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Brutal Sugar Pill


Deleted member 304

This is Sugar. On the left, we have Glucose, and on the right there is Fructose. The link between them gets broken down by the body and they both act independently of each other. Sugar is not 1 big molecule, it's 2 different ones. So why is all the hate going towards Sugar and not one of the smaller molecules?


Well that is because (((they))) don't want to bring attention to Fructose, the real culprit. All gym-goers already know about Glucose. Their best friend that helps refill the Glycogen storage in the Muscles and Liver to allow them to have the energy to lift in the gym.

What about Fructose? It surely couldn't be bad! Dr. Shekelstein told me it's good for me!

Let's see what the research says (there's surprisingly very high consensus on Fructose, probably because Dr. Shekelstein knows normies don't care for reading studies)

"During the fructolysis (Metabolism of Fructose), a high level of metabolic stress via ATP depletion is detected. ATP depletion causes oxidative stress and inflammatory response to disturb the function of tissues and organs, resulting in abnormal production of insulin, inflammatory cytokine, adiponectin, leptin and endotoxin. These indirect dangerous factors are secreted into systemic circulation, further aggravating metabolic burden in tissues and organs and even perturbing appetite and food intake."

"fasting or postprandial glucose concentrations are increased after high fructose consumption in clinical trials and animal experiments. The elevated glucose output may cause an increase of insulin demand and trigger insulin over-release."

"Impairment of β-cell mass and function inmales with high fructose diets result from dysregulation of leptin signaling and activation of protein kinase B (PKB/Akt)/Forkhead box protein (Fox) O1 in rat islets. ER stress occurs in pancreatic β-cells under high fructose diet, as it is closely associated with insulin resistance, inflammation and abnormal lipid metabolism, possibly leading to glucose intolerance and insulin resistance."

"High fructose increases postprandial lactate level, leading to hyperlactatemia. ... Lactate infusion induces insulin signaling impairment by inhibiting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Akt activity in skeletal muscle of mice. On the other hand, lactate suppresses hexokinase (HK) and phosphofructokinase (PFK) in skeletal muscle, liver, heart and kidney, resulting in glucose consumption reduction. Meanwhile, glucose uptake is reduced by hyperlactatemia via suppressing GLUT4 to decrease glycolytic flux in skeletal muscle"

"High fructose consumption gives rise to hyperlipidemia" "Therefore, increased plasma FFAs, TG and VLDL-TG levels induce hyperlipidemia, as well as TG accumulation in extrahepatic tissues and organs. Fructose-induced lipotoxicity leads to NAFLD, lipid accumulation and autophagy in skeletal muscle, cardiac dysfunction, adipose inflammation, CKD, pancreatic islet dysfunction, brain oxidative stress and inflammation."

"ructose supplementation increases de novo ceramide biosynthesis and elevates ceramide concentrations in plasma [57], liver [58] and skeletal muscle [59], promoting local insulin resistance. Ceramide decreases the ability of insulin to activate Akt and GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes"

"Recently, fructose has been reported to be metabolized in several regions of brain, including cerebellum, hippocampus, cortex, and olfactory bulb, which express GLUTs and all of the enzymes in fructolysis, probably leading to central inflammation response. FFA elevation in plasma gives rise to hippocampal insulin signaling impairment and inflammation under high fructose consumption, since FFAs may cross the blood–brain barrier. Hypothalamus is the major site sensing energy status in the whole body. The possible mechanism relates to neuropeptides secretion via regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling and malonyl-CoA concentration, compensating for the change in energy status. Rapid fructolysis results in ATP depletion to produce more AMP. Sensing increase of the AMP/ATP ratio, AMPK is activated under high fructose consumption. Moreover, peripheral indirect signals generated by fructose, including TNF-α can also activate AMPK in hypothalamus. Fructose triggers AMPK/malonyl-CoA signaling in hypothalamus, subsequently increasing food intake and the risk of obesity. Furthermore, fructose-induced hypothalamic AMPK activation increases hepatic gluconeogenesis by the elevation of circulating corticosterone level, further contributing to systemic insulin resistance."

I can copy and paste all day, you get it.

I am sure by this point you are shred to pieces. Dr. Shekelstein lied to you, me and everybody else.

It's over.
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  • #6
You can no longer deny the Sugar Pill.

