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Theory why do capitalists never give medium sugar quantities?


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Seems like capitalists only provide objects that are too sweet or have 0 sugar at all.

For example, I bought a keto alternative object that was for diets. Yet it is too sweet, and it has a high sugar content in the nutrition facts. Why couldn't they just give it a medium sugar content?

Its like how conventional sodas are often too sweet.

Then they will provide alternatives that taste like trash and aren't sweet at all and have 0 grams of sugar.

Could it be that they don't care about money, and they just want everyone to be unhealthy?
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  • #3
They just try to make the food the most addictive possible
doesnt explain why they offer 0 gram sugar as alternative. those are not addictive and taste like trash

my theory is they want everyone to be unhealthy
doesnt explain why they offer 0 gram sugar as alternative. those are not addictive and taste like trash

my theory is they want everyone to be unhealthy
they offer two opposites, both extremes. the one with sugar will taste better than the one without and will be more addictive. thus, they make more money because sugar costs 💵. also if you are unhealthy, that is good for them too. you will spend money on stuff like tv programs, spending time on your couch all day, and other gratifcation and comforts. then, when you start having a poor body image, they will profit off of you going to the gym or buying unnecessary appliances for working out even though you can just go outside and do cardio or calisthenics at home. they always want to make money, they never care about you
doesnt explain why they offer 0 gram sugar as alternative. those are not addictive and taste like trash

my theory is they want everyone to be unhealthy
They either want to show themselves as: " we care for your health " or they just want to target more public (diabetes people) by bombarding them with some other cancerogenous chemical than sugar
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  • #8
ofc they do
they want all of us to be cucks , so we cant revolt
i assure you there are many fat and obese people who would revolt against dystopia. they just wouldn't be op gigawarriors with stamina. and the junk food is making them more unhinged and uncivilized

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