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Discussion which jawline is more ideal?

which jawline is more ideal?

  • Invisible antegonial notch

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Ridiculous antegonial notch

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
are you restarted horse?



Tell me one statement there wich was wrong and tell me how and why, if thats what your somehow trying to say
wtf absolutely garbage bin iq level
its still recessed you cunt, i look horrible

Its okay man I get it you don't have the cognitive function or mental capcity to process that many sentences.
All jokes aside he isn't entirely wrong
Some people have their mouths protruding further than their chin genetically.
İt's called pheonotypical prognathy
images - 2019-09-04T172613.096.jpeg
wtv happened to these guys did they ascend? @Nihilus @DonsaMogger its crazy to think this place was so alive back then and now a ghost town
some of them switched to org
and some of them ascended
we will make this place great again
hopefully told my friend about the forum and says he will "be an active member" not sure how true that is tho
who are the other 2 guys that one f**k with the 100 message per hour?
yeah its him and the other guy i think hes name is Yayi or sth like this, he talks sometimes