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Discussion What causes

id assume its prominence and leanness
i have it too but ironically im not very lean
from the front my cheekbones r shit
might be due to high set cheekbones but not sure
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  • #7
id assume its prominence and leanness
i have it too but ironically im not very lean
from the front my cheekbones r shit
might be due to high set cheekbones but not sure
is it not just lateral projection
Prominence, leanness, high set cheekbone, forward growth lateral projection
So does it mostly have to do with lateral projection? But theoretically shouldn’t lateral projection also be linked with prominence and forwardly grown cheekbones?
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  • #22
He can’t leanmaxx, sigma has klinefelters syndrome unfortunately.
Well it’s possible if he takes T
Its possible without it too will be way harder tho
He could go for less muscled frame then to jb maxx
Its possible without it too will be way harder tho
i cannot take T, my brother wanted to take creatine but my parents are too strict for even something like that. when i am 18 i will
but i will try my best without it, hoping to do a body recomp. i will go for a lean frame, try to get a v taper with visible abs and good arms, but still lean. it will probably take a few years but i will put in the effort
thanks for the suggestions tho 🥰
i cannot take T, my brother wanted to take creatine but my parents are too strict for even something like that. when i am 18 i will
but i will try my best without it, hoping to do a body recomp. i will go for a lean frame, try to get a v taper with visible abs and good arms, but still lean. it will probably take a few years but i will put in the effort
thanks for the suggestions tho 🥰

Also fun fact creatine can accelerate hairloss if u have it
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  • #38
i cannot take T, my brother wanted to take creatine but my parents are too strict for even something like that. when i am 18 i will
but i will try my best without it, hoping to do a body recomp. i will go for a lean frame, try to get a v taper with visible abs and good arms, but still lean. it will probably take a few years but i will put in the effort
thanks for the suggestions tho 🥰
You can, I have a T source if you need it just PM me.
You can, I have a T source if you need it just PM me.
i live in an apartment, my credit card is monitored by my parents, and i have no reliable friends that i can ask for delieveries
i also have cameras everywhere and very strict parents, they fuss over every molecule i eat, i would be caught super quickly
i live in an apartment, my credit card is monitored by my parents, and i have no reliable friends that i can ask for delieveries
i also have cameras everywhere and very strict parents, they fuss over every molecule i eat, i would be caught super quickly
go to a gnc or something and buy some tongkat ali or other test supplements then and just hide them

pay cash in person
i live in an apartment, my credit card is monitored by my parents, and i have no reliable friends that i can ask for delieveries
i also have cameras everywhere and very strict parents, they fuss over every molecule i eat, i would be caught super quickly
images (73).jpeg
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  • #48
i live in an apartment, my credit card is monitored by my parents, and i have no reliable friends that i can ask for delieveries
i also have cameras everywhere and very strict parents, they fuss over every molecule i eat, i would be caught super quickly
i looked up pictures then saw which one looked closest to me
Yeah, but you do have klinefelters so your fat distribution is different. For all you know, maybe it could be 35% BF even!

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