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The blackpill is real


Richard Spencel
May 2, 2020
If you have any doubts the blackpill exists believe me. I have first hand experience, looks mean EVERYTHING. Personality means NOTHING! Trust me. Im so drunk right now. I just experienced the biggest blackpill ever. Blackpill is real, looks is everything. It another man is trying to fuck the same girl and is better looking he will win 10/10 times. Your personality, athleticism, any other abilities mean NOTHING compared to looks. Kill yourself now if your not the best looking guy in your area.
I'm glad you finally realized this, man.

People have been saying this since the beginning of PSL but some retards always get the guts to try to disprove it with

''muh muh muh NT, muh low inhib, personality, social skills, confidence"

It's looks alone that matter. Everything else is a result of it.

Please... slit your wrists and save the planet from further autism if you disagree with me 🙏.
If you have any doubts the blackpill exists believe me. I have first hand experience, looks mean EVERYTHING. Personality means NOTHING! Trust me. Im so drunk right now. I just experienced the biggest blackpill ever. Blackpill is real, looks is everything. It another man is trying to fuck the same girl and is better looking he will win 10/10 times. Your personality, athleticism, any other abilities mean NOTHING compared to looks. Kill yourself now if your not the best looking guy in your area.
water is wet
I'm glad you finally realized this, man.

People have been saying this since the beginning of PSL but some retards always get the guts to try to disprove it with

''muh muh muh NT, muh low inhib, personality, social skills, confidence"

It's looks alone that matter. Everything else is a result of it.

Please... slit your wrists and save the planet from further autism if you disagree with me 🙏.
He wasn't 'finally' realised that, it was just his vent. at bar
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  • #5
I'm glad you finally realized this, man.

People have been saying this since the beginning of PSL but some retards always get the guts to try to disprove it with

''muh muh muh NT, muh low inhib, personality, social skills, confidence"

It's looks alone that matter. Everything else is a result of it.

Please... slit your wrists and save the planet from further autism if you disagree with me 🙏.
He wasn't 'finally' realised that, it was just his vent. at bar
What’s the point of trying to fuck stacies when ur not chad? It’s true what they say 20% of male ( The Chads) fuck 80% of the female population. We get the 20% of the girls left which are fat and ugly ones
the blackpill is real but if you think you dont need to be good at socialising and being nt then your retarded, ive had chances to date many girls, even both of my oneitises but because im socially retarded i fucked those chances up, i even heard one of them say that im hot and they wanna date me but im just too wierd and theres nothing to talk about with me.
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the blackpill is real but if you think you dont need to be good at socialising and being nt then your retarded, ive had chances to date many girls, even both of my oneitises but because im socially retarded i fucked those chances up, i even heard one of them say that im hot and they wanna date me but im just too wierd and theres nothing to talk about with me.
Lol bad angle or this guy has been truly fucked from norwood?
He aged like shit. He's only 29 I believe
Basically he coasted his whole career by looking like a prettyboy (Face) so he rarely gymcelled. But ever since he's collagen and hair went out the door he's been coping with Hairloss supplements, gymcelling, tats, and listening to rap music
He aged like shit. He's only 29 I believe
Basically he coasted his whole career by looking like a prettyboy (Face) so he rarely gymcelled. But ever since he's collagen and hair went out the door he's been coping with Hairloss supplements, gymcelling, tats, and listening to rap music


Why doesn't he use red light for collagen return and other sorts of shit like supplements and that? Aren't there vitamin C collagen serums?

Not terrible, but you're right. Pretty boys don't age well as they lack attractive masculine traits. I feel this happened to me, but can't really say for sure yet since I'm still overweight.

Why doesn't he use red light for collagen return and other sorts of shit like supplements and that? Aren't there vitamin C collagen serums?
There's only so much you can do. All you can do is try and slow down the process. What has to come will come
There's only so much you can do. All you can do is try and slow down the process. What has to come will come

I still believe lens distortion plays a huge factor. Read this.

I still believe lens distortion plays a huge factor. Read this.
Lens distortion is not lachowskis issue lol
He was never amazing to begin with. Overrated
Lens distortion is not lachowskis issue lol
He was never amazing to begin with. Overrated

Shows you how important being photogenic is. How many good looking people do you know on Facebook look similar in photos to real life whether or not they also look good in those photos or not?

We spend so much time in analysing these faces based on photos but people barely look anything like their photos anyway.

I am a 28 year old millennial that grew up in the Facebook era and had his pictures of getting absolutely wrecked in nightclubs all over his Facebook tagged with his friends.

You guys never experienced that. Isn't that a shame?

Simping over photoshopped instawhores for you I guess.
absolutely wrecked in nightclubs all over his Facebook tagged with his friends.

You guys never experienced that. Isn't that a shame?
I think Snapchat and Instagram do a better job of that than Facebook ever did
Anyways it was just a joke
I think Snapchat and Instagram do a better job of that than Facebook ever did
Anyways it was just a joke

I know it was a joke, though how can you know how Facebook did when you were like 7 a decade back? lol. You never lived through the Facebook generation.

And Snapchat and Instagram is childish shit for teenagers trying to impress or appear cool.

Facebook was documenting someone living life.

Everything has changed and NOT for the better. Of course people go out less now and aren't as social due to growing up with technology from a young age, but still. If you lived 10 years ago you'd know and you'd agree. Your bias is due to not experiencing it. Again talking in theory.
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If you have any doubts the blackpill exists believe me. I have first hand experience, looks mean EVERYTHING. Personality means NOTHING! Trust me. Im so drunk right now. I just experienced the biggest blackpill ever. Blackpill is real, looks is everything. It another man is trying to fuck the same girl and is better looking he will win 10/10 times. Your personality, athleticism, any other abilities mean NOTHING compared to looks. Kill yourself now if your not the best looking guy in your area.
Last seen Jul 31, 2020
