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Sex dolls


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
Sex dolls...

I tried to hookup IRL and failed... So I started browsing sex dolls online... After a while I started to feel strange, none of the dolls look like RL, I started to feel strange and uncanny valley... I think I would feel more aroused by having sex with a (good looking and hygenic) male in RL... Sex dolls are not a real solution to incel problems...

I thought about buying a sex doll to convert it into a sex robot, but its a non-trivial task... I tried to force myself to feel aroused to sex dolls but I just don't feel aroused... sex dolls is like having sex with a corpse and it doesn't even look realistic... Sex dolls are not going to save most incels...

What will save incels is becoming trans, i am making a thread about how incels should transition…

Update: I actually bought a sex doll and had sex with it, it was terrible. My penis wouldn't even fit into it. And the material (they claim its silicone) doesn't feel like real flesh, it feels weird. I would rather be gay than do that again. I did buy one of the very cheap dolls, maybe a more expensive doll would have been better.

I guess this is a final proof that incels do not merely view women as sex objects. Incels want something more from women. If women were just sex objects, then cheap sex dolls would be better than being gay. In fact being gay (with femboys) is actually 10,000x better than cheap sex dolls probably.
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  • #3
Bro please start the gym please go outside and please talk to god
Its unclear if god doesn't exist or just doesn't care about people

I tried to hookup IRL and failed...
This was me going outside

go to the gym
The gym is boring for me...last time i was at the gym it was covered in mirrors on all sides giving me dysphoria
Going to the gym should theoretically reduce the chance of inceldom though.
The problem is at the gym you get bombarded with females sexualizing themselves, the gym also raises your testosterone making you feel more bombarded
I read about a man in the youtube comments who went to a gym all his life and didn't get 1 girl, he was attracted to gym girls, he was a corrections officer and he knew lazy criminals who looked worse than he and got more girls than he ever did, he was very blackpilled about male existence
Sex dolls...

I tried to hookup IRL and failed... So I started browsing sex dolls online... After a while I started to feel strange, none of the dolls look like RL, I started to feel strange and uncanny valley... I think I would feel more aroused by having sex with a (good looking and hygenic) male in RL... Sex dolls are not a real solution to incel problems...

I thought about buying a sex doll to convert it into a sex robot, but its a non-trivial task... I tried to force myself to feel aroused to sex dolls but I just don't feel aroused... sex dolls is like having sex with a corpse and it doesn't even look realistic... Sex dolls are not going to save most incels...

What will save incels is becoming trans, i am making a thread about how incels should transition…

Update: I actually bought a sex doll and had sex with it, it was terrible. My penis wouldn't even fit into it. And the material (they claim its silicone) doesn't feel like real flesh, it feels weird. I would rather be gay than do that again. I did buy one of the very cheap dolls, maybe a more expensive doll would have been better.

I guess this is a final proof that incels do not merely view women as sex objects. Incels want something more from women. If women were just sex objects, then cheap sex dolls would be better than being gay. In fact being gay (with femboys) is actually 10,000x better than cheap sex dolls probably.
Try killing yourself lil bro
Sex dolls...

I tried to hookup IRL and failed... So I started browsing sex dolls online... After a while I started to feel strange, none of the dolls look like RL, I started to feel strange and uncanny valley... I think I would feel more aroused by having sex with a (good looking and hygenic) male in RL... Sex dolls are not a real solution to incel problems...

I thought about buying a sex doll to convert it into a sex robot, but its a non-trivial task... I tried to force myself to feel aroused to sex dolls but I just don't feel aroused... sex dolls is like having sex with a corpse and it doesn't even look realistic... Sex dolls are not going to save most incels...

What will save incels is becoming trans, i am making a thread about how incels should transition…

Update: I actually bought a sex doll and had sex with it, it was terrible. My penis wouldn't even fit into it. And the material (they claim its silicone) doesn't feel like real flesh, it feels weird. I would rather be gay than do that again. I did buy one of the very cheap dolls, maybe a more expensive doll would have been better.

I guess this is a final proof that incels do not merely view women as sex objects. Incels want something more from women. If women were just sex objects, then cheap sex dolls would be better than being gay. In fact being gay (with femboys) is actually 10,000x better than cheap sex dolls probably.
its over
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  • #11
might want to consider gaymaxxing
Not enough femboys to entice me into that lifestyle unfortunately... I could only get off to heterosexual, lesbian, or femboy sex... if I don't pass as a woman its not the lifestyle for me
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Not enough femboys to entice me into that lifestyle unfortunately... I could only get off to heterosexual, lesbian, or femboy sex... if I don't pass as a woman its not the lifestyle for me
lol just get a prostitute those females don't care abt your looks they just care about the money
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  • #15
lol just get a prostitute those females don't care abt your looks they just care about the money
prostitution is illegal in my country, i have to travel to nevada, maybe i can book a trip to area51 and escape this wretched civilization

lol just get a prostitute those females don't care abt your looks they just care about the money
remember its the trifecta of LMS, looks money and status. Looks dominate though, you can be a femboy with 0 money and girls will chase you
prostitution is illegal in my country, i have to travel to nevada, maybe i can book a trip to area51 and escape this wretched civilization

remember its the trifecta of LMS, looks money and status. Looks dominate though, you can be a femboy with 0 money and girls will chase you
ain’t no way ur travelling out of ur country for some pussy get out
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  • #17
ain’t no way ur travelling out of ur country for some pussy get out
Canada is fascist and anti-prostitution, I could take a bus to mexico which allows prostitution.
Sex dolls...

