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Discussion Please girls be honest, no sugar coating: Do you think being a 5'1 female prevents you from being a 10/10 ?

If a man had to pick between:
1) a pretty and skinny short woman
2)a pretty and skinny tall woman

He would pick 2) because men care about how he is viewed in public, and men love to be seen with supermodel tier girlfriends to impres his male peers and make them jealous.
Phahahaa he would go for the prettier one

Also short women can't be skinny easily and men most of the time dont like skinny women
Phahahaa he would go for the prettier one

Also short women can't be skinny easily and men most of the time dont like skinny women
If skinny means fit skinny and not sick skinny then man like skinny girls
i have had actively move whole rooms from girls odor
Sounds like a YOU problem tbh

Look at this
Sounds like a YOU problem tbh

Look at this
most replies diagree bro
First reply also says only if her mouth smelled bad lol which I agree with obv
i was talking but stinky breath,but would say bad smells r universally bad ( body odor may b an expectation because of the theory of pheromonal attraction,but that goes both ways)
It's brutally over if you're not 6 FT at least in 2024 JFL

It is what it is.
false i liked a 5’6 guy i was obsessed with him (nd his face was unattractive) and idm 5’8, 5’10, etc.
it sounds like your understanding of women’s standards comes from select instagram reels
Op u don't understand u seem to reject all the truth and have a bias
U want to feel like u are in a bad position
I think u enjoy this feeling of being in a bad position

I am guessing u have been rejected or suffering from break or people just generally hate u and u think the reason is ur height but let me clear misconceptions

its something mental about u that people hate
or she wants people to say it’s cute and uwu 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
If a man had to pick between:
1) a pretty and skinny short woman
2)a pretty and skinny tall woman

He would pick 2) because men care about how he is viewed in public, and men love to be seen with supermodel tier girlfriends to impres his male peers and make them jealous.
ur both not listening to the men telling you this is not true and ignoring another woman who had a similar struggle to you idk what you want at this point
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