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    This is a public discussion forum. The owners, staff, and users of this website ARE NOT engaged in rendering professional services to the individual reader. DO NOT use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licenced healthcare providers. DO NOT begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licenced medical supervision. Learn more

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  1. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    Discussion How to get a thicker and more dimorphic neck?

    ā€œHave you ever trained for a combat sport?ā€ So real.šŸ¤«
  2. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    Discussion How to get a thicker and more dimorphic neck?

    I want a thicker neck, for those wondering, it is 17 inches thick last time I measured. I have a big head ik. It is one of the most attractive traits if it is good, is the neck a muscle that can be made bigger or no? Also what should I do with my hair to make me more attractive?
  3. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    Story Proteinmaxxed

    Gives more energy from converting ADP to ATP, so you can go harder in the gym and thus get stronger and build muscle faster, it also provides energy for your brain and you could function better than before both physically and mentally with it.
  4. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    Info What exercises or supplements increase HGH the most?

    Yeah I think I know mostly about exercises, I am wondering if any supplements can illicit a higher response as well though for increasing hgh? But thank you still.
  5. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    Discussion IQmaxxing

    Okay Iā€™ll try do harder brain exercises and stuff.
  6. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    Discussion IQmaxxing

    Nah all good man youā€™re cool bro
  7. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    JFL Small details make a mad difference

    She? As biological and looks wise would take precedence over supposed brain chemistry as that is internal and thoughts cannot be seen.
  8. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    JFL Small details make a mad difference

    What does brain chemistry being male even mean? You donā€™t look like you have high levels of prenatal T or T at the current moment and also if xx chromosomes then you also shouldnā€™t have high levels of T. How can you be sure your brain chemistry is male?
  9. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    JFL Small details make a mad difference

    If you are a female then isnā€™t the cards you been dealt the female hand? Not to be rude but you look like an in between and I donā€™t think bluffing your hand is the best option cause you have potential to female max as a female.
  10. UltimateLooksMaxxer

    JFL Small details make a mad difference

    So you is xx chromies but you is a man? How do this be working?