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do I look like a slut be honest

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Naturally a cuck?
I'm 10x the testosterone as you. I'm 10x the man. I actually lead and I'm physically more attractive. Make it make sense. You think being respectful and not listening to your stupid sexual desires by the daily. Simping after every women who even bats an eye at you cuck? Totally makes sense. I don't react to any attention I receive from women online. Yeah totally "cuck" the jokes write themselves
Sex hungry dog? Jfl just cuck your attraction to girls intentionally to be muh Prince Charming
Its time to chemically castrate myself and overdose on finasteride to fully eliminate bodily involuntary responses and arousal that was never in my control to begin with.
I'm 10x the testosterone as you. I'm 10x the man. I actually lead and I'm physically more attractive. Make it make sense.
the only thing u leading is an incel website brother its time to lock in
10x the giga snowflake jfl. You got mad @softlysoftly for disliking your posts and got Dean to ban him
Im not gonna argue anymore as i don't wanna get banned.
Who said I simp? Attraction =\ simping
I'm 10x the testosterone as you. I'm 10x the man. I actually lead and I'm physically more attractive. Make it make sense. You think being respectful and not listening to your stupid sexual desires by the daily. Simping after every women who even bats an eye at you cuck? Totally makes sense.
I have zero initial desire to any women online or in person UNLESS I gave gotten to know them and feel some type of connection. This is not true at all for me and for you to assume as such shows that there is serious lack of depth for some men. Idk and I can never relate to this. There is no initial primal desire. I have been on ultra high doses of testosterone. I have been on tren. Thar desire did not increase. I'm very much into women but I'm only into women I feel like I can love and be in love with. A pretty face is just a pretty face. A pretty soul is much more rare and what gets me sexually going so to speak. Im very sexual person and only those who have been close to me can experience that.
Everyone believes all chads and chadlites never feels emotion/highly selective even though people clowned on me for claiming they're even MORE selective in this aspect than MTNs/HTNs.
This. They get turned off as hell
They are young kids and will never get it. Women like older men too. It is what it is. It's just the youth clouding their headspaces. Wisdom comes with time. Women do not like horny dogs who wanna slay. If they want to date you that is and if you get lucky and find the women who does. She's not good quality dating material in the first place.

The women who gives it up on the first night likely will give it up to anyone else who gives them same feelings if not more. At least women who are not more evolved and mentally aware of what they are doing.
They are young kids and will never get it. Women like older men too. It is what it is. It's just the youth clouding their headspaces. Wisdom comes with time. Women do not like horny dogs who wanna slay. If they want to date you that is and if you get lucky and find the women who does. She's not good quality dating material in the first place.

The women who gives it up on the first night likely will give it up to anyone else who gives them same feelings if not more. At least women who are not more evolved and mentally aware of what they are doing.
TBH with time I'm getting less blackpilled
Also IDK why people clown on me by claiming that chadlite/chads are LESS likely to be sex crazed promiscuous alsyers than gymmaxxed MTN-HTN
I'm 10x the testosterone as you. I'm 10x the man. I actually lead and I'm physically more attractive. Make it make sense. You think being respectful and not listening to your stupid sexual desires by the daily. Simping after every women who even bats an eye at you cuck? Totally makes sense. I don't react to any attention I receive from women online. Yeah totally "cuck" the jokes write themselves
Isn't your testosterone injected?
Isn't your testosterone injected?
Yes and? I also have 860ng/dl naturally. Being injected means nothing. I'm still within healthy levels and my hormonal profile is ideal. You can tell when someone's hormones needs looked at based on their perspective and inclination. @Tombradylover Definitely needs it looked at. He thinks he's some high T male when really he's likely high E and high T. Once you actually taste what it's like to be high testosterone and a balanced estrogen profile. Your outlook on life ascends 10x and you also become quite calm. Stoicism is your natural state and any social blunder is simply a learning experience and not some setback.
It's compensating tbh. Everyone in my league are more selective. Iv talked to some pretty good moggers. They don't want to play around and slay. That's fake as fuck. The prettiest women naturally are also more selective it works itself out.
In what way do they seem selective?
People also seem to clown on Chads/Chadlites for sometimes choosing to LTR sub-Stacylite women but from my experience I've talked to moggers and they seem VERY PICKY emotionally
I'm rated chadlite and I'm like this too
Yes and? I also have 860ng/dl naturally. Being injected means nothing. I'm still within healthy levels and my hormonal profile is ideal. You can tell when someone's hormones needs looked at based on their perspective and inclination. @Tombradylover Definitely needs it looked at. He thinks he's some high T male when really he's likely high e and high T.
Ur very insecure and lack reading comprehension. Everything I said was based on facts while ur lashing out emotionally for no reason rn. Go back and read what I said. Very pretentious user
In what way do they seem selective?
People also seem to clown on Chads/Chadlites for sometimes choosing to LTR sub-Stacylite women but from my experience I've talked to moggers and they seem VERY PICKY emotionally
I'm rated chadlite and I'm like this too
They care about the women's outlook. Her future prospects and her idea of what's important. I care so much about my girls mental health and what she's going through. I also care about her past but not to the extreme other's do.
No thanks. I read everything you said. Stay upset or ignorant. I have great reading comprehension skills. I'm good. I just choose to invalidate you.
Keep barking for me then I kept it respectful and u got upset because u know ur wrong and not intelligent. Continue to cry like the little princess you are
They care about the women's outlook. Her future prospects and her idea of what's important. I care so much about my girls mental health and what she's going through. I also care about her past but not to the extreme other's do.
Exactly so
I've seen moggers actually reject Stacylite/Stacy women because they "lack depth" or some shit
Most often they are in LTRs with MTB-HTB (does this apply to you?)
They also seem to prefer stable women

