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what does this even mean bruh
She just looks like a girl who only dates ethnic pretty boys, I would know because similar looking girls live in my area and they all obsess over black dudes with dreads and edgar’s. Gay as fuck to be honest.
Takes me 30 mins
Bloody hell, I guess it’s not too bad nor time consuming. Just keep on doing it and if you find a guy, don’t ever show him pics of you without makeup .
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  • #56
She just looks like a girl who only dates ethnic pretty boys, I would know because similar looking girls live in my area and they all obsess over black dudes with dreads and edgar’s. Gay as f**k to be honest.
Well I date them I never said I’m not open to anyone else 😭 I don’t just go for men that look like that
She just looks like a girl who only dates ethnic pretty boys, I would know because similar looking girls live in my area and they all obsess over black dudes with dreads and edgar’s. Gay as f**k to be honest.
its kinda of 'in' now 2 tbh,girls in my area that all look look very different have that type
Well I date them I never said I’m not open to anyone else 😭 I don’t just go for men that look like that
I feel like you’re the type of girl I’d see on Wizz plugging her IG, it’s not an insult though.
Lmao atp this thread about if I like Latin boys then about improving my looks 🙁😭😂
who dont tho? bros buggin asking that question BCS most girls nowadays either don't have a type(they just have to b attractive) or their type is exclusively pretty ethnic boys,so that question was lowkey water icl (I rlly don't know any girl that finds Latinos ugly)
Just messing around, i’m a guy. Hope my name and PFP aren’t misleading.

wizz is crazy
My bad 😆I had my Wizz phase too and there was too many latinas who would be Edgar and Dreadhead only, it was absolutely disgusting how many times I seen “don’t slide up if you don’t have a bbc” and I get shell shocked seeing girls with your pheno. (No offense or insulting meant)
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #78
Just messing around, i’m a guy. Hope my name and PFP aren’t misleading.

My bad 😆I had my Wizz phase too and there was too many latinas who would be Edgar and Dreadhead only, it was absolutely disgusting how many times I seen “don’t slide up if you don’t have a bbc” and I get shell shocked seeing girls with your pheno. (No offense or insulting meant)
Ion like lantinos or dread heads only 😭my type don’t matter as long as he’s tall 🤷‍♀️ im tryna look good for a reason
How so have you seen my pictures (not to talk down on my self but I could def use improvement)
I saw your photo with makeup. That's how you go outside most of the time right?
So on sports team you know how they have roster of players? For dating it's like having a roster of people you go to
It means a list of men that I talk to as in flirting wise
What the fuck?? What ever happened to being loyal and talking to one person at a time, is this what zoomers/gen Z/gen Alpha do nowadays?
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  • #93
I saw your photo with makeup. That's how you go outside most of the time right?
Not really tho I got out the house with mascara most days and usually only do makeup when o got out for party’s or important things
What the f**k?? What ever happened to being loyal and talking to one person at a time, is this what zoomers/gen Z/gen Alpha do nowadays?
It's pretty common unfortunately
Not really tho I got out the house with mascara most days and usually only do makeup when o got out for party’s or important things
Hair down when you go out tho right?
Loyal in this economy especially with teens
No, it’s beyond over if people nowadays got 15 man rosters like what the fuck. That’s like dating Giannis and when he gets injured you have Shai waiting for you, like how are you not gonna cheat? No wonder everyone’s so unloyal 😒

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