Might expand on this thread later, this is a dummy version but I am willing to talk further in the comments if you'd like.
Anyways, most of you are dissatisfied with life. That is likely a reason for why you started looksmaxxing. And still, you wake up everyday, upset. How does one fix this? Will you even be happy once you are handsome? I will try to answer these questions.
Wealth Analogy:View attachment 28327
Some of you may be familiar with this, it is a happiness score for wealthy people. Generally, after a certain point, your happiness will start to stabilize and even decline after being rich. In fact, some people claim to be no happier than they did when they were poor. Being rich is good. You are more stress free, people will like you more, and you can focus on more meaningful tasks. All benefits! But people will manipulate you for your wealth. You may think this is it. You are Sisyphus, but you successfully, got the rock to the mountain! You toiled long and hard, failed and grew, and now you are at the top. But you are still trapped. Now, you have nothing to do. Sisyphus kept rolling the stone, and even though it was meaningless and he knew that at the end it would fall, he continued. Man must embrace uncertainty and absurdity. Let your journey to self improvement be that stone. Perfection is impossible but without it you cannot live. So you will keep working. This is the way life is, as well, on a grander scale. We are insignificant (unless of course you have a religious faith), and there is no meaning to life except for the one we make for ourselves. Humans are meant to keep working. And we cannot expect happiness from the stone at the top of the mountain. Instead we must find joys in pushing it over and over and over again.
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If you haven't already, discovering philosophy is important. It will take you years, and your ideas will keep shifting. I went through a lot of perspective shifts, and it took me a lot of immersion into different povs to discover what I feel suits me most. You have likely lived the bluepill, and now accepted the blackpill. That is already a shift. You can also research religions. I am not saying you need to convert, but religions have certain ideas and practices that can help you. I have studied some Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and paganism. Then, politics. Familiarize yourself with different political ideologies. Come in with an open mind, but don't be easily swayed. Since I live in the US, most people are bluepilled liberals and I have to blend in. I sometimes even partly agree with some things they say. You never know. Try and experience them, look at discussions. Try to be unbiased and biased at the same time; pretend to be the different groups and force yourself to agree. Then switch to another political group and find ways to disagree. Finally, philosophy in itself. Most people have a nihilistic view of the world, it is meaningless and we should reject everything. Nothing we do is of greater value and we need to sit and be negative. Personally, I have found that a mixture of absurdism, stoicism, and existenstialism is best and can even benefit society. Even though we as humans live in a meaningless world, insignifcant and lost to time and the destruction of the universe, we still have brains. We can enjoy our lives while we can. We are intelligent enough to assign our own meaning. Learn to laugh as well. The more open you are, the better, and when you can laugh more you are happier. Also, I have spent years learning philosophy, and I still am. This isn't a one week process, don't expect it to be. You mature and change.
View attachment 28336Mentality:
Be grateful for what you have. Actually be meaningful. It can be one time experiences, like I am grateful that my teacher gave me a pass, or something like this. Appreciating the world in both a small and grand scale is vital. Secondly, accepting reality. I don't want this section to be like a waterthread, but basically, be real and not bluepilled. Now I am going to contradict this. Go beyond realistic. Achieve what nobody thought possible. Don't waste your time. Make sure your actions are meaningful to yourself and your goals. 10X your goals, so you will work 10X harder to achieve it. Put the pressure on yourself. Set deadlines for yourself to achieve things. Have punishments and rewards. You think 1000$ a month is realistic. Set it up to 10000$ and see how much harder you will have to work to gain that. There is more to expand here, but like with philosophy, you can explore ideas for framing and strengthing your mentality by studying what great people do.
Live your life, you only have one. Also, no mental masturbation. What I mean by this is that you think you are productive when you are really procrastinating. Watching videos on how to stop scrolling, just to click on another video when you are done to stop fapping. You already know what needs to be done, you just feel better by watching these videos. Its coping and sad. Instead of sitting, being this pathetic shit, actually apply what you know. If you want something badly enough, nothing can stop you. Remember why you are doing this.
Helping Others:
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It's an inherent human thing. It is usually selfish, but it brings us happiness and also makes us look good. Helping other people can be anything from helping family and friends, contributing to society via your job, and taking care of others. A no-brainer, also makes you a more attractive person.
Learning and Working:
One thing that would kill me is losing my love and passion for learning. I love learning, there is nothing better to me than studying science and trying to speak a difficult language. While for most learning can be hard, it is because of school systems imposed on us. Find stuff that you already like and learn more. Also indulge in other foreign or previously difficult and annoying things and study them. I particularly recommend social and physical sciences. Science is the best. I love you science. Also, following Quantum physics, the universe will repeat an infinite amount of times because after the heat death of the universe, there will be nothing left. Given an infinite amount of time, a nearly impossible probability is bound to happen. Quantum fluctuations will eventually start the universe anew, again and again and again, and eventually there will be intelligent life. We are bound to repeat as well due to infinity, and since we wont be alive during the time between universes there is no need to worry. So yeah. Cool. This also contradicts yolo, but try and use both.
Grinding work and learning makes us productive, smart, and disciplined. Think of Sisyphus too. He keeps rolling that rock up the hill, his muscles growing stronger and his drive as well. Make sure what you learn and what you do is meaningful. PERSONAL GROWTH
This is probably what you came here for, but it's gonna be short. Good health and balance is good. Have balanced hormone levels. Do this by exercising, going outside in the sun and fresh air, having good hygiene, sleep, and diet. Have good mental health too. Don't stress too hard. Don't fap, don't be addicted to anything. Maintain good relationships with others. Learn to socialize.
If you skimmed through all of this and are just looking for some solid shortcuts, sure. Here are my best go-to things to do that help with happiness.
- Cleanliness: Showering, bathing. It is a very relaxing thing to do, my thoughts and stress are washed away. And there is no better feeling than feeling fresh and clean. Like
@sexlesstosexles says, cleanliness is next to godliness.
- Exercise: Exercising is good for your overall health and also releases dopamine. You go into survival mode when you exercise, so you don't worry about life.
- Finishing Work: It is a great feeling when it is nearly the end of the day and you are done with all your work. It is pure satisfaction and you feel proud of yourself.
- Going Outside: It helps you get exercise, breathe fresher air, explore, and connect with nature. I love nature. For the first few times go alone. Then you can take your dog or friends/family if you want.
- Relationships: Spending good time with family and friends is awesome. I have never been in a relationship before (the romantic kind), but I imagine that it will be similar yet also different. I hope it is nice.
- Enjoying Little Things: The smell of freshly baked bread is my favorite. Or seeing nice flowers or a cool car.
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@Nihilus @pslgodduckz @sexlesstosexles @RAJ GHRANDHICK @idk who else sorry im dum