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Why are all fitness profiles so lean.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Deleted member 342
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Allright, but I never really do pushups anyways.
I have perfect form for pullups though, almost everyone I know or see cheats on them.
Most people don't go all the way down and often they swing from the bar
I hate that guy
He talks a lot but he does explain things properly and gives reason to why and why not of things.Also makes sure to include tips that prevent injury.He's a decent guy with a great body.Why do you hate him ?
He talks a lot but he does explain things properly and gives reason to why and why not of things.Also makes sure to include tips that prevent injury.He's a decent guy with a great body.Why do you hate him ?

He makes so many stupid videos about how you should avoid certain exercises,
I do agree he is smart though.
Not my type of guy to watch though as bodybuilding is not my thing, and certainly not being lean.
He makes so many stupid videos about how you should avoid certain exercises,
I do agree he is smart though.
Not my type of guy to watch though as bodybuilding is not my thing, and certainly not being lean.
He's right about upright rows and flys though.
I almost fucked my shoulders up doing flys.
I stopped doing them for a while and the pain went away
He's right about upright rows and flys though.
I almost fucked my shoulders up doing flys.
I stopped doing them for a while and the pain went away

Well I agree, but I do remember him making a video about why you shouldnt bench press but it seems like he had removed it.
Anyways its not my type of channel but saying I hate him maybe takes it a bit over the line.
jeff is low T for not cheating on his diet for years

no wonder hes trying to avoid injuries so badly while eating like a 12 year old girl
jeff is low T for not cheating on his diet for years

no wonder hes trying to avoid injuries so badly while eating like a 12 year old girl

I could never live like that,
I need to enjoy stuff like junk food, snacks and alcohol.
Otherwise I would rope.
If I were chad I would avoid it for aesthetics but I look subhuman even while avoiding it so there is no point.