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JFL Small details make a mad difference

Just a normal transgender male. Nothing fruity just coping with the cards I’ve been dealt
If you are a female then isn’t the cards you been dealt the female hand? Not to be rude but you look like an in between and I don’t think bluffing your hand is the best option cause you have potential to female max as a female.
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If you are a female then isn’t the cards you been dealt the female hand? Not to be rude but you look like an in between and I don’t think bluffing your hand is the best option cause you have potential to female max as a female.
Nah I was born with female chromosomes and body, but have a mental complex called dysphoria, it means that looking like a girl makes me kinda suicidal. I wish I could just be a girl, I would do really well, but my brain chemistry is male. I know other trans men who started off worse than me so I’m not caving
Nah I was born with female chromosomes and body, but have a mental complex called dysphoria, it means that looking like a girl makes me kinda suicidal. I wish I could just be a girl, I would do really well, but my brain chemistry is male. I know other trans men who started off worse than me so I’m not caving
What does brain chemistry being male even mean? You don’t look like you have high levels of prenatal T or T at the current moment and also if xx chromosomes then you also shouldn’t have high levels of T. How can you be sure your brain chemistry is male?
What does brain chemistry being male even mean? You don’t look like you have high levels of prenatal T or T at the current moment and also if xx chromosomes then you also shouldn’t have high levels of T. How can you be sure your brain chemistry is male?
Other androgens control sexual orientation @sexlesstosexles said
What does brain chemistry being male even mean? You don’t look like you have high levels of prenatal T or T at the current moment and also if xx chromosomes then you also shouldn’t have high levels of T. How can you be sure your brain chemistry is male?
because he feels so
Why did this thread get so many replies jfl
Wait for @sexlesstosexles he can tell imo

even if he can't u get the idea that t isn't responsible
people can have androgen receptors in different parts of their bodies, it could happen that more is concentrated in the brain.
idk there was some study where transgender people's brain structure is more similar to the gender they want to be
i believe aesthetics trump brain chemistry, if i was ruler of society my position would be improving trans technology and transition if those are the style you want, i believe everyone gets to choose their style

since this would have a non-zero cost, capitalists would try to get people into debt-slavery from this and also this would drain society of resources if people kept style-spamming over and over, i would have to institute a cool down period where people could only change their sex once every 5 years

i think the brain chemistry argument is mainly pushed because conservatives don't believe in the right of arbitrary style changes, you see how they get when cis people change the color of their hair, a lot of them complain about the purple hair commando in star wars. Disney Star wars did suck but honestly the purple hair was my LEAST concern about the whole movies

another problem is that females have less brain volume than males, 1200cc compared to 1350cc or something, I forget exactly, this creates a problem where mtfs are expected to shrink their brains in order to win the "Brain sex" argument, I think you could see how this could be a problem. I believe in ancient times females had much larger volumes, so did men, females had 1600cc and males 1650cc, i think we need to start making efforts to approach those brain sizes of the past.
Why should brain-sex even matter in all cases?

Consider someone that looked similar to this guy:
They would probably experience dysphoria or dysmorphia at being male either way, regardless of if his brain was high t or low t brain chemistry.

Then, today I played splatoon. They asked me to pick to be a boy or girl. It took me a while to decide, I finally chose boy. I picked boy because it felt edgy and punk, because I felt being born a boy sucks and is misery, and being a girl would be better. So I picked boy as a Fuck You motion to society, picking a girl would have felt more like a fantasy. But the game was just a demo, had it been the full version of the game or multiplayer I might have picked girl. A good example of, any scientist or politician basing their research on that, would have probably drawn incorrect conclusions, not understanding the motivations.
i believe aesthetics trump brain chemistry, if i was ruler of society my position would be improving trans technology and transition if those are the style you want, i believe everyone gets to choose their style

since this would have a non-zero cost, capitalists would try to get people into debt-slavery from this and also this would drain society of resources if people kept style-spamming over and over, i would have to institute a cool down period where people could only change their sex once every 5 years

i think the brain chemistry argument is mainly pushed because conservatives don't believe in the right of arbitrary style changes, you see how they get when cis people change the color of their hair, a lot of them complain about the purple hair commando in star wars. Disney Star wars did suck but honestly the purple hair was my LEAST concern about the whole movies

another problem is that females have less brain volume than males, 1200cc compared to 1350cc or something, I forget exactly, this creates a problem where mtfs are expected to shrink their brains in order to win the "Brain sex" argument, I think you could see how this could be a problem. I believe in ancient times females had much larger volumes, so did men, females had 1600cc and males 1650cc, i think we need to start making efforts to approach those brain sizes of the past.
Interesting. In general I think that genetic study and modification should become more advanced, and to make humans smarter and better as well as aesthetically pleasing. A cool down is good too, like you said, its is a very smart idea so that it cant be abused
i believe aesthetics trump brain chemistry, if i was ruler of society my position would be improving trans technology and transition if those are the style you want, i believe everyone gets to choose their style

since this would have a non-zero cost, capitalists would try to get people into debt-slavery from this and also this would drain society of resources if people kept style-spamming over and over, i would have to institute a cool down period where people could only change their sex once every 5 years

i think the brain chemistry argument is mainly pushed because conservatives don't believe in the right of arbitrary style changes, you see how they get when cis people change the color of their hair, a lot of them complain about the purple hair commando in star wars. Disney Star wars did suck but honestly the purple hair was my LEAST concern about the whole movies

another problem is that females have less brain volume than males, 1200cc compared to 1350cc or something, I forget exactly, this creates a problem where mtfs are expected to shrink their brains in order to win the "Brain sex" argument, I think you could see how this could be a problem. I believe in ancient times females had much larger volumes, so did men, females had 1600cc and males 1650cc, i think we need to start making efforts to approach those brain sizes of the past.
are you talking about this
One night’s difference. Nothing major but I see how the little things add up, motivating for sure
How bout you flipping act like a female like you were born. No matter how much you cry and wish it were true you will never be a man ever in your entire life. And you'll look back on your life and realize you were living a lie and God will judge you harshly because you have been warned

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