IMO the "Chads are all slayers" is a meme. However I've seen skinny prettyboy chads slay like hell
Damn guys your all worked up some girl could possibly be into self improvement. Be glad girls even wanna do this and be apart of these types of communities. The perspective they can bring to your goals could be very useful from a progess standpoint. My girl is a looksmaxxer mostly because I helped her understand what even means. Man or women can. I understand us men sometimes feel like we got the short end of the stick but women feel that way too with their weight and makeup all the time. I'm not a simp except for my girl of course but let's not discredit the insecurity girls also have about wanting to be the thinnest or the most beautiful. We all feel short of where we wish to be from time to time.
Funny thing about that, women can control their weight and makeup. We all want to look beautiful and attractive, regardless of gender. However, women have inherent value for merely existing, whereas men often don't unless of course they are a Chad. The reason this thread has gained the traction it has, and why "people are getting worked up over some girl" who is looksmaxxing is because the majority of us find it absolutely ridiculous that this girl even wants to looksmaxx. This girl can simply exist, and have more smv than every guy on this forum combined. It's rather funny seeing such posts from a girl who is narcissistic and is fishing for compliments and validation.
Funny thing about that, women can control their weight and makeup. We all want to look beautiful and attractive, regardless of gender. However, women have inherent value for merely existing, whereas men often don't unless of course they are a Chad. The reason this thread has gained the traction it has, and why "people are getting worked up over some girl" who is looksmaxxing is because the majority of us find it absolutely ridiculous that this girl even wants to looksmaxx. This girl can simply exist, and have more smv than every guy on this forum combined. It's rather funny seeing such posts from a girl who is narcissistic and is fishing for compliments and validation.
She wants ltr from chad.
Muh cry. I'm laughing at you DOG

I showed my girl your face and she spat our laughing telling me I'm dumb for arguing with someone so ugly. 🤣

You can have my good side or my bad. Your shit. You have horrible opinions about women and your ugly it's blessing you can't breed or have sex. You don't deserve it man. Stay incel and go back to .org where you belong.
Goldpill my ass. What happened to positivity, stop shitting on people for their looks.
Everyone is struggling. Have more empathy as I'm sure you wake up and feel bad about your appearance often. You have zero clue what she experiences. Yes women could technically have it easier than me but not all do.
Not talking about you. I mean most guys. You know you're good looking.
Muh cry. I'm laughing at you DOG

I showed my girl your face and she spat our laughing telling me I'm dumb for arguing with someone so ugly. 🤣

