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Falis Megathread

Good stuff seems legit ls that the final summary conclusion of what you said? ( and from the first one you got: keep inflammation low, take vit C and the second one, i said it at the end: adrenaline (exercise or drugs) and eating high protein)
Good stuff seems legit ls that the final summary conclusion of what you said? ( and from the first one you got: keep inflammation low, take vit C and the second one, i said it at the end: adrenaline (exercise or drugs) and eating high protein)
yes bro, its all on point
It seems under why do you consider them as a good one?
He doesn't have side projection of the cheekbones.
They are not very wide.But he has good under eye support.And I think that matters the most.
images (49).jpeg
Why they are good?
Because they support his eyes well.
His eyes appear small,compact and wide despite being large sized

His eyes are actually large
images (46).jpeg


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To answer your questions OP, look up ogee curve
I had a flat forehead my entire life until 5 years ago I have fallen violently from the stairs so I developed a big bump on the forehead that I did not care about at the time because i was 11 years old I had several bumps like that on the forehead after fights but I had applied some ice on it right after but not for the stairs bump it has become with time less prominent but it still exists it is quiet visible from a side view it that a Way To flatten again my forehead I apply ice all night at the bump place is it useless 5 years after the impact?
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I had a flat forehead my entire life until 5 years ago I have fallen violently from the stairs so I had a big bump on the forehead that I did not care about at the time because i was 11 years old I had several bumps like that on the forehead after fights but I had applied some galace on it right after but not for the stairs bump it has become with time less prominent but it still exists it is quiet visible from a side view it that a Way To flatten again my forehead I apply ice all night at the bump place is it useless 5 years after the impact?
go see a doctor
My mom is a doctor It's just a bump it does not represent any danger or particular symptom it annoys me just a bit from a point of looks view i am trying to get rid off
use small surface area like spoon really hard instead of hammer or fist
hammer is the best, using a spoon is retarded

the point is to use a very hard heavy object so that you only very lightly hit yourself as opposed with a fucking spoon or a fist which would require much bigger impact and can cause concussions
smashing will do that, but increased bone density doesnt mean youll get chad cheekbones
In your opinion what is the most important for cheekbones? : protrusion having large one having big one having High set one
In your opinion what is the most important for cheekbones? : protrusion having large one having big one having High set one
if theyre big theyre automatically protruding too arent they?

big and protruding is ideal. peanut sized cheekbones that really pop out like astrojew are far from ideal but better than nothing
if theyre big theyre automatically protruding too arent they?

big and protruding is ideal. peanut sized cheekbones that really pop out like astrojew are far from ideal but better than nothing
Yes true i feel like my zygo are small but they are protruding noticeable ogee curve so it end up in a banal looking cheeks
No you can't.
It's impossible.If I understood correctly you want to have huge zygomas that just bulge over your cheek.
That's just not gonna happen.
You can get better under eye support by mewing and facepulling
You can get sideways projection of zygos by expanding your palate.
But that's it.
@nicgurass. My cheeks mog your to oblivion it’s over for you. Low iQ
what's the point of flexing on him seriously is someone asked you if you mogs him? you become unbearable keep cool mate
read this article first

in other words FWHR is just a modern re-branding of the upper facial index invented by anthropologists in the 1800s.

The way to measure upper facial index is nasion-prosthion measurement X 100 / bizygomatic breadth.

U.F.I. - 44.9 = hypereuryene (very short-/broad-upper-faced)
U.F.I. 45.0 - 49.9 = euryene (short-/broad-upper-faced)
U.F.I. 50.0 - 54.9 = mesene (of moderate upper facial form)
U.F.I. 55.0 - 55.9 = leptene (long-/narrow-upper-faced)
U.F.I. 60.0 - = hyperleptene (very long-/narrow-upper-faced)

So if you have a nasion-prosthion height of 77mm and a bizygomatic breadth of 145mm:

77 x 100 / 145 = 53.3 or moderate upper facial form (mesene)
Mine is 53,8 (7×100) ÷(13) what do you think about it is it good
No you can't.
It's impossible.If I understood correctly you want to have huge zygomas that just bulge over your cheek.
That's just not gonna happen.
You can get better under eye support by mewing and facepulling
You can get sideways projection of zygos by expanding your palate.
But that's it.
No bro i am not the Guy that have false expectation just asking however how mewing and facepulling can help the under eye area
if theyre big theyre automatically protruding too arent they?

big and protruding is ideal. peanut sized cheekbones that really pop out like astrojew are far from ideal but better than nothing
My question can look dumb but fuck it how do we find out / mesure how large wide are our cheekbons? beside obvious case like model with zygo that are wider then my mouth what's the point for the rest?