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I need honest advice


Mar 3, 2024
Hey there! Thank you for reading this and if you decide to help me with productive feedback you are definitely genius <3
I need counsel in my appearance. I am naturally a blonde but I think a change on my hairstyle is needed if I want to look better. What do you say?
Also I’m really white because I try to protect myself from the sun - I am recovering from an acne episode if you know products that could help with this it’s always welcome.
Thank youuu and I hope you have a good day :)


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In my opinion the blonde color looks great on you.
You're a cute girl, absolutely!
mogs, what's to improve?

as for acne i heard steam baths help
Hey there! Thank you for reading this and if you decide to help me with productive feedback you are definitely genius <3
I need counsel in my appearance. I am naturally a blonde but I think a change on my hairstyle is needed if I want to look better. What do you say?
Also I’m really white because I try to protect myself from the sun - I am recovering from an acne episode if you know products that could help with this it’s always welcome.
Thank youuu and I hope you have a good day :)
Looks good maybe use some vollufine for your smile lines and a serum or cream for eye bags
I think you look great! Maybe just use something to get more volume especially around the top of your hair. Personally I've been using color wow ''raise the root'' spray and it's been giving my hair more volume. A lot of sprays and shampoo say they help for volume but only that one actually worked for me because I have think but flat hair.
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  • #6
I think you look great! Maybe just use something to get more volume especially around the top of your hair. Personally I've been using color wow ''raise the root'' spray and it's been giving my hair more volume. A lot of sprays and shampoo say they help for volume but only that one actually worked for me because I have think but flat hair.
Thank you very much, I will definitely check it out
Hey there! Thank you for reading this and if you decide to help me with productive feedback you are definitely genius <3
I need counsel in my appearance. I am naturally a blonde but I think a change on my hairstyle is needed if I want to look better. What do you say?
Also I’m really white because I try to protect myself from the sun - I am recovering from an acne episode if you know products that could help with this it’s always welcome.
Thank youuu and I hope you have a good day :)
Fogs but you need more hair volume
Hey there! Thank you for reading this and if you decide to help me with productive feedback you are definitely genius <3
I need counsel in my appearance. I am naturally a blonde but I think a change on my hairstyle is needed if I want to look better. What do you say?
Also I’m really white because I try to protect myself from the sun - I am recovering from an acne episode if you know products that could help with this it’s always welcome.
Thank youuu and I hope you have a good day :)
You should make your hair less frizzy by limiting the time you use shampoo by 1 week and use leave in conditioner
Hey there! Thank you for reading this and if you decide to help me with productive feedback you are definitely genius <3
I need counsel in my appearance. I am naturally a blonde but I think a change on my hairstyle is needed if I want to look better. What do you say?
Also I’m really white because I try to protect myself from the sun - I am recovering from an acne episode if you know products that could help with this it’s always welcome.
Thank youuu and I hope you have a good day :)
try and grow your brows, dye them a shade darker. take better care of your hair, dont dye it, and give it more volume. ig thats it youre already pretty these will help
