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Discussion Tried Google and YouTube, still don't get it. Someone please elaborately in plain down-to-earth English explain what Face to Width rato is?

Yes, it's 7 inches in length (BPEL) and 5.5 inches in girth.

I have posted pictures but i am in the process of deleting them from the main forum currently.

I've been rated between 4-6/10
PSL wise, I've been rated 3.5-4.5 by most raters. I was rated 4 PSL (out of 8) the most.
That puts me in the low tier normie-mid tier normie zone. But idk, it's their opinion.
I believe i'm a solid, low tier normie (4/10).

But i am involuntarily celibate.

Yeah I wouldn't concern myself with being a celibate at 17 dude.

I lost V plates at 19 and we are around the same in looks + you got the height edge.

There'll always be horny girls wanting to explore at University/College, even if I went during the non-tinder and non-bumble days.

I'm sure you ain't worried. You gym maxing at that height is gonna leave you with some serious edge. Unless your genetics are weak af, which based on that penis, girth and height, is highly improbable lol. .
Read the conclusion.

Say good bye to lifting and/or running unless you enjoy extreme pain (and possible fractures and injury).

Not sure about tennis, but in general... LL is risky and not a good idea in 90% + cases. It's not even worth it. You're going to pay well above 80k - 100k bucks for only 2-3 inches of height.
Also, don't forget that your height decreases by 1-1.5 cm each decade after you turn around 35-40 yo. So your results will just not be permanent. It's a scam.

So it is in your fate. You WILL remain as a manlet (in fact a giga-manlet after you become old). You must accept it and cope, because LL is a pipe dream itself which isn't worth it in the long run. Yo're gonna pay a lot of shekels just to lose that height in a decade or so.

I'd say you invest in good quality $100 dollar lifts that offer you 1-1.5 inches maximum (i seriously wouldn't recommend 2 inches since it is noticeable after 1 inch... plus you wear shoes too which give you at least 0.5 - 1 inch easily).
Any more than that ridiculous... i'm serious, i have an anecdote i can share if you want, but - listen to me. Fraud till 5'9"-5'10" (with shoes and lifts combined) and don't make fun of yourself.
Either way if you attract a girl... she will always be unhappy by the fact that you aren't tall. it's just something you got to deal with due to your cursed genes.

This is why, the biggest blackpill of all time is about genes and luck. Childhood and early puberty are what matter the most. If you are like 18 and below 6', don't have your hopes too high, you'll be short forever, because at that point even peptides or HGH won't work lmao.
@Shrek is a lucky cunt who's 6'2" and the tallest on this forum. Wish i was 6'2".

@Rkelly , @Rei , thoughts?
*correction: DNA matter most. You could have a perfect childhood and adolescence and still fail. DNA is the thing.