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Search results

  1. Rico

    Somatropin (HGH) or MK667

    I'm about to get myself some height boosters. Should I buy Somatropin or Ibutamoren? (I'm poor, I can't afford both)
  2. Rico

    Fixed retainers

    Since I've got my braces off in February I got fixed retainers on my five upper and five lower teeth. Do they prevent results? If they do; can I just tell my orthodontist to take them off or should I break them by myself?
  3. Rico

    Bonesmashing nasal bone

    I'm not very happy and confident about my nose. My nose is crooked and the tip is kinda big so I was thinking about if smashing the nasal bone (part above the nose bridge) would be ok, so the nose overall would get that kind of "allignment"
  4. Rico

    2 bumps on each side under back of jaw

    When I mew, 2 bumps appear at the left and right side under the back of my jaw (they are called mylohyoideus muscles). I also tried tongue positions that are incorrect, but the bumps still appear. Are the muscles supposed to show up?
  5. Rico


    I'm currently 15 years old and 1.69 cm (Europe). I'm already bigger than my parents and my older brother (22 y/o) is just a few centimeters bigger than me. I know that genetics do play an important role in height and all that but is there any advice on maximizing my height until I'll stop growing?