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Serious break up with my bf cuz he mogs me ?

should i break up with my bf

  • yes

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • no

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters
I laugh when autistic woman expects a good man
these bitches want a good looking man that will provide for them, not cheat/stay loyal and adhere to their every needs and wants and get surprised when they cant find anyone that meets their sky high expectations. I don't know where ppl get these expectations in the first place. People arent perfect and sometimes it feels like women demand perfection or damn near close to it to be satisfied
ur not trying hard enough and theres a difference between wanting a "good" man and being hella picky when you shouldn't be (not saying ur ugly or anything just saying being too picky will nuke ppls options no matter the looks level unless chad or stacy). Good luck finding a good man anyways in this day and age that is attractive to u and not subhuman. Ur prob not even considering the "good" men because they arent good looking enough to be an option for u anyways. Just LOL
It’s a common shit I have seen with both guys and girls bro, if you are a whore or a fuckboy you will get laid a lot and get a gf or bf but the quality is shit. For good men and girls you need a place where they hang not many of these places excist.
these bitches want a good looking man that will provide for them, not cheat/stay loyal and adhere to their every needs and wants and get surprised when they cant find anyone that meets their sky high expectations. I don't know where ppl get these expectations in the first place. People arent perfect and sometimes it feels like women demand perfection or damn near close to it to be satisfied
Meanwhile they are average, autistic enough to fall into looksmaxxing spaces instead of doing what works for their gender. Even i wont date a female looksmaxxer and im normie
It’s a common shit I have seen with both guys and girls bro, if you are a whore or a fuckboy you will get laid a lot and get a gf or bf but the quality is shit. For good men and girls you need a place where they hang not many of these places excist.
bruh it drives me crazy. The dudes on .org do this too. They demand virgin stacies and its just delusional and annoying. Then they wonder why they are single. Ppl need to reasonable lower their expectations and be willing to compromise, otherwise don't be surprised ur alone and not happy. Yes there arent many of those places that exist to find good men and women but a lot of the issue stems from the individual themself. Some accountability and self awareness could go a long way
Meanwhile they are average, autistic enough to fall into looksmaxxing spaces instead of doing what works for their gender. Even i wont date a female looksmaxxer and im normie
its not the fact that they are autistic or on looksmaxxing forums its their behavior and standards when it comes to men irl and online and that's not just a woman issue its a guy issue too. The problem isn't that they are using forums its that they (both sides) have delusional expectations and arent willing to compromise
It’s a common shit I have seen with both guys and girls bro, if you are a whore or a fuckboy you will get laid a lot and get a gf or bf but the quality is shit. For good men and girls you need a place where they hang not many of these places excist.
This might be the hardest era ever for people who want a traditional relationship. The degenerates get rewarded for their behavior, while the good are put to the test. A good human in a bad world.
its not the fact that they are autistic or on looksmaxxing forums its their behavior and standards when it comes to men irl and online and that's not just a woman issue its a guy issue too. The problem isn't that they are using forums its that they (both sides) have delusional expectations and arent willing to compromise
its the autism and hypergamy for me, should we just go around wearing pads that dont benefit us then
bruh it drives me crazy. The dudes on .org do this too. They demand virgin stacies and its just delusional and annoying. Then they wonder why they are single. Ppl need to reasonable lower their expectations and be willing to compromise, otherwise don't be surprised ur alone and not happy. Yes there arent many of those places that exist to find good men and women but a lot of the issue stems from the individual themself. Some accountability and self awareness could go a long way
