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Info the infra glabbelar notch

the next o'pry

Active member
Jul 15, 2019
well, let's start with the infra glabbelar notch


Gandy have a hook nose but a deep infra glabbelar notch

So, Weak brow bone + no nose bridge = subhuman


infra glabbelar notch + Brow ridges = top male model tier


Also this is a striking features im gonna add it to the post I make about this this is the link

But too much gabella forward growth can make your profile look weird if your glabella doesn’t align with your chin like in this shae o’pry example


As you can see he has a top tier glabella but doesn’t align with his chin it gives him a weird profile

A big nose can only look good when you have a large projection chin, that’s why when you gonna make a nose job the Plastic surgeons comment on rhino and chin implant.

Examples big nose without chin projection


Big nose with chin projection


Chin projection is legit even in small noses

1567054659661.png 1567054683935.png

If your chin doesn’t align with your brow ridge or is slightly in front of the the brow ridge(ideal in my opinion) your profile will look bad

in my opinion a thin nose is ideal

Almost every male models have thin noses

bump , very high iq

are you saying this statue looks subhuman to you? Jfl we are a different species.

or perhaps im misunderstanding your post?
View attachment 29639

are you saying this statue looks subhuman to you? Jfl we are a different species.

or perhaps im misunderstanding your post?
its not subhuman.. but the side profile looks weird in that area where it should be an infra glabbelar notch, since the nose just goes straight to the forehead and evens out there
its not subhuman.. but the side profile looks weird in that area where it should be an infra glabbelar notch, since the nose just goes straight to the forehead and evens out there
looks normal

chinpill. most important thing is chin matches the brow projection. hypothetically, if u were to have forward brow growth at a faster rate than forward chin growth u would become incel
looks normal

chinpill. most important thing is chin matches the brow projection. hypothetically, if u were to have forward brow growth at a faster rate than forward chin growth u would become incel
that is important, and it might be normal, but i prefer the notch significantly more
jeez he was right about the original edition having bad writing