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Guide Testosterone: Should we accept mediocre levels?


Active member
Feb 1, 2024
Testosterone is the main male sex hormone and plays a vital role in men's health and well-being.

Therefore, it significantly influences various bodily functions: sexual development, muscle mass, mood, and even cardiovascular health. That said, low testosterone causes several problems in our health, and consequently, in our appearance.
The main problems caused by LOW testosterone are:
• Mental fatigue;
• Muscle and bone loss;
• Drop in libido;
• Erectile dysfunction;
• Premature ejaculation.

On the other hand, HIGH testosterone causes:
• Control your own mind;
• Muscle gain;
• Bone strength.

So, given that, why keep testosterone at low levels when we can easily increase it?
• There are two ways to increase your testosterone, increase testosterone production (Endogenous way) and increase testosterone by putting testosterone directly into your body (Exogenous way)

Endogenous ways:

Eat correctly.
• A nutritious and balanced diet is the way to increase testosterone naturally. A study by researchers at the University of Utah found a positive correlation between testosterone levels and healthy fat intake, as well as keeping weight down and eating fewer calories. Eating enough protein also correlates with overall levels of the hormone, and a controlled intake of carbohydrates to complement cardiovascular and resistance training also has a beneficial effect.

Exercise yourself
• In a 2018 Korean study of men with erectile dysfunction, researchers found that the best methods for increasing testosterone were reducing body fat and improving cardiovascular fitness through aerobic activity. A previous clinical trial by Japanese researchers in 2017 found similar results, with a 12-week aerobic exercise regimen increasing testosterone in overweight men.

Sleep well
• According to a study by the University of Chicago, in the United States, men who sleep less than five hours a night have their testosterone production reduced by around 15%.

Maintain good vitamin D levels
• A growing body of evidence shows strong links between vitamin D levels and circulating testosterone. A 2010 study by researchers at the Medical University of Graz in Austria compared a group taking vitamin D supplements and a placebo group. They found a significant correlation between increased testosterone in those taking vitamin D, while the placebo group remained the same.

• Enclomiphene is a SERM for the treatment of testosterone deficiency in men. The chemical is capable of doubling, sometimes even tripling your testosterone PRODUCTION, leaving your testosterone extremely high, comparable to the testosterone of an anabolic steroid user, however, with significantly lower muscle gain, as it is an endogenous source.

Exogenous way
• All ways to increase testosterone exogenously are through anabolic steroids, that is, composed of testosterone precursors or derivatives.
@AstroSky has a thread that covers this entire topic, so I won't delve into it.
yup high T or death
Yes, accept it. There is simply NO way to increase testosterone naturally that isn't technically just returning it to baseline levels that it should be in in the first place by living naturally and stopping bad habits. Unless you inject it but then again you will have to keep injecting for the rest of your life and you will stop producing it.
Testosterone levels are genetic, another brutal blackpill
Testosterone is the main male sex hormone and plays a vital role in men's health and well-being.
View attachment 29325

Therefore, it significantly influences various bodily functions: sexual development, muscle mass, mood, and even cardiovascular health. That said, low testosterone causes several problems in our health, and consequently, in our appearance.
The main problems caused by LOW testosterone are:
• Mental fatigue;
• Muscle and bone loss;
• Drop in libido;
• Erectile dysfunction;
• Premature ejaculation.
View attachment 29326

On the other hand, HIGH testosterone causes:
• Control your own mind;
• Muscle gain;
• Bone strength.
View attachment 29327

So, given that, why keep testosterone at low levels when we can easily increase it?
• There are two ways to increase your testosterone, increase testosterone production (Endogenous way) and increase testosterone by putting testosterone directly into your body (Exogenous way)

Endogenous ways:

Eat correctly.
• A nutritious and balanced diet is the way to increase testosterone naturally. A study by researchers at the University of Utah found a positive correlation between testosterone levels and healthy fat intake, as well as keeping weight down and eating fewer calories. Eating enough protein also correlates with overall levels of the hormone, and a controlled intake of carbohydrates to complement cardiovascular and resistance training also has a beneficial effect.

Exercise yourself
• In a 2018 Korean study of men with erectile dysfunction, researchers found that the best methods for increasing testosterone were reducing body fat and improving cardiovascular fitness through aerobic activity. A previous clinical trial by Japanese researchers in 2017 found similar results, with a 12-week aerobic exercise regimen increasing testosterone in overweight men.

Sleep well
• According to a study by the University of Chicago, in the United States, men who sleep less than five hours a night have their testosterone production reduced by around 15%.

Maintain good vitamin D levels
• A growing body of evidence shows strong links between vitamin D levels and circulating testosterone. A 2010 study by researchers at the Medical University of Graz in Austria compared a group taking vitamin D supplements and a placebo group. They found a significant correlation between increased testosterone in those taking vitamin D, while the placebo group remained the same.