You cannot bury this thread, Mr. Coinbagberg.

People will find out the truth about Sugar. Quitting a 50/50 combo of a good thing and a bad thing (Glucose and Fructose) in favor of the bad thing (Fructose from Fruit) makes you more retarded than an 8 month old aborted fetus
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  • #8
no no no goyim fructose is good for the body. do not listen to these lies.
Go away from my thread of truths you filthy hebrew speaking money grabbing ashtray
Freelee the (vegan) Banana girl eats 52 bananas a day, almost 700 g of fructose. Holy fuck!!!

Eye opening thread.
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  • #11
Freelee the (vegan) Banana girl eats 52 bananas a day, almost 700 g of fructose. Holy fuck!!!

Eye opening thread.
she looks like a skeleton, not to mention that if you watch any of her videos you can see she is senile, insane
she looks like a skeleton, not to mention that if you watch any of her videos you can see she is senile, insane
I found out about her a month ago watching australian youtuber Isaac butterfirlds video, (i'm aussie), i hate her , i'm anti vegan . YEAHHHH!!!!
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #13
I found out about her a month ago watching australian youtuber Isaac butterfirlds video, (i'm aussie), i hate her , i'm anti vegan . YEAHHHH!!!!
shes more mentally unstable than sv3ridge tbh
The whole 'awww veganism destroyed me' is a result of raw vegan diet that Freelee the banana cocksucker promotes.I am vegan myself for 2 years,never felt weak,eating about 3200-4000kcal (depends if I am cutting or bulking) ,never had any problems hitting my macros and micros..Do what feels right for you,but lemme tell you that Sv3ridge is even worse,lmao.He stabbed few ppl,he sun gazes and eats raw rotten meat XD
The whole 'awww veganism destroyed me' is a result of raw vegan diet that Freelee the banana cocksucker promotes.I am vegan myself for 2 years,never felt weak,eating about 3200-4000kcal (depends if I am cutting or bulking) ,never had any problems hitting my macros and micros..Do what feels right for you,but lemme tell you that Sv3ridge is even worse,lmao.He stabbed few ppl,he sun gazes and eats raw rotten meat XD
severinge was a vegan
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  • #16
The whole 'awww veganism destroyed me' is a result of raw vegan diet that Freelee the banana cocksucker promotes.I am vegan myself for 2 years,never felt weak,eating about 3200-4000kcal (depends if I am cutting or bulking) ,never had any problems hitting my macros and micros..Do what feels right for you,but lemme tell you that Sv3ridge is even worse,lmao.He stabbed few ppl,he sun gazes and eats raw rotten meat XD
of course youre eating 4k calories since fruits have 0 nutritional value

bro if you wanna make troll posts at least fucking put some humour into it or something cause that just retarded
of course youre eating 4k calories since fruits have 0 nutritional value

bro if you wanna make troll posts at least fucking put some humour into it or something cause that just retarded
What do you mean some humour? I thought that this thread is serious
I know.What I am trying to say is that it doesn't matter which diet you prefer,if it's done incorrectly,you will suffer.
starving your body for ideological fallacy will make you suffer. Diet and nutrition is a joke nowadays due to Youtube "health gurus". Bro just eat high quality sources and what your body is telling you to get.
starving your body for ideological fallacy will make you suffer. Diet and nutrition is a joke nowadays due to Youtube "health gurus". Bro just eat high quality sources and what your body is telling you to get.
No shit sherlock
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  • #22
starving your body for ideological fallacy will make you suffer. Diet and nutrition is a joke nowadays due to Youtube "health gurus". Bro just eat high quality sources and what your body is telling you to get.
and remember fruits, veggies and such arent high quality sources of anything. people didnt even use to eat them. literally soyboy food since its easier to grow some plants than to hunt

and not to mention even if they were eaten, they were grown naturally and were only available in certain periods of the year, not all year round at supermarkets.

only high quality foods are animal products. you can add things on top of those since not everyone cares about what they eat as much or has sensitivities (a.k.a. shit genes) but if you completely remove animal products then i dont really care since you were a lost cause from the beginning
and remember fruits, veggies and such arent high quality sources of anything. people didnt even use to eat them. literally soyboy food since its easier to grow some plants than to hunt

and not to mention even if they were eaten, they were grown naturally and were only available in certain periods of the year, not all year round at supermarkets.

only high quality foods are animal products. you can add things on top of those since not everyone cares about what they eat as much or has sensitivities (a.k.a. shit genes) but if you completely remove animal products then i dont really care since you were a lost cause from the beginning
'high quality foods'

When it comes to cancer, once again, the source of proteinseems to matter more than quantity.

