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Search results

  1. glayu

    Guide Testosterone: Should we accept mediocre levels?

    Testosterone is the main male sex hormone and plays a vital role in men's health and well-being. Therefore, it significantly influences various bodily functions: sexual development, muscle mass, mood, and even cardiovascular health. That said, low testosterone causes several problems in our...
  2. glayu

    Story Being ugly during childhood and teenagehood

    I want mostly vent, but I think that some of you can understand what I am talking about. I was fat and ugly almost my whole life, to ur all understand how ugly I was, on my first years at school they made a list of the most ugly male's in the class, and this was the first time I on top of any...
  3. glayu

    Hairstyle advice

    Hi guys =) I want some advice about my hairstyle. In the last year, I tested 3 or 4 hairstyles, but I really do not like any of them This was my first hairstyle in 2023, a undercut with curls, that was fine, but theres something about it that i dont like Then, i used to cut like this; I don't...