You can have my good side or my bad. Your shit. You have horrible opinions about women and your ugly it's blessing you can't breed or have sex. You don't deserve it man. Stay incel and go back to .org where you belong.
jfl imagine getting this upset over a normal discussion/debate. I never insulted ur looks or intelligence and because u disagree with me u get this upset. I have nothing more to say tbh
You guys are so hypocritical. I'm human. I'm not a fucking god. Dude shat on me. Grow the fuck up. Stop idolizing me. I never asked for it. I'm saying what I think and I always will. I also say what I think when I wanna be positive too.
I never shat on u. I simply disagreed and stated why I disagreed in a respectful manner now ur upset and lashing out at me
Goldpill my ass. What happened to positivity, stop shitting on people for their looks.
This guy is a huge hypocrite. Type of guy to be all buddy buddy with u but the minute u disagree with something he says he becomes a total jerk. Worst type of people
I am not upset. Do you actually think I feel anything at all when I respond to you? It's just normal avg day for me. I can forget this tomorrow and be your friend anytime of the week. I never cut people off from understanding. I have turned haters into friends in a single day. This is just normal day for me
its hard not to think ur upset when in a normal discussion and disagreement u resort to insulting looks and calling me incel when I was keeping things respectful and simply debating u on the topic we were talking about. I don't know what u expect me think about that.

Voice chat me and you wouldn't think this way.
u basically just went from degrading me to telling me i wouldn't think ur a jerk if i voicechatted u. Cmon bruh
Again. If you actually wanted to have any semblance of a understanding. You would want to humanize the words we put. I said we could voice chat to discuss this if you would like. Because I can assure you I do not have the personality you believe you think I have.

Anyways I tried to show you something about yourself that you can look at women with our sexual desire and you tried to say that's not possible. When it factually is and it doesn't make you a low T cuck to do so either. In fact. It makes you even more desirable to women. The only reason you believe it's not possible is no one taught you how. Probably not a good father figure in your life? That tends to be the core issue. I hate most fathers. They don't raise their children correctly and they end up being very bad people.
I love my dad we have a very close relationship jfl man at u taking this so serious.
I never said it wasn't possible to "look" and treat women in a nonsexual manner. I simply stated that biologically we all have involuntary bodily responses to stimuli that leads to arousal and hormonal changes and fluctuations in our bodies (for example u look at a pretty girl ur attracted to, you get an erection, butterflies in stomach and heart rate goes up etc these are involuntary responses based on the evolutionary need to reproduce), and then it's up to u consciously to act on those type of arousals or not. U can choose to ignore how ur body feels and pursue, look at, or "treat" women in a nonsexual manner or you can pursue them sexually if u like its STILL UP TO YOU. I basically said consciously ur actions and behaviors are up to u fully, but when it comes to the subconscious and ur involuntary bodily responses and fluctuations, u cant control that no matter how hard u try.
This is the last time I'm responding to this sh*t. The amount of times I've had to repeat myself is insane. Ur hypocritical for not being able to argue my topic with actual scientific reasoning instead resorting to anecdotal experience, then following up with calling me a sh*t person who is an ugly incel and doesn't deserve to breed, and on top of that I NEVER INSULTED U IN ANY WAY and I WOULD BE BANNED IF I SAID THE STUPID SH*T U JUST DID A**HOLE. JFL at u man. Get a grip.
They really deleted all the posts of this guy looking like a clown making hateful insults for no reason. Clown sh*t🤡
It made us both look like clowns. Both of us was in the wrong.
It made us both look like clowns. Both of us was in the wrong.
no bro i didnt insult u in any way while u resorted to some pretty slimy insults I legit did nothing wrong toward u cmon at least be honest I'm willing to move on but at least be honest bro.
The replies are still there?
no bro they deleted like 6+ posts its crazy what this guy astrosky was saying and acting like he's really a nice guy when he's not. I didn't insult him in any way just disagreed with his opinion and he lashed out at me hard. Other users in this thread saw this like @N30N and stigma its not that deep to me but its pretty unfair cuz i would have gotten banned if i said this sh*t he was saying
no bro i didnt insult u in any way while u resorted to some pretty slimy insults I legit did nothing wrong toward u cmon at least be honest I'm willing to move on but at least be honest bro.
Yes I insulted you. Considering you said you came from .org. I had a preconceived notion you also embody the beliefs of .org. idk if you notice but this side of the internet is meant to be more positive so to speak even if it's not always the case be that from me or others. It's still the goal regardless. Not to silence free speech but to instill the values and change people's mind. I want to really drive home the point im not your normal influencer. I won't sell you a course. I won't push a scam on you. I wont convince you that you gotta buy a membership to join.

