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Why are all fitness profiles so lean.

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Deleted member 342

Even the fucking strongmen are lean nowadays,
The only ones I can think of that arnt are Brian Shaw, Shlak and Kyriakos Grizzly.
Dedsrs Its super fucking hard for me to even get close to lean and even harder staying there.
I have no problem with being fat with muscles but everyone seems to hate on it.
Anyways yeah.
they go for aesthetics rather than strength because of hypergamy

I guess so, I'm going for strenght.
Also I think personally I look better at a little bit higher bf because it hides my shitty bones.
I guess so, I'm going for strenght.
Also I think personally I look better at a little bit higher bf because it hides my shitty bones.
i look the best at my current bf but i probs wont stay here for long

its really over any way might as well. i want to be strong too but its gonna be rly hard with my schit genes, im weak as fuck rn
Even the fucking strongmen are lean nowadays,
The only ones I can think of that arnt are Brian Shaw, Shlak and Kyriakos Grizzly.
Dedsrs Its super fucking hard for me to even get close to lean and even harder staying there.
I have no problem with being fat with muscles but everyone seems to hate on it.
Anyways yeah.
Don't fool yourself.
Negative energy balance=Weight loss
It's not rocket science
Can't lose fat ?
Eat less
?? never even had a sixpack, I looked like shit and had been cutting for 6 months.
I feel like I'm still at around 18%
i saw you on looksmax lean with sixpack what u on about????
i forgot what thread it was though
i look the best at my current bf but i probs wont stay here for long

its really over any way might as well. i want to be strong too but its gonna be rly hard with my schit genes, im weak as fuck rn
how many push ups bro
i look the best at my current bf but i probs wont stay here for long

its really over any way might as well. i want to be strong too but its gonna be rly hard with my schit genes, im weak as fuck rn

From what I have seen you are more of the guy who is always lean and ripped.
My frame is really blocky and even though I have never really been fat in my life I have always been high bf
theres a bunch of hormones involved in this: gh/igf, insulin, glucagon, androgens/estrogens, leptin, etc. the macro composition matters a lot too
Yea I know the hormonal aspects.
Some people have fucked up hormones and can't lose fat efficiently but I don't think that's the case for him.I mean unless it's diagnosed
Yea I know the hormonal aspects.
Some people have fucked up hormones and can't lose fat efficiently but I don't think that's the case for him.I mean unless it's diagnosed
at a certain point restriction wont work anymore and youll have to implement some tricks in order to continue losing weight, like fasting

im literally (((Auschwitz))) tier
jfl used to be 55 and i wouldnt eat for a day if id go over my calories by 100 cals
at a certain point restriction wont work anymore and youll have to implement some tricks in order to continue losing weight, like fasting

jfl used to be 55 and i wouldnt eat for a day if id go over my calories by 100 cals
but I dont restrict calories, i eat till full cant eat more jfl
but i eat lots of animal products and ill vomit jfl
ill try though
If the goal is just gaining weight,then go for liquid calories.Drink lots of soda and stuff like that.
It has very low nutritional value but there's a ton of calories in it.Also it's very easy to consume
i wish i had 0 appetite and i was auschwitz mode

ogre mode is merely just a way for me to use those calories i wouldve eaten anyway because of my high appetite
If the goal is just gaining weight,then go for liquid calories.Drink lots of soda and stuff like that.
It has very low nutritional value but there's a ton of calories in it.Also it's very easy to consume
ye but i don't want my teeth to rot, also im trying carnivore diet so ye
My strenght is not good either, my friend is a twig and he mogs me to death.
I will start a strenght program soon though.
My grandpa can bench 400lbs
well hes a twig he doesnt have to pull or push that much weight

also my grandpa probably mogs most gymcels at my gym too. he could break my head with his insane grip strength

ogre for grandpacels