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Discussion FEMALE USERS: What's the minimum acceptable looks level you want for a boyfriend?

FEMALE USERS: What's the maximum acceptable looks level you want for a boyfriend?

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It's so jova
Apr 18, 2024
Southwest coast of Mexico
Last edited:
That's why I'm asking them to be candid and frank. There's no judgement.
yeah, but i see girls here who claim they would be ecstatic if a mtn approaches them. i think pompom and girlfailure both said that
Do you think they want a prettyboy HTN+ or a masculine/maesthetic HTN+
im not sure, they've never particularly specified
i think girlfailure would like a prettyboy htn+, she mentions feminine men being attractive and male beauty as prettiness in a sense
pompom likes gym and mature men, so i'd say maesthetic for her
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  • #14
im not sure, they've never particularly specified
i think girlfailure would like a prettyboy htn+, she mentions feminine men being attractive and male beauty as prettiness in a sense
pompom likes gym and mature men, so i'd say maesthetic for her
Also, why do foids genuinely believe prettyboys are more LTR material when they pump and dump EVEN MORE than masc men?
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  • #37
But are you SURE the guy 1 tier above her would settle for her in an LTR or a marriage?
well, if he is decently attractive enough he can be a playboy and choose not to settle. if he was raised well or when older then maybe he would settle
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  • #47
well, if he is decently attractive enough he can be a playboy and choose not to settle. if he was raised well or when older then maybe he would settle
How old?
this is him, he is gymmaxxed :pepehands:
i still like him but he hasn’t texted me in like a week
Do you think he's texting other women?
my source was anecdotal studies
soy men is probably for settling
marriage happens later in life so preference for masculinity changes
How many women are lucky marrying HTN to Chad?

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