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Info The most beautiful man in the world.

You good? Like I’m really not tryna be an ass here.
Yea ur a dickhead

first post 20 posts like a r****d insulting others and then transform into a b***h boy theory
You’re not even that good at helping from what I’ve seen. And yeah I think u have some masculine features but ur fine overall
Bro okay I said okay. I spent over an hour helping you last night, why are you such a dickkk
Tell me what I should do again
Look at our chats and figure it out. You asked for help with softmaxxing because you can't afford to hardmaxx and I gave you help with softmaxxing with constructive criticism. I didn't insult you and was honest. This is my last reply to you, I'm not entertaining this anymore.
Look at our chats and figure it out. You asked for help with softmaxxing because you can't afford to hardmaxx and I gave you help with softmaxxing with constructive criticism. I didn't insult you and was honest. This is my last reply to you, I'm not entertaining this anymore.
Come on man I’m sorry. 😔

Let’s be friends :(
I accidentally made the pictures too big, fixed it now
@tami_26 said some foids like scleral show and nct (they simp)

So i think its not over for u

Also it could be possible that scelral show and nct being a major deal breaker was psl autism
@tami_26 said some foids like scleral show and nct (they simp)

So i think its not over for u

Also it could be possible that scelral show and nct being a major deal breaker was psl autism
this is true,women have allot of niches now a days so its not rlly over for most of you guys.

Your not going to pull if you have this attitude.
@S1d567 is literally chadlite and is still blackpill incel.

Personality f*****g matters
im higher tier subhuman wyo:sadge::sadge:

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