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"Muh gym is cope muh"

Because masturbation feels 10x better.
I have to admit the orgasm from a wank is more intense.
I never bought the whole masturbation feels better than sex thing, I feel like people who claim that either had bad experiences or are just desensitized to normal sex due to chronic masturbation.

@Alcibiades what's your lay count?
I never bought the whole masturbation feels better than sex thing, I feel like people who claim that either had bad experiences or are just desensitized to normal sex due to chronic masturbation.

@Alcibiades what's your lay count?
Bad experiences, as in loosened up toilets? The physical sensation and by consequence the orgasm aren't as pronounced when compared to wanking, questioning someone's experience this way makes it seem as if they've not even got two braincells to rub together and so even their most basic senses are questioned.
I never had a problem with chronic masturbation, 2-3x a week for the majority of the year. Prior to my experience I abstained for an entire week too.
I might've been gripping a little hard while doing it, but who doesn't? A pussy feeling tight is probably just a privilege of 10x7 inchers.