People at .org are just crazy, though. But I understand when a virgin girl or boy says they want a virgin partner. In their mind, they’ve suffered and want the ultimate prize at the end. Their perspective is: why should I have lived a lonely, hard life only to end up with someone who had their fun and is now damaged goods, while I’m still premium goods?
People at .org are just crazy, though. But I understand when a virgin girl or boy says they want a virgin partner. In their mind, they’ve suffered and want the ultimate prize at the end. Their perspective is: why should I have lived a lonely, hard life only to end up with someone who had their fun and is now damaged goods, while I’m still premium goods?
.org is def a basket case but those unrealistic standards and expectations still are relevant irl just not as radical. Also ur right about the ultimate prize shit but ppl gotta understand we don't live in that type of world anymore. Either accept it and adapt or just go ur own way and do something else cuz many many women aren't virgins and thinking u deserve one just because ur one yourself isn't gonna get u anywhere. Not saying u shouldn't have standards but there's ppl that think 1-2 bodies means the girls is expired or some shit and that's just stupid to me. Not saying its wrong to desire virgins but at least understand the vast majority arent and its not a cliff u should die on unless ur willing to be single
.org is def a basket case but those unrealistic standards and expectations still are relevant irl just not as radical. Also ur right about the ultimate prize shit but ppl gotta understand we don't live in that type of world anymore. Either accept it and adapt or just go ur own way and do something else cuz many many women aren't virgins and thinking u deserve one just because ur one yourself isn't gonna get u anywhere. Not saying u shouldn't have standards but there's ppl that think 1-2 bodies means the girls is expired or some shit and that's just stupid to me. Not saying its wrong to desire virgins but at least understand the vast majority arent and its not a cliff u should die on unless ur willing to be single
I know that, which is why I advise these guys to be realistic. Everyone walked a different life path. You lived piously, but 99% of people don’t. How can you expect to find a girl who is in the 1% in terms of behavior (a virgin), and on top of that, you’re hideous but want her to be in the 1% in looks too? Humble yourself before life’s reality gives you a harsh wake up call.
ur not trying hard enough and theres a difference between wanting a "good" man and being hella picky when you shouldn't be (not saying ur ugly or anything just saying being too picky will nuke ppls options no matter the looks level unless chad or stacy). Good luck finding a good man anyways in this day and age that is attractive to u and not subhuman. Ur prob not even considering the "good" men because they arent good looking enough to be an option for u anyways. Just LOL
all i want is a good guy bro deadass i don’t have crazy standards whatsoever
these bitches want a good looking man that will provide for them, not cheat/stay loyal and adhere to their every needs and wants and get surprised when they cant find anyone that meets their sky high expectations. I don't know where ppl get these expectations in the first place. People arent perfect and sometimes it feels like women demand perfection or damn near close to it to be satisfied
holy fuck what hypothetical woman are you on about bruh
holy fuck what hypothetical woman are you on about bruh
all i want is a good guy bro deadass i don’t have crazy standards whatsoever
i mean tbf i dont know ur situation I'm more so speaking generally but it really all depends on what u consider a "good man" and what looks level ur willing to be with at lowest possible. Maybe ur an exception but that doesn't change the rule that many women and men are delusional and lack self awareness thus leading to them being single. nothing I'm saying is false btw no one can dispute
i mean tbf i dont know ur situation I'm more so speaking generally but it really all depends on what u consider a "good man" and what looks level ur willing to be with at lowest possible. Maybe ur an exception but that doesn't change the rule that many women and men are delusional and lack self awareness thus leading to them being single. nothing I'm saying is false btw no one can dispute
being dead srs when i say my bf is so much better looking than me and has so much more appeal and it makes me wanna rip my skin off

