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Serious break up with my bf cuz he mogs me ?

should i break up with my bf

  • yes

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • no

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters
Its one thing to be a male looksmazxer, another to be a female one. Just watch makeup tutorials and diet and get fillers and u will be perfect to 70% of men unless ur an autistic , deluded, giga hypergamous female
dating sites are full of men who wanna pump and dump, i want a good man
Good luck.
because no one wants me brah, i literally talk to no guys outside this forum unless they are my friends boyfriends which are my friends
>i literally talk to no guys outside this forum unless they are my friends boyfriends which are my friend
>no one wants me brah

>no one wants me brah
>i literally talk to no guys

ok bud
Its one thing to be a male looksmazxer, another to be a female one. Just watch makeup tutorials and diet and get fillers and u will be perfect to 70% of men unless ur an autistic , deluded, giga hypergamous female
ehh idk
Good luck.

>i literally talk to no guys outside this forum unless they are my friends boyfriends which are my friend
>no one wants me brah

>no one wants me brah
>i literally talk to no guys

ok bud
if i go up to a guy i will be rejected💀💀💀
Oh I just saw your face, dk why you have such law confidence ur cute ngga btw are you mixed?
and it’s because i get ghosted and ignored by guys, other girls are chosen over me each time so i just gave up. i’ve given up especially after the current situation that happened to me
being dead srs when i say my bf is so much better looking than me and has so much more appeal and it makes me wanna rip my skin off

he dead makes me so insecure

when he first asked me out i litro thought it was a prank and it was all a joke jfl

being with him puts so much pressure on me too look my best and its lokey making me go insane
Should I decline a ride in a private jet because I am poor. Ofcourse not. Just stay the same like when he asked you out. What would you rate him?
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  • #95
Should I decline a ride in a private jet because I am poor. Ofcourse not. Just stay the same like when he asked you out. What would you rate him?
i rate him low-mid htn

for some reason it isn’t letting me attach images in pm bc i would show u but
what are you trying to prove here, i can’t want a good man now or what
ur not trying hard enough and theres a difference between wanting a "good" man and being hella picky when you shouldn't be (not saying ur ugly or anything just saying being too picky will nuke ppls options no matter the looks level unless chad or stacy). Good luck finding a good man anyways in this day and age that is attractive to u and not subhuman. Ur prob not even considering the "good" men because they arent good looking enough to be an option for u anyways. Just LOL
ur not trying hard enough and theres a difference between wanting a "good" man and being hella picky when you shouldn't be (not saying ur ugly or anything just saying being too picky will nuke ppls options no matter the looks level unless chad or stacy). Good luck finding a good man anyways in this day and age that is attractive to u and not subhuman. Ur prob not even considering the "good" men because they arent good looking enough to be an option for u anyways. Just LOL
I laugh when autistic woman expects a good man

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