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Falis Megathread

I was following a hard mewing + tongue chewing + thumbpulling +mew push swallow + coreect swallowing for maybe 1 month but recently i have stopped tongue chewing thumbpulling because I was not constant the last weeks yersterday i did a 2 minute thumbpulling session and i got an impression that my palate shrunk is it true or it's just an impression thought on it
''WEEKS'' is enough for a relapse.So yes you may have lost your expansion.
The only way to know for sure is to measure it though.
> TFW NOT 6'5''

(addition made by neo. No gore pls)
Last edited by a moderator:
I noticed the correlation in many people I know is it true? It's just on of my theory
I have it at the end of my nose bridge it make it a bit puffy and chubby and overall loi status do you think that by cutting bf and bloat i will be able To lose it?
If you think it's possible of course
Attach some wooden planks from your maxilla and right under your eye sockets.... amazing support guaranteed
compact midface is cope. the best look for a face is to have your chin square and directly under your lips as opposed to 10 miles from them like on my face
So a medium length one is better?
for what thread this phtoto was meant? why the fuck everything was mixed it makes it all unreadable
its from a thread where you asked about fat at the end of your nose bridge or smth
its from a thread where you asked about fat at the end of your nose bridge or smth
not like at the end of your nose when you touch it you feel a round accumulation of fat in the form of a balloon it is the case for me and for my family it is genetic I think If i said nose bridge my bad I meant nose tip
not like at the end of your nose when you touch it you feel a round accumulation of fat in the form of a balloon it is the case for me and for my family it is genetic I think If i said nose bridge my bad I meant nose tip
you mean the tip of the nose? so you have a bulbous nose?