  • In the Nurse’s Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, every additional serving per day of red meat or processed red meat was associated with a 10% and 16% higher risk of cancer death, respectively. [5]
  • In October 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO)’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that consumption of processed meat is “carcinogenic to humans,”and that consumption of red meat is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” [18] The IARC Working Group (comprised of 22 scientists from ten countries) reached these conclusions from an evaluation of over 800 studies.
    • Conclusions were primarily based on the evidence for colorectal cancer. Data also showed positive associations between processed meat consumption and stomach cancer, and between red meat consumption and pancreatic and prostate cancer.

Heart disease

Research conducted at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health has found that eating even small amounts of red meat—especially processed red meat—on a regular basis is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, and the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or any other cause. [4-6] Conversely, replacing red and processed red meat with healthy protein sources such as beans, soy foods, nuts, fish, or poultry seems to reduce these risks.

Premature death

  • In 2016, researchers reviewed protein intakes of more than 131,000 women and men from the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-up Study. After tracking their diets for up to 32 years, the authors found that a higher intake of red meat, especially processed versions (sausage, bacon, hot dogs, salami), was linked to a modestly higher risk of death, while a higher protein intake from plant foods carried a lower risk.
Protein foods and the planet


Just as different foods can have differing impacts on human health, they also have differing impacts on the environment. Agriculture is a major contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally, the accumulation of which is driving climate change at a rate unprecedented in human history. However, not all foods have an equal impact. Production of animal-based foods tends to have higher GHG emissions than producing plant-based foods—and dairy and especially red meat (particularly beef, lamb, and goat) stand out for their disproportionate impact.
You can say that this reasearch is written by 'vegan propaganda',but they even recommend eating some meat.Anyways,more plants and less animal products-->better for longevity.I haven't found study that says otherwise
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  • #25
You can say that this reasearch is written by 'vegan propaganda',but they even recommend eating some meat.Anyways,more plants and less animal products-->better for longevity.I haven't found study that says otherwise
what im gonna say is that using correlation studies to try to prove your point is retarded and youre not gonna convince me to become a low T high E vegan and for all I care you can go back to your retarded diet and I hope it will kill you in a few years, unless you kill yourself before by jumping in front of a deer thats about to get shot or something
what im gonna say is that using correlation studies to try to prove your point is retarded and youre not gonna convince me to become a low T high E vegan and for all I care you can go back to your retarded diet and I hope it will kill you in a few years, unless you kill yourself before by jumping in front of a deer thats about to get shot or something
high E is your milk that you drink from cow titties,lil bitch
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  • #27
high E is your milk that you drink from cow titties,lil bitch
max 5pg was found in milk which is freebased with a bioavailability of 1 to 5% which is way less than all your estrogenic plants f****t
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  • #29
Eating carbs = cuck trait

keto and IF is very good for weight loss, but thats about it

just avoid fructose, its just retarded to eat it, especially with so many choices of foods and sodas with 0 glycemic index and 0 calorie sweeteners JFL
max 5pg was found in milk which is freebased with a bioavailability of 1 to 5% which is way less than all your estrogenic plants f****t
That's phytoestrogen n***a,you are drinkin mammalian estrogen,r****d
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  • #34
That's phytoestrogen n***a,you are drinkin mammalian estrogen,r****d
you are so retarded you try to call me out on something I already explained to you
You can say that this reasearch is written by 'vegan propaganda',but they even recommend eating some meat.Anyways,more plants and less animal products-->better for longevity.I haven't found study that says otherwise
That's because most of these studies are junk psuedoscience as usual.

Red meat causes cancer because it has a low smoke point, its the same principle that the anti-weedlets used to denigrate weed. Weed only causes cancer because you literally light it on fire, just as breathing smoke fumes of any substance generally is carcinogenic. In theory, if you only heat red meat to 200 F it should not be carcinogenic then. You should still reduce your red meat intake anyway, since its extremely energy inefficient to produce red meat as compared to other things such as soy, thus by eating red meat you will naturally increase the rate of climate change and carbon emissions.
This is Sugar. On the left, we have Glucose, and on the right there is Fructose. The link between them gets broken down by the body and they both act independently of each other. Sugar is not 1 big molecule, it's 2 different ones. So why is all the hate going towards Sugar and not one of the smaller molecules?

