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News it's over for glycogen cels

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What about vegeterians?
They still consume large amounts of plant-foods but they do at least get bio-available forms of B12, protein (Yes I know this is kinda meme but many of the jacked Vegans I've seen are on roids), saturated fat etc...
They still consume large amounts of plant-foods but they do at least get bio-available forms of B12, protein (Yes I know this is kinda meme but many of the jacked Vegans I've seen are on roids), saturated fat etc...
Well,I am jacked vegan.(6 ft)
When did you start gym-celling?
And are you natty? I mean fully, no SARMS, no pro-hormones, no anabolic steroids.
the only thing vegan gains should take for bodybuilding is his own life
About 17 I started seriosly,now I am 18.I am just as natty as my grandma.
the only thing vegan gains should take for bodybuilding is his own life
I mean I don't like his opinion on most things but that's kinda unnecessary (he does worship foids though so actually I wouldn't care all that much)
I mean I don't like his opinion on most things but that's kinda unnecessary (he does worship foids though so actually I wouldn't care all that much)
Richard had problems as a kid,depression is fucked up
I mean I don't like his opinion on most things but that's kinda unnecessary (he does worship foids though so actually I wouldn't care all that much)
its very necessary for vagina gains to die tbh, low T if you think otherwise

Made half my gains on omnivore diet,and half on vegan
fake news, prepare to lose it all if you dont take protein powders
Made half my gains on omnivore diet,and half on vegan
The carnivores say the degeneration will be noticed after 5 years.
And tbh you're not the only one, freakofnature from Looksmax is 2 m tall and he's been vegetarian since 5 years old and vegan since a couple years.
The carnivores say the degeneration will be noticed after 5 years.
And tbh you're not the only one, freakofnature from Looksmax is 2 m tall and he's been vegetarian since 5 years old and vegan since a couple years.
Lmao,tales form the basement.Those guys are just as retarded as raw vegans
If i go full r****d mode,I will finally be able to become hokage
Those guys are just as retarded as raw vegans
They look good though ngl, if not for their baldness.
Also we are actually carnivores by nature, the Masai are near full carnivore and have the best facial bone structure and are tall.
at the end of the day theres no argument to be had against the carnivore diet while theres many things wrong with the vegan one

if you want to argue this be prepared to back it up
Bro,you joined like 10 days ago and you already have 1000 messages.Isn't that fucked up?
Bro I also did this on Looksmax, joined May 12 now I have 5300 messages on there jfl
They look good though ngl, if not for their baldness.
Also we are actually carnivores by nature, the Masai are near full carnivore and have the best facial bone structure and are tall.
They don't have soft food,tv,pillows and that shit.Living conditions are harsh,so ofc they have good bones.
i pray your postmenopausal woman bones dont break one day when youre lifting weights
My bones are made out of fucking steel(I actually broke my arm when I was 6)
postmenopausalwoman left the chat
My bones are made out of fucking steel(I actually broke my arm when I was 6)
postmenopausalwoman left the chat
ok bro we tried to help youre too deep in the vegan meme

at least if you were doing it for the animals id just call you a f****t idiot and leave but you seem to think its good for your health so youre a delusional f****t idiot

we are still bros tho
ok bro we tried to help youre too deep in the vegan meme

at least if you were doing it for the animals id just call you a f****t idiot and leave but you seem to think its good for your health so youre a delusional f****t idiot

we are still bros tho
It's just illogical for me to murder a cow,so I don't want to eat it(guess I am a fagg).You are funny as fuck also,you made ma laugh couple of times,different opinins tho.If you need gymcell advice,I wil give you some ,bro
It's just illogical for me to murder a cow,so I don't want to eat it(guess I am a fagg).You are funny as fuck also,you made ma laugh couple of times,different opinins tho.If you need gymcell advice,I wil give you some ,bro
alright im not into morality so cant give advice on that ngl

thx for that but i have a chad training me atm ngl
It's just illogical for me to murder a cow,so I don't want to eat it(guess I am a fagg).You are funny as fuck also,you made ma laugh couple of times,different opinins tho.If you need gymcell advice,I wil give you some ,bro
Bro I'm in need for gymcell advice