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There is no simpler form of self improvement than optimism


Give me milkies!
Jul 5, 2019
It gives a person the hope that their efforts will lead somewhere and gives them the motivation to continue on. It should form the base of all self improvement as it makes all other forms much more enticing and desirable
It gives a person the hope that their efforts will lead somewhere and gives them the motivation to continue on. It should form the base of all self improvement as it makes all other forms much more enticing and desirable

High IQ thread
It gives a person the hope that their efforts will lead somewhere and gives them the motivation to continue on. It should form the base of all self improvement as it makes all other forms much more enticing and desirable
its over for me
True tbf
Trying new stuff to looksmax regularly whether they be cope or not makes swallowing the black and lookspill less likely to make you insane. I’ve tried new stuff like vitamin c maxing, supplements to increase t, gymcelling correctly, diet changes, caator oil for eyelashes and a lot of other stuff. Some of which worked, others are cope. But the point is you’re always optimistic about trying new methods.
Tru. Been feeling depressed as shit lately and lack motivation which is hurting my looksmaxxing journey. Been reading too much blackpilling stuff.

Just need to focus on gymcelling and clearing skin and I should make it.
Thanks I’ll just be optimistic about my fucking 60.4mm IPD