View attachment 902

Well that is because (((they))) don't want to bring attention to Fructose, the real culprit. All gym-goers already know about Glucose. Their best friend that helps refill the Glycogen storage in the Muscles and Liver to allow them to have the energy to lift in the gym.

What about Fructose? It surely couldn't be bad! Dr. Shekelstein told me it's good for me!

Let's see what the research says (there's surprisingly very high consensus on Fructose, probably because Dr. Shekelstein knows normies don't care for reading studies)

"During the fructolysis (Metabolism of Fructose), a high level of metabolic stress via ATP depletion is detected. ATP depletion causes oxidative stress and inflammatory response to disturb the function of tissues and organs, resulting in abnormal production of insulin, inflammatory cytokine, adiponectin, leptin and endotoxin. These indirect dangerous factors are secreted into systemic circulation, further aggravating metabolic burden in tissues and organs and even perturbing appetite and food intake."

"fasting or postprandial glucose concentrations are increased after high fructose consumption in clinical trials and animal experiments. The elevated glucose output may cause an increase of insulin demand and trigger insulin over-release."

"Impairment of β-cell mass and function inmales with high fructose diets result from dysregulation of leptin signaling and activation of protein kinase B (PKB/Akt)/Forkhead box protein (Fox) O1 in rat islets. ER stress occurs in pancreatic β-cells under high fructose diet, as it is closely associated with insulin resistance, inflammation and abnormal lipid metabolism, possibly leading to glucose intolerance and insulin resistance."

"High fructose increases postprandial lactate level, leading to hyperlactatemia. ... Lactate infusion induces insulin signaling impairment by inhibiting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Akt activity in skeletal muscle of mice. On the other hand, lactate suppresses hexokinase (HK) and phosphofructokinase (PFK) in skeletal muscle, liver, heart and kidney, resulting in glucose consumption reduction. Meanwhile, glucose uptake is reduced by hyperlactatemia via suppressing GLUT4 to decrease glycolytic flux in skeletal muscle"

"High fructose consumption gives rise to hyperlipidemia" "Therefore, increased plasma FFAs, TG and VLDL-TG levels induce hyperlipidemia, as well as TG accumulation in extrahepatic tissues and organs. Fructose-induced lipotoxicity leads to NAFLD, lipid accumulation and autophagy in skeletal muscle, cardiac dysfunction, adipose inflammation, CKD, pancreatic islet dysfunction, brain oxidative stress and inflammation."

"ructose supplementation increases de novo ceramide biosynthesis and elevates ceramide concentrations in plasma [57], liver [58] and skeletal muscle [59], promoting local insulin resistance. Ceramide decreases the ability of insulin to activate Akt and GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes"

"Recently, fructose has been reported to be metabolized in several regions of brain, including cerebellum, hippocampus, cortex, and olfactory bulb, which express GLUTs and all of the enzymes in fructolysis, probably leading to central inflammation response. FFA elevation in plasma gives rise to hippocampal insulin signaling impairment and inflammation under high fructose consumption, since FFAs may cross the blood–brain barrier. Hypothalamus is the major site sensing energy status in the whole body. The possible mechanism relates to neuropeptides secretion via regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling and malonyl-CoA concentration, compensating for the change in energy status. Rapid fructolysis results in ATP depletion to produce more AMP. Sensing increase of the AMP/ATP ratio, AMPK is activated under high fructose consumption. Moreover, peripheral indirect signals generated by fructose, including TNF-α can also activate AMPK in hypothalamus. Fructose triggers AMPK/malonyl-CoA signaling in hypothalamus, subsequently increasing food intake and the risk of obesity. Furthermore, fructose-induced hypothalamic AMPK activation increases hepatic gluconeogenesis by the elevation of circulating corticosterone level, further contributing to systemic insulin resistance."

I can copy and paste all day, you get it.

I am sure by this point you are shred to pieces. Dr. Shekelstein lied to you, me and everybody else.

It's over.
I'm retarded an autistic where's the tldr n***a
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