole game. And gets super toxic because I randomly picked up an enemies gun on the ground that he claimed was "his" even though I was closer to it than he was. And then delusional bluepills go on about "personality" while his gf was simping hard for him.
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