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Info The most beautiful man in the world.

Hey , If that's your opinion, that's you opinion but you need to stop being so bitter, I made one point that you disagree with and then you go off and dislike my other posts. Even with Tami, she's a "low iq sheboon" because she, a woman who is attracted to men, disagrees with a man who is not attracted to men, that a man isn't as attractive as he thinks.
It’s ironic you talk about being bitter when you got mad at @S1d567 just for being honest, looks like you were just fishing for compliments, that whole post reeked of bitterness from you. I as a man said he was attractive based on the multiple comments from women. And yes I went to dislike your other comments simply as a means of returning the favor, if you can’t handle your own medicine I suppose you shouldn’t be here.
Stop being a dick because people have different opinions. I literally gave you tips on soft maxxing for like an hour last night. I said you weren't chopped enough to be incel and your 6'1
I appreciate that, and I still do?
Since you are a girl could I get some advice on makeup? I'm thinking of using a water pencil to slightly downturn my medial canthus. Will a waterline pencil stay on for a whole day? And does the quality matter?
some would but dont put it in your eye it make your eyes watery and therefore runs
quality is important because if its bad quality it could cause styes
It’s ironic you talk about being bitter when you got mad at @S1d567 just for being honest, looks like you were just fishing for compliments, that whole post reeked of bitterness from you. I as a man said he was attractive based on the multiple comments from women. And yes I went to dislike your other comments simply as a means of returning the favor, if you can’t handle your own medicine I suppose you shouldn’t be here.

I appreciate that, and I still do?
Jesus christ. You're cooked in terms of personality. How was I the one that was bitter. I was already called mtb by loads of others and took it well. @S1d567 was clearly the bitter one in the quarrel. What he was stating was simply not true. He took whatever biases he had against other black women and acted as if MY face fit whatever stereotypical aspects as other black women. It's like he didn't even look at me and insulted me unprovoked the entire time.

He even took the time to post me on .org and call me an ugly sheboon there and claimed I thought I was stacy. Smh
Jesus christ. You're cooked in terms of personality. How was I the one that was bitter. I was already called mtb by loads of others and took it well. @S1d567 was clearly the bitter one in the quarrel. What he was stating was simply not true. He took whatever biases he had against other black women and acted as if MY face fit whatever stereotypical aspects as other black women. It's like he didn't even look at me and insulted me unprovoked the entire time.

He even took the time to post me on .org and call me an ugly sheboon there and claimed I thought I was stacy. Smh
I’m cooked in terms of personality when you’re the idiot who lashed out because you were given advice. Sid didn’t have any innate stereotypical claims against black women, you simply misconstrued his words. All he did was give you a rating and advice and you just couldn’t handle it. I mean for God’s sake you started seething like a Mofo because he said you have a masculine brow ridge 💀
It's like he didn't even look at me and insulted me unprovoked the entire time.
You substantiated my claim, thank you. He saw you clearly, gave an opinion and you just could not let it go.
It’s ironic you talk about being bitter when you got mad at @S1d567 just for being honest, looks like you were just fishing for compliments, that whole post reeked of bitterness from you. I as a man said he was attractive based on the multiple comments from women. And yes I went to dislike your other comments simply as a means of returning the favor, if you can’t handle your own medicine I suppose you shouldn’t be here.

I appreciate that, and I still do?

Your not going to pull if you have this attitude.
@S1d567 is literally chadlite and is still blackpill incel.

Personality f*****g matters

Your not going to pull if you have this attitude.
@S1d567 is literally chadlite and is still blackpill incel.

Personality f*****g matters
Yes, he called you ugly. Get over it. You wanted ratings, you got one.

He’s chadlite and has slayed multiple times from what he told me. So his personality (irl I suppose) is more than alright.

Deal with it jit

In my opinion you’re pretty good looking. Focus on that personality and you’ll be alright
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  • #62
I was already called mtb by loads of others and took it well.
I thought you were HTB but that might be because I live in Asia, I've never seen a black woman irl before
It’s ironic you talk about being bitter when you got mad at @S1d567 just for being honest, looks like you were just fishing for compliments, that whole post reeked of bitterness from you. I as a man said he was attractive based on the multiple comments from women. And yes I went to dislike your other comments simply as a means of returning the favor, if you can’t handle your own medicine I suppose you shouldn’t be here.

