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do I look like a slut be honest

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Why do women think having a high social media following will get them access to a chad husband?
TBF i think the instagram influencers want to be fucked by Chad but they know deep down they can't marrying him : he has standards and boundaries and other options. Why he will focus on the used & abused OF girl while he can get a sweet 10/10 walmart cashier.

I think, and it's female instinct and hypergamy, that these women use social medias to attract high quality males, and exposing their physical features. It's a mating strategy
TBF i think the instagram influencers want to be fucked by Chad but they know deep down they can't marrying him : he has standards and boundaries and other options. Why he will focus on the used & abused OF girl while he can get a sweet 10/10 walmart cashier.

I think, and it's female instinct and hypergamy, that these women use social medias to attract high quality males, and exposing their physical features. It's a mating strategy
Or they go for some LTB rich asian girl
how am i down bad ur the incel girls dont find you attractive but they find me attractive im the better upgraded version of you u cocky a*s spaceship nose narcy. Dont pretend u dont know who I am you talked to me on .org now u are trying to act like you are higher then me or something. I look better then you and get more girls you cant pull girls in real life only online and tinder and omegle I have proof I get girls IRL that are hotter then anyone you could ever pull. I take back everything I ever said about you you aren't chad you would never come close to me in a mog battle or in real life competition for women. Just fu*ing lol thinking im desperate when you are the one who is low psl and reliant on internet for women
I’m not reading all that lil bro
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  • #208
Why do women think having a high social media following will get them access to a chad husband?
wait where does this whole "chad" husband thing come from? cuz that's def not my goal lol I just wanna be respected as a normal girl human being yk I feel like it has gotten to a point where Im starting to sexualize myself in a way
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  • #217
ja fick köln komme eigentlich aus düsseldorf👌😁 Woher kommt ihre exzellenz?
hab 2 jahre lang in düsseldorf gewohnt lol wohne aber jz in hannover was definitiv nicht besser als köln ist aber ziehe glaube eh bald nach Berlin keine ahnung
hab 2 jahre lang in düsseldorf gewohnt lol wohne aber jz in hannover was definitiv nicht besser als köln ist aber ziehe glaube eh bald nach Berlin keine ahnung
Bin ehrlich duesseldorf schon sehr stabile stadt aber berlin würde ich niemals hinziehen.
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  • #219
Bin ehrlich duesseldorf schon sehr stabile stadt aber berlin würde ich niemals hinziehen.
ja true aber berlin geht klar wenn du dort mal bist merkst du selber das es gar nicht mal so schlimm ist wie viele denken. fahr mal nach offenbach
ja true aber berlin geht klar wenn du dort mal bist merkst du selber das es gar nicht mal so schlimm ist wie viele denken. fahr mal nach offenbach
ja offenbach und ffm sowieso am schlimmsten(ausser du lebst ausserhalb im landgebiet) aber berlin auch schon ass. Bin ehrlich würde deutschland nur BW, Düsseldorf oder Hamburg leben wollen.
wait where does this whole "chad" husband thing come from? cuz that's def not my goal lol I just wanna be respected as a normal girl human being yk I feel like it has gotten to a point where Im starting to sexualize myself in a way
What's the minimum looks level requirement?
is it bc im not blonde? cause I don't get it what makes me not look polish
That, as well as your facial features and bone structure. Doesn't look Slavic to be honest. Are you ethnically fully Polish, or are you mixed?
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  • #233
That, as well as your facial features and bone structure. Doesn't look Slavic to be honest. Are you ethnically fully Polish, or are you mixed?
both parents born and raised in Poland im fully polish ethnically
Yes. stop using highlighter so genereously, take off mexican looking hoops, and stop wearing those horrendus push up bras and stop posing like you breath and live on snapchat
Yes. stop using highlighter so genereously, take off mexican looking hoops, and stop wearing those horrendus push up bras and stop posing like you breath and live on snapchat
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