Can anyone show me studies that show this stuff works for your face. It’s good all to know you can program your mind with thoughts and images and sounds. But changing you physically is a whole other matter
Also most of those before and afters can’t be trusted. Different lighting different angle. It’s all about the consistency. Sometimes they even angle the phone different. All of which effects the legitimacy of your “proof”
Before you say why should we list studies. Well you can’t trust everything you see especially random users with no credibility.
I’m known for being very transparent with my changes and know for being honest. That’s what I have going for me. I can’t trust that some audio video is going to change anything.
The most it could do is just convince you to do things. Not change your appearance. Unless there Is a double blinded study to show otherwise?
Sup Astro. I know you're a straight up dude. I can smell real people when I see them.
But hey look. The links that Neo posted aren't about physical changes subliminals(well some are idk I didn't get to finish reading all last night )like
<-This one he didn't post I found it..
Bruce Lipton and the other 2 guys talk about subliminals for mental,health, love ,etc but
not about subliminals for physical changes why? Because to them that doesn't matter. The world needs to
be healthy,happy and mentally strong and not attractive . They know Physical subliminals works they just don't mention them.
Why would We all fraud our results?
why would hundreds of people fake their results. That just doesn't make zero sense. I know most of them take shit quality photos. Could be because of the camera quality , they are young jits etc... but there's greatt awesome results.. just download the Amino app,and join Subliminal Users there's a lot of better results in there.
Come one Now, you really think that.
I mean just go on to Vels page and look at his second recent post. The first 3 results were taking in the same angle or whatever.
The eye shape change one is simply Amazingggg.
Literally bro on every comments sections of every subliminal video , there's thousands of positive comments , and there are more people who believe than there is who don't. There's a huuuge community of us and we know they work.. because we have seen the results for ourselves and other people have seen them on us.
More than sure there's thousands of people who have gotten and getting great results but don't want to put their face out there publicly. Wouldn't blame them.. I might after I get my desired results. Just 4 weeks in and have noticed nicee unbelievable changes.
Many of us sub users have our friends, parents, opposite gender mates ,etc notice our physical changes that we see have changed ,so it is not a psychological thing going on in our head. It is NOT something that we are imaging , we are not hallucinating , experiencing a strong placebo effect , Fuck no.
. I know damn well that affirmations(subliminals for mental change) to make me confident wouldn't work on me. My face had to change for me to be confident( Because 3 months ago before I found out about subs and Bruce Lipton . My life was shit. I was very insecure about my lips,nose,jaw and ears..)and it has the past 4 weeks. And it will only get better.
Bro, Knoww that people not too long ago just started to make Subliminals for Physical Changes for fun. To see if they work. Just search anything physical related on YouTube like "get bigger lips subliminal" or "subliminal for jawline" and you'll see that the oldest ones have been posted about only 4 years ago.However , if you type in binaural beats or subliminals for mental health , you'll see a couple that were realeased 6,7,10 years ago.
So that shows that subliminals or binaural beats ETC were firstly made for non physcal related changes ,people just then started to make them and we are all blessed that they did.
& Before You say that sub makers just want to take our money by Purchasing custom made subs from them I got to say 1. They have free subs on their YouTube page 2. They don't make much money on ad revenue and if they do , who cares they are giving us results and that's what matters. On the sub vids with millions of views , they've gotten millions of views because a same certain amount of people listen to them over and over again. Like with the boosters and Quadibles green eye vid with 6 million.3. We could easily create our own subliminals wanna know how?:
Astro, subs are not only used by people who know English anymore , but now by people who know Spanish too(I'm one of them), go on Youtube and type in "Audio Subliminal" You'll see a bunch with titles in Spanish and some have millions of views. I don't know any other language , but I wouldn't doubt it there's subliminals being made by other sub makers from countries and languages all over the world. Subs aren't really a secret anymore but they aren't viral yet either.
So subs are just starting to get the recognition that they need.
Lots left to go. As there is 7.+ billions on this earth.
My point is , subliminal makers just barely started epxiermenting subs for physical changes. There's no studies on it simply because it's too "early" for it , and also you know why the scientists or experts haven't done any
Think ones genes cant be changed ? think again , genome editing disproves that thought (this is only for babies that are about to be born tho, doesn't change the fact the human DNA can be changed and modfied by one or or another )
In a new book, futurist Jamie Metzl considers the ethical questions we need to ask in order to navigate the realities of human genetic engineering
Luckily for us already born humans , we have subliminals to use!.science and technolgy has come very far , subconscious- mind power is not science its hidden knowledge. Subliminals are the science.
The power of the subconscious mind can do the same.Can change our genes ,DNA and our kids will inherit the same things we changed for ourselves.
If you think your faced is maxed to the max , then try a lip subliminal , not to make them bigger but to change the shape of it. Try a sub For penis growth.For height, well not for height because those take long and I don't want ya to use a subliminal that'll take longer as your first subliminal.
Don't be one of those peeps that don't want to try because of the "lack of evidence". There's evidence. There's subliminals for you to try. There's headphones at the store. What are you waiting for??
Fuxxk the government , you know they're corrupt , who knows how long it'll take them to do studies on 'physical changes', probably won't be in your life time , and even if probably will be in 10 years when you'll be 33? You're 23 I believe,start now !