I appreciate that, and I still do?
“u need genioplasty and eyebrow transplant and canthoplasty to become at least normal looking you also look very masculine

your bones, browbridge everything about your face is masculine african women generally are known to have masuline facial features even zendaya, thats why afrcian women are undesirable my most men except their own race and reffered to as "sheboons"
im sorry ur just ugly asf its the plain blatant truth
ur literally subhuman ngl on teh last picture of your mom its clear to see the apple doesnt fall far from the tree
attention from an ugly sheboon? Pahaha
cope, if that what helps you sleep at night be my guest but its just over for you ur ugly and im not insecure JFL im a htn/ chadlite im only rotting here cus im heavily blackpilled pre ascension
shes literally one of the ugliest girls iv seen how can she get compliments? shes doesnt validaed irl cus shes ugly shes only here to hope that incels call her hot so she can deny her ugly truth of being f*****g ugly”

But I'm the bitter one, sure
u need genioplasty and eyebrow transplant and canthoplasty to become at least normal looking you also look very masculine
This alone was very normal and you got bitter after this; let’s be real.
your bones, browbridge everything about your face is masculine african women generally are known to have masuline facial features even zendaya, thats why afrcian women are undesirable
Statistically this is true, nothing he said was wrong here.

Like I said tho you’re not that ugly and don’t need to be on this forum. Go have fun
Statistically this is true, nothing he said was wrong here.

Like I said tho you’re not that ugly and don’t need to be on this forum. Go have fun
statistically? We are talking about MY FACE. The problem here is that he has grouped with every other black woman on this earth. He didn't even go into specifics
How about this?
I've given you help, you give me help
You tell me what specifically about my bones and brow ridge are masculine
here's a side profile pic to help

I'm going to agree with her here. You're more likely to see other men simping over chico then you are to see women.. Fact of the matter is that most chico edits are made by men, most of the simping is done by men. It's just PSL autism. He is 8.5/10
Chico is wattpad king

Lord Pretty Boy
God Gifted Harmony And Good bones

He is female gaze god
Rn he is not chad so females don't like him
statistically? We are talking about MY FACE. The problem here is that he has grouped with every other black woman on this earth. He didn't even go into specifics
How about this?
I've given you help, you give me help
You tell me what specifically about my bones and brow ridge are masculine
here's a side profile pic to help

yep he wasnt based she doesnt have a very masculine face
Chico is wattpad king

Lord Pretty Boy
God Gifted Harmony And Good bones

He is female gaze god
Rn he is not chad so females don't like him
Ya maybe I just haven't seen it. Everytime I see him on social media it's just from looksmaxxing pages. I don't know
Maybe if he was still in his prime he would garner more attention nowadays
Chico is wattpad king

Lord Pretty Boy
God Gifted Harmony And Good bones

He is female gaze god
Rn he is not chad so females don't like him
This is straight from road to one percent ☠️☠️
The problem here is that he has grouped with every other black woman on this earth.
Show me where he did this
How about this?
I've given you help, you give me help
You tell me what specifically about my bones and brow ridge are masculine
here's a side profile pic to help
They’re just masculine looking. Accept it and move on m8
Ya maybe I just haven't seen it. Everytime I see him on social media it's just from looksmaxxing pages. I don't know
He is not in his prime thats why u also don't see many males making videos on lima and shields

(there are some males but most are females and the males are just trying to farm views they don't even care or appreciate),
He is not in his prime thats why u also don't see many males making videos on lima and shields

(there are some males but most are females and the males are just trying to farm views they don't even care or appreciate),
Also with the amount of attractive people on social media it would be hard to stand out
if you think I'm masculine, then you think I'm masculine, I'm done arguing. I'm staying on this forum to help others.
You’re not even that good at helping from what I’ve seen. And yeah I think u have some masculine features but ur fine overall

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