he dead makes me so insecure

when he first asked me out i litro thought it was a prank and it was all a joke jfl

being with him puts so much pressure on me too look my best and its lokey making me go insane
I don't believe you one bit. Whether he mogs you or not you just aren't attracted to him. Either that or what you're saying is true and you can sense he's about to dump you soon anyways.
I don't believe you one bit. Whether he mogs you or not you just aren't attracted to him. Either that or what you're saying is true and you can sense he's about to dump you soon anyways.
nah its believable tbh women giga care about power dynamics and shit in relationships if they don't feel in control they will become insecure and look for ways to lash out and cause problems. Not all women are like this but def some are
nah its believable tbh women giga care about power dynamics and shit in relationships if they don't feel in control they will become insecure and look for ways to lash out and cause problems. Not all women are like this but def some are
They care about what attracts them even more.
They care about what attracts them even more.
but not to the point where they feel like an afterthought too the dude. Yes women want chads and shit but the only thing they want more then to fuck chads is to be with them and start a family with them and shit to pass on the best genes possible. If the woman in question feels like shes just being used for sex and doesn't have a chance locking the chad down then she will become insecure and look for ways to create problems until the chad commits fully in the way she wants or the relationship inevitably ends as chad as plenty of other options.
but not to the point where they feel like an afterthought too the dude. Yes women want chads and shit but the only thing they want more then to fuck chads is to be with them and start a family with them and shit to pass on the best genes possible. If the woman in question feels like shes just being used for sex and doesn't have a chance locking the chad down then she will become insecure and look for ways to create problems until the chad commits fully in the way she wants or the relationship inevitably ends as chad as plenty of other options.
She's talking about breaking up with the dude. Not creating problems with him. Saying that he mogs her. Probably on here looking for a handful people to agree with her so she can believe her own excuse enough to not feel bad.
She's talking about breaking up with the dude. Not creating problems with him. Saying that he mogs her. Probably on here looking for a handful people to agree with her so she can believe her own excuse enough to not feel bad.
yea n***a shes creating problems out of thin air for the reasons i just said. Shes accusing him of cheating and shit with no solid proof purely because she wants to end things cuz of how brutal the mog is. Also she wants to end it because she doesn't think she can lock him down long term and get the treatment she thinks she should get as well from him. If she felt like he would stay with her long term and treat her like the queen she wants to be treated like then these issues wouldn't pop up. The sad part is there are probably men out there that would treat her how she wants to be treated and do anything for her, however because of their looks level she will never even give them a chance. Expecting queen treatment and devotion from chad (or good looking guys in general) is delusional
She's talking about breaking up with the dude. Not creating problems with him. Saying that he mogs her. Probably on here looking for a handful people to agree with her so she can believe her own excuse enough to not feel bad.
Gurantee u if the dude "simped" to her and acted insecure about losing her and shit and was more into her then she is into him this wouldn't be as big of an issue. Women want to be in control in long term relationships not the other way around. its a paradox they only go for guys initially that give them that thrill and excitement but want those same guys to simp and devote themselves when time comes for LTR. As long as women don't lower their standards and demand only chads they will always feel insecure and powerless because of this since its giga obvious chads don't and wont simp over any one female unless shes geniunly a full blown wife material girl who u want to have ur children
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wife material is cope when it comes to dating imo
yea and dont be suprised when u date a top tier guy and he doesn't treat u the way u think u should be treated. They have the leverage and will feel no incentive or desire to devote themselves to any one female in the way they want. This is why OP is considering breaking up with him, she knows he doesn't feel that incentive due to the disparity in their looks levels and she wants to use breaking up as a means to get him to treat her the way she wants to be treated and get him into her frame and orbit if u get what I'm saying. Not saying its good on either side its fucked up but its just the way the world works. People need to understand how important power dynamics are in a relationship.
yea and dont be suprised when u date a top tier guy and he doesn't treat u the way u think u should be treated. They have the leverage and will feel no incentive or desire to devote themselves to any one female in the way they want. This is why OP is considering breaking up with him, she knows he doesn't feel that incentive due to the disparity in their looks levels and she wants to use breaking up as a means to get him to treat her the way she wants to be treated and get him into her frame and orbit if u get what I'm saying. Not saying its good on either side its fucked up but its just the way the world works. People need to understand how important power dynamics are in a relationship.
forreal. they just want to pump dump and repeat type shit
yea n***a shes creating problems out of thin air for the reasons i just said. Shes accusing him of cheating and shit with no solid proof purely because she wants to end things cuz of how brutal the mog is. Also she wants to end it because she doesn't think she can lock him down long term and get the treatment she thinks she should get as well from him. If she felt like he would stay with her long term and treat her like the queen she wants to be treated like then these issues wouldn't pop up. The sad part is there are probably men out there that would treat her how she wants to be treated and do anything for her, however because of their looks level she will never even give them a chance. Expecting queen treatment and devotion from chad (or good looking guys in general) is delusional
No, she's not accusing him of anything. Not to his face. Not to anyone who will bring it back to him. Rather she's online telling people who've got nothing to do with her that he's cheating, wanting them to give her the greenlight to coldly walk away and cut the cord.

And no woman wants to be treated like ela queen. Especially not from chad.

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