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Discussion Tried Google and YouTube, still don't get it. Someone please elaborately in plain down-to-earth English explain what Face to Width rato is?

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  • #51
Yes, it's 7 inches in length (BPEL) and 5.5 inches in girth.

I have posted pictures but i am in the process of deleting them from the main forum currently.

I've been rated between 4-6/10
PSL wise, I've been rated 3.5-4.5 by most raters. I was rated 4 PSL (out of 8) the most.
That puts me in the low tier normie-mid tier normie zone. But idk, it's their opinion.
I believe i'm a solid, low tier normie (4/10).

But i am involuntarily celibate.

Yeah I wouldn't concern myself with being a celibate at 17 dude.

I lost V plates at 19 and we are around the same in looks + you got the height edge.

There'll always be horny girls wanting to explore at University/College, even if I went during the non-tinder and non-bumble days.

I'm sure you ain't worried. You gym maxing at that height is gonna leave you with some serious edge. Unless your genetics are weak af, which based on that penis, girth and height, is highly improbable lol.
