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Story The ramifications of my weight loss on my social circle:


New member
Apr 11, 2024
This is my inaugural discussion thread, so please temper your expectations regarding its quality
My journey delineated through the lens of pre and post-weight reduction:
Reflecting on the past year, it’s like I’ve lived two different lives. At 14, I was the kid who always felt a bit out of place, especially when it came to my weight. I was 79.8 kg and 169 cm tall, and somehow, I just blended into the background at school. Then, something inside me shifted. I decided to cut out processed sugars, and that decision set off a chain reaction. Over eight months, I watched as the weight fell away, and with it, a part of who I used to be. Now, at 15 and 170 cm tall, I’m 62.5 kg and feel like a whole new person. It’s strange how the world starts to change when you do. Girls at school, who never seemed to notice me before, now look my way and even chat with me. There’s this one girl, a beautiful blonde from a different class, who started saying hi and flashing me these warm smiles sometimes. It’s a small thing, but it feels huge to me. I keep wondering about her smiles. Are they just friendly, or is there something more? I’ve never been the guy who gets attention from girls, so it’s a bit overwhelming but also kind of amazing. This whole experience has been eye-opening. It’s shown me that, whether we like it or not, appearances do play a role in how people treat us. But it’s also given me hope—hope that I can be seen for who I am and maybe even find romance. I’ve never had a girlfriend, and I’m still figuring out how to navigate this new social landscape. The weight loss was a big step, but there’s more to learn, and more to experience. So, here’s to the journey ahead, to the lessons still to come, and to the possibility of what lies around the next corner. Thanks for listening to my story.

Swallow the whitepill!


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Dubs being taken

You love to see it, gonna need to change that username soon
Weight loss is one of the few non cope looksmaxxes

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