However I will be human and i will react just just like most would if they felt attacked. Perception is powerful and in this case I felt attacked as I have many many times in my past. My bad for insulting you. Won't happen again

I also do not want people to think of me as someone who could do zero harm or wrong. It's unrealistic. I hate that shit. I'd like people to treat this as some...virtual but very real convo where people are behind a screen. Very real feelings are involved when I type. And very authentic intentions are intended. As I hope others also intend to be real and authentic too.
no bro they deleted like 6+ posts its crazy what this guy astrosky was saying and acting like he's really a nice guy when he's not. I didn't insult him in any way just disagreed with his opinion and he lashed out at me hard. Other users in this thread saw this like @N30N and stigma its not that deep to me but its pretty unfair cuz i would have gotten banned if i said this sh*t he was saying
I didn’t even realize they got deleted
Yes I insulted you. Considering you said you came from .org. I had a preconceived notion you also embody the beliefs of .org. idk if you notice but this side of the internet is meant to be more positive so to speak even if it's not always the case be that from me or others. It's still the goal regardless. Not to silence free speech but to instill the values and change people's mind. I want to really drive home the point im not your normal influencer. I won't sell you a course. I won't push a scam on you. I wont convince you that you gotta buy a membership to join.

However I will be human and i will react just just like most would if they felt attacked. Perception is powerful and in this case I felt attacked as I have many many times in my past. My bad for insulting you. Won't happen again

I also do not want people to think of me as someone who could do zero harm or wrong. It's unrealistic. I hate that shit. I'd like people to treat this as some...virtual but very real convo where people are behind a screen. Very real feelings are involved when I type. And very authentic intentions are intended. As I hope others also intend to be real and authentic too.
Thank you. I appreciate the apology and I'm sorry myself if i rubbed u the wrong way. yes I'm from .org but I'm not a bad guy i try to be as fair as possible and reasonable too and although i do debate and disagree a lot i will rarely ever put someone down if i disagree with them. Im over this now since u apologized i appreciate it. btw yes a lot of ppl from .org are scummy but there are awesome users on there too some of the nicest ppl I've interacted with have been from .org. Unfortuantly there are a lot of r*tards on there too
Send pics I'll set up mog battle
Will do asap I need to debloat and stuff first and I will beat this fraud easy and humble him. He knows what I look like he rated me low HTN on .org but I have since ascended and mog him when debloated ill pm you I know this fraud is shaking in his boots right now. I cant believe I ever spoke so highly of him hes not attractive to women I know it
Will do asap I need to debloat and stuff first and I will beat this fraud easy and humble him. He knows what I look like he rated me low HTN on .org but I have since ascended and mog him when debloated ill pm you I know this fraud is shaking in his boots right now. I cant believe I ever spoke so highly of him hes not attractive to women I know it
No worries take your time amigo
Why is she seen as a P and D by most men?
Since idk @monalabelle personally and only judging by the look she has, most men will consider her as a sexual object. She has the instagram bimbo hot smoke show cliché, bitch boss attitude, high maintenance with a whole rooster waiting for their turn. A lot of men will want to sleep with her because of the obvious physical and sexual attraction, but nothing more, no commitment. Why ? Because they will assume she is just fun for sex, and will not caught feelings because they believe she isn't worth being a gf or a wife, affraid to be cheated on, replaced, entertainning other dudes (especially if she posts thrists traps on social medias), using her looks to get money or free stuffs, or being crazy pshycho

But as i said, idk @monalabelle personally so she can be a sweet woman or she can be a horrible human being. We don't know. At the end of the day, her & only her can settle the pace for dating and getting her husband. The husband quality will depends of her personality
Since idk @monalabelle personally and only judging by the look she has, most men will consider her as a sexual object. She has the instagram bimbo hot smoke show cliché, bitch boss attitude, high maintenance with a whole rooster waiting for their turn. A lot of men will want to sleep with her because of the obvious physical and sexual attraction, but nothing more, no commitment. Why ? Because they will assume she is just fun for sex, and will not caught feelings because they believe she isn't worth being a gf or a wife, affraid to be cheated on, replaced, entertainning other dudes (especially if she posts thrists traps on social medias), using her looks to get money or free stuffs, or being crazy pshycho

But as i said, idk @monalabelle personally so she can be a sweet woman or she can be a horrible human being. We don't know. At the end of the day, her & only her can settle the pace for dating and getting her husband. The husband quality will depends of her personality
Why do women think having a high social media following will get them access to a chad husband?
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