• Enclomiphene is a SERM for the treatment of testosterone deficiency in men. The chemical is capable of doubling, sometimes even tripling your testosterone PRODUCTION, leaving your testosterone extremely high, comparable to the testosterone of an anabolic steroid user, however, with significantly lower muscle gain, as it is an endogenous source.

Exogenous way
• All ways to increase testosterone exogenously are through anabolic steroids, that is, composed of testosterone precursors or derivatives.
@AstroSky has a thread that covers this entire topic, so I won't delve into it.
goood thread
Yes, accept it. There is simply NO way to increase testosterone naturally that isn't technically just returning it to baseline levels that it should be in in the first place by living naturally and stopping bad habits. Unless you inject it but then again you will have to keep injecting for the rest of your life and you will stop producing it.
Testosterone levels are genetic, another brutal blackpill
testosterone can be increased with exercise
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testosterone can be increased with exercise
Just a little, you cant go up to like, 1000pg/mL
Yes, accept it. There is simply NO way to increase testosterone naturally that isn't technically just returning it to baseline levels that it should be in in the first place by living naturally and stopping bad habits. Unless you inject it but then again you will have to keep injecting for the rest of your life and you will stop producing it.
Testosterone levels are genetic, another brutal blackpill
I largely agree with you, it is naturally impossible to increase testosterone production to significant levels. but if you're interested, research enclomiphene, it's an unnatural form that actually increases your testosterone production
Yes, accept it. There is simply NO way to increase testosterone naturally that isn't technically just returning it to baseline levels that it should be in in the first place by living naturally and stopping bad habits. Unless you inject it but then again you will have to keep injecting for the rest of your life and you will stop producing it.
Testosterone levels are genetic, another brutal blackpill
it is possible, get rid of estrogenics and that shit works like magic basically
Just a little, you cant go up to like, 1000pg/mL

I largely agree with you, it is naturally impossible to increase testosterone production to significant levels. but if you're interested, research enclomiphene, it's an unnatural form that actually increases your testosterone production
Lossus is right it is all set already
Read the post you quoted again
you didnt ask nicely...
yeah i get it you saying that its just returning it to how it should be in nature but thats basically increasing it so yeah
Yes, accept it. There is simply NO way to increase testosterone naturally that isn't technically just returning it to baseline levels that it should be in in the first place by living naturally and stopping bad habits. Unless you inject it but then again you will have to keep injecting for the rest of your life and you will stop producing it.
Testosterone levels are genetic, another brutal blackpill
Low iQ. The idea you will never reproduce it normally is false. The only people who won't reproduce levels naturally are people who already had shit levels to begin with when they get on. Idk what experience you have with this stuff but iv been with bodybuilders for awhile now. Coming off is overstated. People lie about this shit all the time to not premote steroids but the experience of coming off to the time it takes to have natural production again is not a bad experience as people make it out to be. I have come off many times just to see what would happen and 2 weeks to 3 weeks later my natural production was back. Iv seen plenty of reports from this too. No pct. No Ai. None of that.

While I'm on trt for life now because I just prefer how it helps my mental health and makes my personality more assertive. If I came off. I'd easily get my baseline back. Equally as such you can still have kids and a brutal genetics pills is the ones who lose their ability to have kids had very weak fertility genetics to begin with. My balls never shrank that much on a trt. Some dudes balls shrink the size of peas. It's literally person to person.

Like everything in life it's genetics that sets the stage for what will happen. let's not just make blanket statements. Some people literally do not have these horrible side effects. Some get the worst outcome then go around spreading fake myths becuass they couldn't cope.
Low iQ. The idea you will never reproduce it normally is false. The only people who won't reproduce levels naturally are people who already had shit levels to begin with when they get on. Idk what experience you have with this stuff but iv been with bodybuilders for awhile now. Coming off is overstated. People lie about this shit all the time to not premote steroids but the experience of coming off to the time it takes to have natural production again is not a bad experience as people make it out to be. I have come off many times just to see what would happen and 2 weeks to 3 weeks later my natural production was back. Iv seen plenty of reports from this too. No pct. No Ai. None of that.

While I'm on trt for life now because I just prefer how it helps my mental health and makes my personality more assertive. If I came off. I'd easily get my baseline back. Equally as such you can still have kids and a brutal genetics pills is the ones who lose their ability to have kids had very weak fertility genetics to begin with. My balls never shrank that much on a trt. Some dudes balls shrink the size of peas. It's literally person to person.

Like everything in life it's genetics that sets the stage for what will happen. let's not just make blanket statements. Some people literally do not have these horrible side effects. Some get the worst outcome then go around spreading fake myths becuass they couldn't cope.
Can you run that through chatgpt and summarize it 4 me. Thx

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