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Figured out a way to ascend some incels, but...


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
This is a physical method to ascend some incels, but... it requires 3 products... 2 of the products on ebay, the other on amazon... The one on amazon is a specific product that it won't work without that specific product, other types of the same type of product won't work. But the product is out of stock.

But I wanted to sell it as an amazon affiliate link, so I could make money of this, but Amazon is making me jump through a bunch of hoops to, saying I need their approval, I need a website with 10 blog posts and/or a large social media following, and there a bunch of cucked rules I have to follow, and I feel cucked. I just wanted to post some affiliate links on a forum, so why do I need a website in the first place? I am tired of having to obey policies made by corporations, tired of being treated like a beta that is told what to do. And I looked into amazon affiliates and somebody said how if Kylie Jenner was an amazon affiliate, she'd make exorbitant amounts of money automatically. And I feel very envious about that, like how is that fair?? People born into riches and make gigantic sums of money just for existing, meanwhile I am an incel with a miserable existence and have to get corporate approval just for a chance to make a decent living. When I just want to make an honest living merchandising and what I sell actually would add value to society.

And so I read some anti-communist posts and now I realize both capitalism and communism suck, I invented a new system of economics that is better than both...
This is a physical method to ascend some incels, but... it requires 3 products... 2 of the products on ebay, the other on amazon... The one on amazon is a specific product that it won't work without that specific product, other types of the same type of product won't work. But the product is out of stock.

But I wanted to sell it as an amazon affiliate link, so I could make money of this, but Amazon is making me jump through a bunch of hoops to, saying I need their approval, I need a website with 10 blog posts and/or a large social media following, and there a bunch of cucked rules I have to follow, and I feel cucked. I just wanted to post some affiliate links on a forum, so why do I need a website in the first place? I am tired of having to obey policies made by corporations, tired of being treated like a beta that is told what to do. And I looked into amazon affiliates and somebody said how if Kylie Jenner was an amazon affiliate, she'd make exorbitant amounts of money automatically. And I feel very envious about that, like how is that fair?? People born into riches and make gigantic sums of money just for existing, meanwhile I am an incel with a miserable existence and have to get corporate approval just for a chance to make a decent living. When I just want to make an honest living merchandising and what I sell actually would add value to society.

And so I read some anti-communist posts and now I realize both capitalism and communism suck, I invented a new system of economics that is better than both...
Send me the products.
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Send me the products.
I gave up on the products, basically it was some pillows to improve posture, but you had to position them in an exact perfect way and I haven't been able to replicate it easily.

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