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The currently best option for small dickcels

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
total penis transplantation

there a few urological surgeons who perform it

andre van der merwe as a example

he's located in south africa at the Stellenbosch university

he charges 300 euros for consultation

penis transplant.png

this is the probably only surgery so far which can potentially give you what you want
total penis transplantation

there a few urological surgeons who perform it

andre van der merwe as a example

he's located in south africa at the Stellenbosch university

he charges 300 euros for consultation

View attachment 6466

this is the probably only surgery so far which can potentially give you what you want
inbetweeners jokes incoming
total penis transplantation

there a few urological surgeons who perform it

andre van der merwe as a example

he's located in south africa at the Stellenbosch university

he charges 300 euros for consultation

View attachment 6466

this is the probably only surgery so far which can potentially give you what you want
1) where do they get the penises ?
2) what's the point of going through a painful and costly surgery when it's really not going to give you a chance of fucking women since your dick will most likely not have sensitivity and look like it's been ran over by a truck ?
1) where do they get the penises ?
2) what's the point of going through a painful and costly surgery when it's really not going to give you a chance of fucking women since your dick will most likely not have sensitivity and look like it's been ran over by a truck ?

Nope, you will gain your full sensitivity back

they get the penis from a Donator
Nope, you will gain your full sensitivity back

they get the penis from a Donator
to each their own, i don't personally think i'd ever do this but i understand that there are some people that really want/need this
total penis transplantation

there a few urological surgeons who perform it

andre van der merwe as a example

he's located in south africa at the Stellenbosch university

he charges 300 euros for consultation

View attachment 6466

this is the probably only surgery so far which can potentially give you what you want
How about they do this but dont take my original peen and just put another next to it