I tried to hookup IRL and failed... So I started browsing sex dolls online... After a while I started to feel strange, none of the dolls look like RL, I started to feel strange and uncanny valley... I think I would feel more aroused by having sex with a (good looking and hygenic) male in RL... Sex dolls are not a real solution to incel problems...

I thought about buying a sex doll to convert it into a sex robot, but its a non-trivial task... I tried to force myself to feel aroused to sex dolls but I just don't feel aroused... sex dolls is like having sex with a corpse and it doesn't even look realistic... Sex dolls are not going to save most incels...

What will save incels is becoming trans, i am making a thread about how incels should transition…

Update: I actually bought a sex doll and had sex with it, it was terrible. My penis wouldn't even fit into it. And the material (they claim its silicone) doesn't feel like real flesh, it feels weird. I would rather be gay than do that again. I did buy one of the very cheap dolls, maybe a more expensive doll would have been better.

I guess this is a final proof that incels do not merely view women as sex objects. Incels want something more from women. If women were just sex objects, then cheap sex dolls would be better than being gay. In fact being gay (with femboys) is actually 10,000x better than cheap sex dolls probably.
go outside man, go party even just do things a man would do like focus on making money and achieving goals that may seem “impossible” at the moment, just go out and be active, focusing on only sexual desire will only fuck up your life unless your some kind of johnny sins lookalike who can put down some work.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #21
go outside man, go party even just do things a man would do like focus on making money and achieving goals that may seem “impossible” at the moment, just go out and be active, focusing on only sexual desire will only f**k up your life unless your some kind of johnny sins lookalike who can put down some work.
How the hell does someone just go to a party?

The only way to have a social group in modern society seems to be:
- attending religious services
- going to school
- work

And people are paranoid of flirting at work and getting fired for it, so that one does not even count. And forced schooling is enslavement. And most women at religious services are married and a disproportionate amount of them will be prudish. And if you go to a campus a disproportionate amount of campus girls will be post-modern and could be hostile or apathetic towards flirtation.

So the only way to find a sex life or dating life in modern society is:

- Talking to random strangers (awkward)
- Going to online dating sites and talking to random strangers, while losing to hypergamy (chads and rich people have disproportionate advantage.)
How the hell does someone just go to a party?

The only way to have a social group in modern society seems to be:
- attending religious services
- going to school
- work

And people are paranoid of flirting at work and getting fired for it, so that one does not even count. And forced schooling is enslavement. And most women at religious services are married and a disproportionate amount of them will be prudish. And if you go to a campus a disproportionate amount of campus girls will be post-modern and could be hostile or apathetic towards flirtation.

So the only way to find a sex life or dating life in modern society is:

- Talking to random strangers (awkward)
- Going to online dating sites and talking to random strangers, while losing to hypergamy (chads and rich people have disproportionate advantage.)
That's true
Just be chad
How the hell does someone just go to a party?

The only way to have a social group in modern society seems to be:
- attending religious services
- going to school
- work

And people are paranoid of flirting at work and getting fired for it, so that one does not even count. And forced schooling is enslavement. And most women at religious services are married and a disproportionate amount of them will be prudish. And if you go to a campus a disproportionate amount of campus girls will be post-modern and could be hostile or apathetic towards flirtation.

So the only way to find a sex life or dating life in modern society is:

- Talking to random strangers (awkward)
- Going to online dating sites and talking to random strangers, while losing to hypergamy (chads and rich people have disproportionate advantage.)

1. Eat less - or none at all - carb to decrease fat over time.
2. Do calisthenics inside your bedroom if you really cant dew with gym.
3. Dress in a more casual socially way that makes people think you are interactable.
4. Nightclubs, bars and art or language classes are extra social places full of networks where you may find friends IF YOU GET OUT OF THE CLASS (staying in the classes makes you a colleague).
5. Laugh and be friendly but at the same time chill and take care to not invade peoples social distance. Approach only people who are in approachable social situations like a group of chilling friends in a nightclub.

When approaching them, start it from a far position and so that they may see you and not perceive you as a fast approaching possible threat. With an ok bit ´´i am awarded` smile - not forced nor constant, also dont look them in the eyes like an aspie terminator do. While giving a thumbs up or other casual social human greetings hand gesture, walk casually relaxed in their direction and say in the most unformal way as possible to communicate sociability:
´´hey/hi, i was in a group of friends but they already gone while i want to keep enjoying the place, can i accompany you guys?``

Listen, you have to train unformal talk, learn to play cool and not give too much of your opinion if it is not socially delightful in those casual situations. Friends are only social casual, intelectual or formal speech is a sign of job related places or even animosity.

Speech and body language are just like cloth fashion, and a one of its won etiquette exist in informality too.

i hope you get better, follow those tips, bye.
Is this person male or female?
